
New Member
Jul 17, 2019
Guide mod updated to 0.18.0p1.
Thank you! However, I did get some errors while using this mod
utamaid10 is not defined
bathhouse10 is not defined
futabadorm40 is not defined
harukadate20 is not defined
I've attached screenshots that indicate which girl and lines are affected.

All the best.


Apr 19, 2021
Yeah, she's pretty much full speed ahead right from the start.

I have to wonder though, did Sensei just reach a breaking point like Makoto, or was it something else? Like something went totally sideways during a reset and he got scrambled/wiped? Idk. This damn game has its hooks in me good, gah!
Weirdly enough, Ami, Ayane, Makoto, and Futaba all have crushes on the "Real" Sensei that was before the game started, obviously Noriko as well. They're in love with someone else really. Makoto seems to be the only one who really noticed that Sensei is "different" and that's only around the time of Bluejay. Futaba might kinda see a change but seems oblivious as to whether or not that it's a different person. But they all just go forward in denial, Ami and Ayane happy that "Sensei" is finally giving into their advances on him, and Makoto and Futaba dealing with the change in behavior as best they know how to, with it eventually breaking Makoto.

It's Chika and Rin that actually seem to like the new "Sensei", especially Chika. That is part of why she's best girl (on top of her only problem being that she's a poor orphan stepping up to adulthood a bit early). Rin of course is in denial of her own feelings for her "homie"... and at the same time, it's those 2 that Sensei seems to have the most genuine feelings about too. Though the way Kirin has been awful to Ayane has made Sensei pity Ayane genuinely, but he has 0 plans of Ayane being anything other than an easy lay otherwise.

On a different note...

also signining onto the petition to be able to give Molly hugs. Especially during the Dorm war, Molly looked sad most of the time and we don't know why, other than every time the group was mentioned as a whole they added her as "and Molly" "Ladies and Gentlemen... and Molly"
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Weirdly enough, Ami, Ayane, Makoto, and Futaba all have crushes on the "Real" Sensei that was before the game started, obviously Noriko as well. They're in love with someone else really. Makoto seems to be the only one who really noticed that Sensei is "different" and that's only around the time of Bluejay. Futaba might kinda see a change but seems oblivious as to whether or not that it's a different person. But they all just go forward in denial, Ami and Ayane happy that "Sensei" is finally giving into their advances on him, and Makoto and Futaba dealing with the change in behavior as best they know how to, with it eventually breaking Makoto.

It's Chika and Rin that actually seem to like the new "Sensei", especially Chika. That is part of why she's best girl (on top of her only problem being that she's a poor orphan stepping up to adulthood a bit early). Rin of course is in denial of her own feelings for her "homie"... and at the same time, it's those 2 that Sensei seems to have the most genuine feelings about too. Though the way Kirin has been awful to Ayane has made Sensei pity Ayane genuinely, but he has 0 plans of Ayane being anything other than an easy lay otherwise.

On a different note...

also signining onto the petition to be able to give Molly hugs. Especially during the Dorm war, Molly looked sad most of the time and we don't know why, other than every time the group was mentioned as a whole they added her as "and Molly" "Ladies and Gentlemen... and Molly"
Can't forget about Maya, she knows for sure and she definitely has feelings that haven't been fully explored, but that are fairly obvious. I mean, just look at her dorm events to see how hurt she gets at the prospect of losing him.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
I honestly believe that Sensei has legitimate feelings for all the girls. He's not interested in the whole monogamous marriage family settling down thing. He's fucked up to the point where he can't bring himself to act until something really bad is happening, but he doesn't like it when any of them are hurting.

He doesn't know what to do when Miku freaks out, but he tries to help.
When he finds out about Molly's crush, he tries to comfort her.
With the exception of when something else takes control of him, he tries to help Yumi feel better - about both herself, and her situation.
He talks about buying Chinami a castle.

There are other examples, and not all of them involve situations that would help him get laid. He's not good at helping. He's not interested in the same thing as the girls are, feelings wise, but no one will convince me he doesn't care.

Does this mean he's a good person? No. Does this mean he doesn't do things to them that are objectively horrible? No. People do bad things to people they care about all the time, though.


Engaged Member
Aug 22, 2019
this is an unofficial android port Lessons in Love [v0.18.0 Part 1] APK -
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I honestly believe that Sensei has legitimate feelings for all the girls. He's not interested in the whole monogamous marriage family settling down thing. He's fucked up to the point where he can't bring himself to act until something really bad is happening, but he doesn't like it when any of them are hurting.

He doesn't know what to do when Miku freaks out, but he tries to help.
When he finds out about Molly's crush, he tries to comfort her.
With the exception of when something else takes control of him, he tries to help Yumi feel better - about both herself, and her situation.
He talks about buying Chinami a castle.

There are other examples, and not all of them involve situations that would help him get laid. He's not good at helping. He's not interested in the same thing as the girls are, feelings wise, but no one will convince me he doesn't care.

Does this mean he's a good person? No. Does this mean he doesn't do things to them that are objectively horrible? No. People do bad things to people they care about all the time, though.
I don't think so, he did state his goal was to get into all their panties and the best way to do that is the subtle approach to ease them into acceptance. That said, I do think he is moving in that direction, but he's not there yet. Saying he has genuine feelings is like saying Yumi didn't start out actually hating him, which she did for a bit. With very few exceptions, such as attempting to make up for things out of his control like the Yumi kiss or trying to rush Miku into acceptance, every action he has taken has been a calculated response.

The Yumi kiss was completely out of his plan and the Miku thing was him making a potentially, but thankfully not, fatal error. I mean that mistake with Miku could have burned up every bit of trust the girls had and he would have been out of luck in getting with any of those that aren't fanatically loyal, like Ayane, Ami, or Noriko, or who themselves were already only in it for the physical relationship, like Kirin. Then there's the really lovey dovey types who would be after him for betraying them and have I mentioned Yumi enough yet? She'd be out for blood because of Chika getting hurt.

That said, like I said before, I do see signs he is improving bit by bit at slower than a snail's pace. He's getting there, but he isn't at the point of actually caring yet and he has a long way to go. He'll get there one of these days, probably through a route that is not being worked on yet, but for now he's the same scumbag we started the game playing as.

Of course, my point of view isn't really helped by the whole Miku thing, he really dug himself into a hole with me on that and I cannot trust that he will get better until I see it happening unmistakably.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
My point isn't that they are mutually exclusive, my point is the focus is not and has never been sexuality. All Selebus is doing is writing an amazing story where the sexuality takes a back seat. With the focus on the story, the only sexuality that happens is when the girls themselves decide they are ready within that story. We'll get more sexuality, but it won't be before another girl is ready to go that far with Sensei, the other girls, or both. If we get some too early, it would have to be written like that last attempt player Sensei made on Miku, which already has me pissed off at him for rushing a girl who clearly didn't want it yet and was only faltering to pressure.

Yes to both, but you'll have to fight me over best girl, I'm still firmly in the Rin camp on that one. :p

Ami may be worse than we've already seen, by which I mean crossing her could be deadly. Noriko has her crazy right out in the open, but has admitted to being armed, so she may also be deadly to get on the bad side of. Ayane has actually been calming down over multiple updates, so I'm not even sure she was ever a true yandere, that might have just been an act and she certainly fooled me into thinking she was a true yandere for a while. The first two, though, yeah, definite true yanderes, murderous intent included.

You call that slightly crazy? Do you not remember the stunt she pulled while Ami was distracting Maya? She is the least sane girl so far aside from maybe Yasu or potentially Ami, though the true extent of Ami's instability remains to be seen and I do think it is much worse than revealed so far.

As far as Kirin has said, what you say is true, but she may be hiding something with that side of her. Something just doesn't seem right about her acting that way and I don't mean the fact that she's pretty much throwing herself at player Sensei.

Ami's streak isn't so much a mean streak as it is a territorial streak. She is an extremely jealous girl and VERY territorial in her love interests, even if that love might have been born out of her mental instability. I've made this comparison before, but she is very much like a lioness defending her territory, that territory being player Sensei. She's not truly trying to be mean, she is just trying to keep other girls from getting too close to her territory. Otherwise she would not be so mean toward them. She has shown she can be quite peaceful in interacting with the other girls as long as they don't get too close to player Sensei.

Again, though, she is clearly unstable and that instability may have led to a relationship she may not have even considered normally. Instability doesn't always take a form that makes sense.

Same, I am still considering the possibility of a split personality and the original personality is on a long vacation at the moment.

Missed events typically don't get a second chance, so yes unless you don't mind a red mark. If it was something critical to progress, then it would be a definite yes, naturally, but this one is not.
Respectfully, I think you’re overthinking it. It would have been both logical and served the purposes of a NSFW game for Miku to change into running clothes in that scene.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Respectfully, I think you’re overthinking it. It would have been both logical and served the purposes of a NSFW game for Miku to change into running clothes in that scene.
It would have made sense, sure, but it also would have been extra work and had the potential to distract from the story. Remember that the story is the main draw of this game, as intended by Selebus, and also has the distinct possibility of containing important information in any line of any event at any time. The actual sexual content, the lust scenes, are set to only allow animation for this very reason, so it doesn't distract. Going into an NSFW game, of course the player would have the distinct possibility of getting distracted by a more revealing outfit.

There's also a problem I just thought of, kind of surprising I forgot about it given how much character and studio work I've been doing lately. Koikatsu is VERY limited on clothing. It has a ton of options in general, but not a lot for very specific circumstances. In this case, there ARE running clothes, but they are the kind a runner would wear to an actual school race or at something bigger like the Olympics, not for a run on their own time. Not to mention those are usually school issue on school teams so that they all look the same so runners can be identified as belonging to a specific school at a glance. She's on the soccer team and would not have access to another team's uniform, from that school or any other, so the actual running clothes in Koikatsu are out as options. A LOT of the remaining clothing options either cover more than you're hoping for or aren't reasonably suitable as running clothes and the ones that are left are basically variations of school gym uniform parts.


Apr 19, 2021
Ami may be worse than we've already seen, by which I mean crossing her could be deadly. Noriko has her crazy right out in the open, but has admitted to being armed, so she may also be deadly to get on the bad side of. Ayane has actually been calming down over multiple updates, so I'm not even sure she was ever a true yandere, that might have just been an act and she certainly fooled me into thinking she was a true yandere for a while. The first two, though, yeah, definite true yanderes, murderous intent included.
I think Ayane is a "true" Yandere in the same manner as Chika is a "true" Gyaru, they're soft versions of the trope, where Chika's a Gyaru, but... isn't a total bimbo slut. She's a nice girl. That doesn't mean she doesn't identify with the fashion and culture though. Ayane's a "soft" Yandere, where she is actually kind of crazy and possessive, but she isn't so much that she'll hurt other people (despite bringing guns and swords to school randomly). They can be the trope without being so much of a stereotype that they're a turnoff. I actually like Ayane where outside of wanting to see all the events and story.. my thoughts on Noriko and Ami are "don't stick your dick in crazy"

Ami's streak isn't so much a mean streak as it is a territorial streak. She is an extremely jealous girl and VERY territorial in her love interests, even if that love might have been born out of her mental instability. I've made this comparison before, but she is very much like a lioness defending her territory, that territory being player Sensei. She's not truly trying to be mean, she is just trying to keep other girls from getting too close to her territory. Otherwise she would not be so mean toward them. She has shown she can be quite peaceful in interacting with the other girls as long as they don't get too close to player Sensei.

Again, though, she is clearly unstable and that instability may have led to a relationship she may not have even considered normally. Instability doesn't always take a form that makes sense.
Oh it's horribly mean. The way she treats Haruka was just awful. I wanted to kick her out of the house for that. Yeah, the relationship with Haruka might be immoral (she could be a widow though, we don't know), but all they were doing at the time was talking on the couch, for all Ami should know her uncle was comforting a friend, which if you don't sleep with her that's exactly what that relationship is, comforting a lonely friend.

Ayane is possessive to a degree but she doesn't act mean towards other girls even when she catches Sensei with them. She's sad that he's involved with Kirin but she hasn't done anything to hurt Kirin (it might even be warranted to), she was a little cross about Sana, but it didn't have any long term impact.

Noriko.. she's a lot of talk, but considering she's already open to sharing you with Ami, and Kirin... I don't think she'd really hurt anyone.

Ami's the only one who has legitimately hurt someone with her possessiveness.

Can't forget about Maya, she knows for sure and she definitely has feelings that haven't been fully explored, but that are fairly obvious. I mean, just look at her dorm events to see how hurt she gets at the prospect of losing him.
I'm not sure on the Maya feelings, she may have had some positive feelings about the original Sensei, but it seems like she's encountered many possible Senseis over all these resets, and has grown to hate most of them, but ultimately he's still important to her existence so she still cares for him out of a self preservation interest. She's so meta that I can't really think of her as a character. Yasu is to a degree the same way.

I honestly believe that Sensei has legitimate feelings for all the girls. He's not interested in the whole monogamous marriage family settling down thing. He's fucked up to the point where he can't bring himself to act until something really bad is happening, but he doesn't like it when any of them are hurting.

He doesn't know what to do when Miku freaks out, but he tries to help.
When he finds out about Molly's crush, he tries to comfort her.
With the exception of when something else takes control of him, he tries to help Yumi feel better - about both herself, and her situation.
He talks about buying Chinami a castle.

There are other examples, and not all of them involve situations that would help him get laid. He's not good at helping. He's not interested in the same thing as the girls are, feelings wise, but no one will convince me he doesn't care.

Does this mean he's a good person? No. Does this mean he doesn't do things to them that are objectively horrible? No. People do bad things to people they care about all the time, though.
"Feelings" maybe but not true affection. I can see it with Chika, Chinami, and Rin. The rest he's totally just using them and at most cares about them not being hurt.
I think Io might be the next one he legitimately has affection for beyond using as a fleshlight. She's certainly got real feelings for him.


Jun 12, 2017
Thank you! However, I did get some errors while using this mod
utamaid10 is not defined
bathhouse10 is not defined
futabadorm40 is not defined
harukadate20 is not defined
I've attached screenshots that indicate which girl and lines are affected.

All the best.
That looks to me like you tried to use the 0.18.0p1 mod with the 0.17.0 version of the game. If so, that won't work. The mod and game versions need to be the same.


Jun 22, 2020
also signining onto the petition to be able to give Molly hugs. Especially during the Dorm war, Molly looked sad most of the time and we don't know why, other than every time the group was mentioned as a whole they added her as "and Molly" "Ladies and Gentlemen... and Molly"
Pretty sure we know why. It's because she fancies the pants off Rin and is basically the bottom of Rin's list as she views her as essentially asexual.

Also it's the curse of being the eccentric happy-go-lucky type - everyone just assumes they're okay and nothing ever gets to them. They're under massive pressure to be that person at all times and often struggle to drop the mask.

I had a friend like that.
Last edited:
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I think Ayane is a "true" Yandere in the same manner as Chika is a "true" Gyaru, they're soft versions of the trope, where Chika's a Gyaru, but... isn't a total bimbo slut. She's a nice girl. That doesn't mean she doesn't identify with the fashion and culture though. Ayane's a "soft" Yandere, where she is actually kind of crazy and possessive, but she isn't so much that she'll hurt other people (despite bringing guns and swords to school randomly). They can be the trope without being so much of a stereotype that they're a turnoff. I actually like Ayane where outside of wanting to see all the events and story.. my thoughts on Noriko and Ami are "don't stick your dick in crazy"

Oh it's horribly mean. The way she treats Haruka was just awful. I wanted to kick her out of the house for that. Yeah, the relationship with Haruka might be immoral (she could be a widow though, we don't know), but all they were doing at the time was talking on the couch, for all Ami should know her uncle was comforting a friend, which if you don't sleep with her that's exactly what that relationship is, comforting a lonely friend.

Ayane is possessive to a degree but she doesn't act mean towards other girls even when she catches Sensei with them. She's sad that he's involved with Kirin but she hasn't done anything to hurt Kirin (it might even be warranted to), she was a little cross about Sana, but it didn't have any long term impact.

Noriko.. she's a lot of talk, but considering she's already open to sharing you with Ami, and Kirin... I don't think she'd really hurt anyone.

Ami's the only one who has legitimately hurt someone with her possessiveness.

I'm not sure on the Maya feelings, she may have had some positive feelings about the original Sensei, but it seems like she's encountered many possible Senseis over all these resets, and has grown to hate most of them, but ultimately he's still important to her existence so she still cares for him out of a self preservation interest. She's so meta that I can't really think of her as a character. Yasu is to a degree the same way.

"Feelings" maybe but not true affection. I can see it with Chika, Chinami, and Rin. The rest he's totally just using them and at most cares about them not being hurt.
I think Io might be the next one he legitimately has affection for beyond using as a fleshlight. She's certainly got real feelings for him.
Chika has the appearance, but she has none of the personality. The same cannot be said of Ayane, who has both at first, but slowly starts to back off, which tells me she's putting up a front, not being an actual yandere. The thing with actual yanderes is they ARE willing to hurt other people who get in between them and their love interest. Not all of them are willing to kill, but those are the lighter ones. Ayane isn't actually willing to do anything to the other girls. Now, Noriko and Ami, they ARE willing to hurt and possibly even kill the other girls. All it would take is one wrong move, something we have yet to see happen. Yanderes are also willing to pull crazy stunts to claim their love interest in a hurry, such as what Noriko did when she was supposed to be escaping from the danger zone that is Sensei's house with Maya present.

Again on the streak, she's being territorial, she's defending what, or should I say who, she has claimed as her territory from other females, the same way a lioness does in fact. Lionesses are willing to fight to the death to defend their territory, which is pretty on par with the level of willingness to defend her territory Ami showed in the dorm wars. She's willing to sacrifice her friendships to keep them away from him.

The lack of attempts at Kirin is why I no longer believe Ayane to fit the yandere trope, she made no attempt to defend against other girls encroaching on her love interest, something a yandere WOULD do without hesitation. Not even a yandere's best friend is safe.

Noriko has openly stated she's fine sharing as long as she is the only one he's with out of love. To this point, the only relationship Kirin has is physical, not romantic, and she isn't considering Ami a threat because, well, incest is a thing that she wouldn't expect him to risk. Remember, it is seen as extremely immoral to the point where a person could lose their job or even go to jail over it depending on the location and relation involved. She wouldn't be expecting him to risk all that without evidence that he actually is, so she is totally unaware of the threat to her Ami poses. Also, she has openly admitted to being armed with a knife, which is a giant red flag because crazy person with a knife. Having said all this, it would be kind of amusing to see what happens if Noriko does find out. I mean, betrayed by someone who is one of her oldest friends through a forbidden relationship and BOTH turn out to be yanderes. The battle between these two would make quite a scene.

You might want to review Maya's latest dorm events, she gets quite upset over the occurrences in one of them, something we have never seen before. She looks like she dislikes him, but it looks more like a facade to me, she's faking out of self preservation. In reality, she does actually care quite a bit, so much so that I believe the early scene with her and him on his bed is real and of her with the Sensei she is looking for, the real one.


Apr 19, 2021
Okay, can we strangle Kirin and make Karin one of the new main girls, she's really pissing me off even though I enjoyed the BJ scene with Ayane.
I couldn't enjoy that scene, I sorta like Kirin when she's not being awful to Ayane but that's 2 times now when she's been absolutely heartless to Ayane so.. not feeling too great about Kirin.
But yes to Karin, she's a sweetheart, even if her .exe stops working whenever she gets called cute.


Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
I couldn't enjoy that scene, I sorta like Kirin when she's not being awful to Ayane but that's 2 times now when she's been absolutely heartless to Ayane so.. not feeling too great about Kirin.
But yes to Karin, she's a sweetheart, even if her .exe stops working whenever she gets called cute.
Visually enjoyed the end result H style, not anything else in it, Poor Karin, she really is too C-c-c-c-...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Chika has the appearance, but she has none of the personality. The same cannot be said of Ayane, who has both at first, but slowly starts to back off, which tells me she's putting up a front, not being an actual yandere. The thing with actual yanderes is they ARE willing to hurt other people who get in between them and their love interest. Not all of them are willing to kill, but those are the lighter ones. Ayane isn't actually willing to do anything to the other girls. Now, Noriko and Ami, they ARE willing to hurt and possibly even kill the other girls. All it would take is one wrong move, something we have yet to see happen. Yanderes are also willing to pull crazy stunts to claim their love interest in a hurry, such as what Noriko did when she was supposed to be escaping from the danger zone that is Sensei's house with Maya present.

Again on the streak, she's being territorial, she's defending what, or should I say who, she has claimed as her territory from other females, the same way a lioness does in fact. Lionesses are willing to fight to the death to defend their territory, which is pretty on par with the level of willingness to defend her territory Ami showed in the dorm wars. She's willing to sacrifice her friendships to keep them away from him.

The lack of attempts at Kirin is why I no longer believe Ayane to fit the yandere trope, she made no attempt to defend against other girls encroaching on her love interest, something a yandere WOULD do without hesitation. Not even a yandere's best friend is safe.

Noriko has openly stated she's fine sharing as long as she is the only one he's with out of love. To this point, the only relationship Kirin has is physical, not romantic, and she isn't considering Ami a threat because, well, incest is a thing that she wouldn't expect him to risk. Remember, it is seen as extremely immoral to the point where a person could lose their job or even go to jail over it depending on the location and relation involved. She wouldn't be expecting him to risk all that without evidence that he actually is, so she is totally unaware of the threat to her Ami poses. Also, she has openly admitted to being armed with a knife, which is a giant red flag because crazy person with a knife. Having said all this, it would be kind of amusing to see what happens if Noriko does find out. I mean, betrayed by someone who is one of her oldest friends through a forbidden relationship and BOTH turn out to be yanderes. The battle between these two would make quite a scene.

You might want to review Maya's latest dorm events, she gets quite upset over the occurrences in one of them, something we have never seen before. She looks like she dislikes him, but it looks more like a facade to me, she's faking out of self preservation. In reality, she does actually care quite a bit, so much so that I believe the early scene with her and him on his bed is real and of her with the Sensei she is looking for, the real one.
ayane has also said she doesn't mind sensei screwing around but it was one time early in the game and it seemed more desperate and willing to be a side piece if she couldn't secure the one true position.
Okay, can we strangle Kirin and make Karin one of the new main girls, she's really pissing me off even though I enjoyed the BJ scene with Ayane.
I'm pretty sure kirin would be into that. but yeah I'm 100% with you on kirin, she needs to get smacked around after she bad mouths sensei after winning her competition :ROFLMAO:
4.10 star(s) 305 Votes