
Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Is there a reason why yumi is a bitch towards MC and futaba or it is just her personality? if there's a strong backstory I'll continue her storyline otherwise I'll ignore her as much as i can and skip all her events which are required to progress the main story.
Yes, there is. She essentially grew up on the streets surrounded by Yakuza, so she had to project toughness to protect herself, and her parents weren't really helping in that regard.

She has a LOT of baggage around her mother specifically, which a lot of her later content focuses on.

The way she treats Futaba is awful, but it's done with the intent of thickening Futaba's skin. She percieves Futaba as being to weak to survive in the world without growing some toughness, and since everyone else seems content to coddle Futaba, Yumi's volunteering to be the (unasked for) catalyst. That makes it sound a little more benevolent than it actually is, but you do see over the course of the arc that she pities Futaba, rather than hates her.

With MC, she makes references to "those detentions" early in the game, and calls him out as a pervert before you have a chance to do/say anything to her that would justify it -- meaning she has a past with Sensei prior to the game. I do not think it was necessarily a consensual one.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Please dev listen to Yumi and leave her alone. I don't give any flying fuck about her so please don't make us progress yumi's story to progress the main story.

I played this game continuously for like 2 days until i had to progress with yumi's storyline and after that i played for a few minutes every day and my gameplay time went down as more i progressed with yumi's story.
Honestly, I feel the same way but with Futaba. Plus there are characters I would rather explore with less love given to them so far. Either way on characters I don't really care about I tend to skip through most of the dialogue.
This is a general route, which means everyone is important. Also, skipping dialogue is the perfect way to get stuck a there is important information at points.

Most Futaba hate is weight related.

I personally love Yumi, especially as she gets more development and the source of her damage becomes more apparent. She's not quite favorite character, but she's in the upper tiers. Miku's my least favorite.
I wouldn't say I hate her weight, but I also can't say I like it. To me, it represents an unhealthy condition and makes me worry that her issues are going to stem from that more than they will her mental state or anything like that.

Is there a reason why yumi is a bitch towards MC and futaba or it is just her personality? if there's a strong backstory I'll continue her storyline otherwise I'll ignore her as much as i can and skip all her events which are required to progress the main story.
1. She's a delinquent who frequently got served detention by the MC prior to the story.

2. She's a bit of a tsundere, a type of character that shows a mean or violent front to hide their true feelings. Normally, this is love, but in this case, I would say she's more afraid of something within her own situation and doesn't want to show him that fear.

3. He literally forces a kiss on her that she starts to hate him for even though it wasn't actually in his control.

4. She's a yakuza kid, they tend to be raised to be tough to protect themselves

She does grow softer on the bitchiness over time.

It's not necessarily hate towards Futaba, I'm actually mad at Sensei for taking advantage of her. She's nice girl and doesn't deserve it. But I also don't find fat people attractive at all. I wish there was option for him to say "no thanks, I don't want to see you naked (or do anything sexual with you)" and she can stay and they can interact in any other way as much as they want. His current behaviour creates dissonance between him and me as player. He's the MC, I'm controlling him, I need some connection to enjoy it. Role playing as despicable asshole is not easy, takes some effort and pushing some limits, but it's possible. Role playing as someone sexually interested in fat chicks, no, that's too far. If at least she was just fat, but those huge tits on top of that...
Honestly, who wouldn't be mad at him for that. I also don't find fat attractive due to the health risks involved. I find people in a healthy state to be far more to my liking, though Futaba has grown on me over this game's development enough that I can look passed it.

I honestly like all the girls, still, and wouldn't want to give up any of them. I'm very much looking forward to Sensei's relationships with them getting deeper. Even the side girls. Can't get enough of Kaori, for example.
Not a single one, I'm with you on that.

Yes, there is. She essentially grew up on the streets surrounded by Yakuza, so she had to project toughness to protect herself, and her parents weren't really helping in that regard.

She has a LOT of baggage around her mother specifically, which a lot of her later content focuses on.

The way she treats Futaba is awful, but it's done with the intent of thickening Futaba's skin. She percieves Futaba as being to weak to survive in the world without growing some toughness, and since everyone else seems content to coddle Futaba, Yumi's volunteering to be the (unasked for) catalyst. That makes it sound a little more benevolent than it actually is, but you do see over the course of the arc that she pities Futaba, rather than hates her.

With MC, she makes references to "those detentions" early in the game, and calls him out as a pervert before you have a chance to do/say anything to her that would justify it -- meaning she has a past with Sensei prior to the game. I do not think it was necessarily a consensual one.
I still see no evidence of a past like what you're implying, but we'll see. As for Futaba, I do believe this is also a way to try and push Futaba to better herself in other ways. She could see the size issue as a risk to Futaba and is, not very gently, trying to push her to make better life choices in that regard as well. It's hard to say what her full intent is without her explaining it outright.
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Engaged Member
Jul 18, 2020
I understand that yumi's relation with previous sensei wasn't good but then it's not like she's putting any effort in improving her studies. she used to get detention? well she deserved it. If it wasn't for current sensei she would have been expelled by now. Her bad upbringing doesn't give her a justifiable reason to treat everyone like shit.

I like how tsundere character is done in sylphine. I don't like how Yumi keep disrespecting sensei and he takes it as if he don't have any self respect. I am not a masochist and I don't get pleasure from hearing shit from yumi. Not everyone likes a tsundere character but it's a dick move to progress her story to progress the main story.

Some of you said that she's treating futaba that way to make her stronger. so is her bullying justified? if you see someone bullying please go and stop them. Don't be like "they are making him strong. let them beat the shit out of him".

Developer if you're reading this, please don't force us to progress in yumi's story. Also, don't let sensei be so spineless in front of Yumi. she can't just walk all over him like he's nothing.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
I understand that yumi's relation with previous sensei wasn't good but then it's not like she's putting any effort in improving her studies. she used to get detention? well she deserved it. If it wasn't for current sensei she would have been expelled by now. Her bad upbringing doesn't give her a justifiable reason to treat everyone like shit.
We don't know if those previous detentions were justified.

And Sensei cannot get any students expelled, as he's handed blackmail material to every single one of them on a silver platter.

He hasn't taught a lesson since waking up. He's shoved his tongue down Yumi's throat (if not worse in the past or during any of the blackouts he has around her). If he tried, she'd simply suggest to administration that they have someone sit in on his class and see how he teaches. He'd be fired and sent off to war in a heartbeat.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I understand that yumi's relation with previous sensei wasn't good but then it's not like she's putting any effort in improving her studies. she used to get detention? well she deserved it. If it wasn't for current sensei she would have been expelled by now. Her bad upbringing doesn't give her a justifiable reason to treat everyone like shit.

I like how tsundere character is done in sylphine. I don't like how Yumi keep disrespecting sensei and he takes it as if he don't have any self respect. I am not a masochist and I don't get pleasure from hearing shit from yumi. Not everyone likes a tsundere character but it's a dick move to progress her story to progress the main story.

Some of you said that she's treating futaba that way to make her stronger. so is her bullying justified? if you see someone bullying please go and stop them. Don't be like "they are making him strong. let them beat the shit out of him".

Developer if you're reading this, please don't force us to progress in yumi's story. Also, don't let sensei be so spineless in front of Yumi. she can't just walk all over him like he's nothing.
She doesn't trust literally anyone but Chika due to her past and instead is hostile to varying degrees because of that. She's GOING to keep up the disrespect until he earns otherwise and his forced kiss definitely doesn't help him do that even if it wasn't by his will.

It isn't a dick move to progress her story in order for the main to progress. There are no character specific routes at this time. Every single event is setting up the general plot so that it can eventually branch off into actual character routes.

No, Yumi's treatment of Futaba isn't justified, but we can see the underlying intentions are not so hostile. She's just going about it all wrong because she doesn't know any other way. This is the way she was raised, to be tough or to submit to those who are already, and that is all she knows. You can thank her good for nothing Yakuza father for that.

Again on your last point, this is a general route, so all events are there to set up the main story except lust events, which are basically just side content that may or may not have repercussions later. Yumi's events are too important to the main story to leave out. If this were on a character specific route, there wouldn't be an issue because only she would be affected, but on a general route, every change affects the entire game in some way.

We don't know if those previous detentions were justified.

And Sensei cannot get any students expelled, as he's handed blackmail material to every single one of them on a silver platter.

He hasn't taught a lesson since waking up. He's shoved his tongue down Yumi's throat (if not worse in the past or during any of the blackouts he has around her). If he tried, she'd simply suggest to administration that they have someone sit in on his class and see how he teaches. He'd be fired and sent off to war in a heartbeat.
Nope, we only know she got said detentions. We don't even know WHY, though we can make some pretty good guesses. I still think she is just being dramatic about anything that happened before the story since I haven't seen actual proof. It would really help to understand the motivations behind these claims if we got some details.
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Jun 12, 2017
Developer if you're reading this, please don't force us to progress in yumi's story. Also, don't let sensei be so spineless in front of Yumi. she can't just walk all over him like he's nothing.
Not to put words into the dev's mouth, but this isn't going to happen. He'd probably tell you to just stop playing.

Sensei's reaction to her seems pretty in line with his character (he also deserves everything he gets from her).


Mar 12, 2020
I understand that yumi's relation with previous sensei wasn't good but then it's not like she's putting any effort in improving her studies. she used to get detention? well she deserved it. If it wasn't for current sensei she would have been expelled by now. Her bad upbringing doesn't give her a justifiable reason to treat everyone like shit.

I like how tsundere character is done in sylphine. I don't like how Yumi keep disrespecting sensei and he takes it as if he don't have any self respect. I am not a masochist and I don't get pleasure from hearing shit from yumi. Not everyone likes a tsundere character but it's a dick move to progress her story to progress the main story.

Some of you said that she's treating futaba that way to make her stronger. so is her bullying justified? if you see someone bullying please go and stop them. Don't be like "they are making him strong. let them beat the shit out of him".

Developer if you're reading this, please don't force us to progress in yumi's story. Also, don't let sensei be so spineless in front of Yumi. she can't just walk all over him like he's nothing.
As others before have said you will be forced to progress with all characters to move the story along, this is still very early in the games development and story arc. Sel has previously said we are currently on the harem (or normal) path of the story, which will have a singular ending, this will then lead the story to the dark route with another singular ending and then finally lead to purity routes for each girl after you completed the harem and dark routes, this will be the point where you can choose the ending you want. He also has previously said that the dark route is still years away from happening. You will continue to have forced progression through all of that as he is trying to tell the story he wants to tell. He has also previously stated he thinks this game may take a decade to complete and would be by that point the longest piece of continual fiction ever written. As of a couple of updates ago it surpassed the bible in word count. If you are that upset about Yumi being involved in the story, or how Sensei is evolving as a character it is probably best to stop now as you will see plenty more of that for 9+ more years of development. If you decide you want to see the rest of the story out, then know you are in for a hell of a ride.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
I can't quite understand why people would want to ignore any of the students. Each one has her own story, her own arc that keeps me interested with or without sexy times. I'm invested in how Selebus plans to develop all of these character.

Regarding Futaba, I've been above average weight nearly all my life (especially after abuse by an uncle), and I know how cruel kids can be. And that was with me being a guy. I've known many women who have had to deal with the pressure as girls who can't find the ability to adhere to expectations and it is so much greater. For many, it's often an emotional/psychological response to abuse/PTSD, others have a genetic disposition to retain body fat, and attempts at losing weight by diet just results in the body going into starvation mode and trying to retain even more. It disappoints me when people act like Yumi and prove that superficial judgement is just about as prevalent now as when I was a kid. Often people try to justify their prejudice by saying that they are concerned for the person's health. As if the person hasn't heard that judgement so many times already that their self-esteem is in the toilet already. Yes, Futaba is a fictional character and so is "fair game," but it shows that some players are too judgmental to offer any compassion for a character with a troubled history.
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Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
Is there a reason why yumi is a bitch towards MC and futaba or it is just her personality? if there's a strong backstory I'll continue her storyline otherwise I'll ignore her as much as i can and skip all her events which are required to progress the main story.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I can't quite understand why people would want to ignore any of the students. Each one has her own story, her own arc that keeps me interested with or without sexy times. I'm invested in how Selebus plans to develop all of these character.

Regarding Futaba, I've been above average weight nearly all my life (especially after abuse by an uncle), and I know how cruel kids can be. And that was with me being a guy. I've known many women who have had to deal with the pressure as girls who can't find the ability to adhere to expectations and it is so much greater. For many, it's often an emotional/psychological response to abuse/PTSD, others have a genetic disposition to retain body fat, and attempts at losing weight by diet just results in the body going into starvation mode and trying to retain even more. It disappoints me when people act like Yumi and prove that superficial judgement is just about as prevalent now as when I was a kid. Often people try to justify their prejudice by saying that they are concerned for the person's health. As if the person hasn't heard that judgement so many times already that their self-esteem is in the toilet already. Yes, Futaba is a fictional character and so is "fair game," but it shows that some players are too judgmental to offer any compassion for a character with a troubled history*.

*Yeah, I expect to be met with a number of facepalms from those who "can't handle the truth."
I know how cruel kids can be
Especially high school girls, they can be particularly nasty in attitude at times. Even more so if they are from a background like Yumi's, where zero trust and being a 'good girl' as little as possible is how they survive. The Yakuza isn't fun and games, it is survival of the fittest no matter the age just like any other gang. That's going to have a negative impact in the attitude department. It also isn't the environment where a girl can learn compassion or any other positive thing toward other people since those could get her killed, so she failed to learn how to properly handle being around Futaba or trying to help her as it seems like she might be trying to do.

Often people try to justify their prejudice by saying that they are concerned for the person's health.
Sometimes, but then there are people who know the risks without being at risk of them themselves and are genuinely concerned. People like us aren't trying to judge, we just don't know any other way. Minus the attitude and trust issues, and obviously the Yakuza background, we are literally the Yumis of the real world.

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Yep, even if it wasn't under his own will, she doesn't know that, so she can only blame him. I can actually see the tough love approach here, but she might be going a little too tough, which is why it turns out as it does. I can also see the good in her. Caring in her own way, loyal to the point she would probably literally take a bullet for Chika or Chinami, she is quite an admirable character below the tough girl surface.

Also, I wouldn't be too sure about skipping text, you never know when a Yumi event will be the key to a puzzle. I have found you're actually more likely to hit a wall by missing something important in a skip than any other possible way to get stuck in the game.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
The way she treats Futaba is awful, but it's done with the intent of thickening Futaba's skin. She percieves Futaba as being to weak to survive in the world without growing some toughness, and since everyone else seems content to coddle Futaba, Yumi's volunteering to be the (unasked for) catalyst. That makes it sound a little more benevolent than it actually is, but you do see over the course of the arc that she pities Futaba, rather than hates her.
No, Yumi's treatment of Futaba isn't justified, but we can see the underlying intentions are not so hostile. She's just going about it all wrong because she doesn't know any other way. This is the way she was raised, to be tough or to submit to those who are already, and that is all she knows. You can thank her good for nothing Yakuza father for that.
While there may be some of wanting to "toughen up" Futaba in her motivation, or at the very least it might be how she's justifying it to herself, I don't think it's a matter of pure intentions and horrible execution. As mentioned, she had to survive among the Yakuza. She probably learned early that centring out someone else is a good way to avoid being targeted yourself. It's probably at least partially a survival tactic on her part. Furthermore, Futaba's got both parents, and while they're overseas, they still regularly send her money, and she obviously has a loving relationship with them. There might also be some jealousy thrown into the mix.

I don't think Yumi is a bad person at heart. I think she's broken, like pretty much everyone in the story (still waiting to see how some of the people are broken). I like her, when looked at on the whole, as a character for the VN, and look forward to seeing more of her. However, I think there's more to her bullying than simply trying to toughen Futaba up.

I understand that yumi's relation with previous sensei wasn't good but then it's not like she's putting any effort in improving her studies. she used to get detention? well she deserved it. If it wasn't for current sensei she would have been expelled by now. Her bad upbringing doesn't give her a justifiable reason to treat everyone like shit.
Nope, we only know she got said detentions. We don't even know WHY, though we can make some pretty good guesses. I still think she is just being dramatic about anything that happened before the story since I haven't seen actual proof. It would really help to understand the motivations behind these claims if we got some details.
We don't really know what happened in the previous detentions. It's possible previous Senseis were as bad or worse than this one, and they could've been unjustified detentions, and were excuses to abuse her. It's equally possible that they were justified and the other Sensei was kind and dedicated to helping her. Everything anyone says about them at this point, beyond the fact that they happened, and Yumi didn't like them (and really, who likes detention?), is pure speculation.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
We don't really know what happened in the previous detentions. It's possible previous Senseis were as bad or worse than this one, and they could've been unjustified detentions, and were excuses to abuse her. It's equally possible that they were justified and the other Sensei was kind and dedicated to helping her. Everything anyone says about them at this point, beyond the fact that they happened, and Yumi didn't like them (and really, who likes detention?), is pure speculation.
Minor correction: We do know from Maya that nearly every version of Sensei has fooled around with one or more girls, though we're never given much information on what happened or with whom.

But the fact that Yumi is fighting back tears in the last scene she appears in tells me that there's history there beyond what we've seen. She is acting like someone with a history of being sexual abused, and her outbursts remind me very strongly of people I know who've been abused trying to cope with the fact that they have to see their abuser on the regular.


May 17, 2017
Man i love this game.
Can't believe i just stumble this gem not long ago.
Each of them have their own behavior/personality and so, which really attracts me grinding this game while takes time to read the dialogue rather than skip all as what i would love to do.

Plus, i love the reference and the stuff appear in the game(EG : like posters of Rin's Room (Clanned and other good stuff), A huge cock with Kaori which i think he get inspiration from Yakuza? (that's what i think of instantly) and more!

Lastly, Game developer, you do what you do!
Don't be bothered by someone who complain about some character because he dislike the character!


Jan 7, 2020
Is there a reason why yumi is a bitch towards MC and futaba or it is just her personality? if there's a strong backstory I'll continue her storyline otherwise I'll ignore her as much as i can and skip all her events which are required to progress the main story.
It'd make the most sense that she's mean towards futaba because she sees her as a glutton due to her weight while she can barely find enough food to eat, let alone be healthy.


Jan 7, 2020
If only this could be true. Not like we'd be doing any worse.

View attachment 1350505
True, religious education in America is absolute garbage and most people are "atheists" simply because they literally don't know that religions aside from Christianity, and possibly muslim exist, and they base everything off of that single religion.

Theological school classes could be nice if they weren't overly biased towards one belief since theology is a big part of life.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
Minor correction: We do know from Maya that nearly every version of Sensei has fooled around with one or more girls, though we're never given much information on what happened or with whom.

But the fact that Yumi is fighting back tears in the last scene she appears in tells me that there's history there beyond what we've seen. She is acting like someone with a history of being sexual abused, and her outbursts remind me very strongly of people I know who've been abused trying to cope with the fact that they have to see their abuser on the regular.
Personally I think what the current Sensei has done with her is enough for her to be acting the way she does - and the most recent scene, her emotional outburst to me seems to be entirely about her relationship with her mother.


Jul 16, 2017
I'm still barely into the beginning of the game, and I already love it. Selebus, I have to say you're pretty good at writing, other than just doing porn. I even love your patreon goals lmao.
I do hope you add some more kinkier content in the future, but so far so good.
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