
New Member
Oct 10, 2019
Been a while since I played this and I started a new save since I wanted to be a good homie. I wonder what's -
  • Prisoner Scene.
  • Bluejay Scene and its aftermath since I left that for last.
  • Molly scenes =(
  • Io's introduction.
Why is it that the perverted teacher is the closest thing to a therapist/friend for some of these girls?

Welp, back to seeing what other messed up issues are present in the rest of my playthrough!


New Member
Apr 4, 2020
Rin's always come across as pretty self-absorbed to me, so her callousness with Molly seems congruent with that. She's plenty happy to make demands of and set boundaries on other people, to burden other people with her problems, but when has she done something scary, made any personal sacrifice, or stood up for someone other than herself? She may well be self-aware of this, hence the self-deprecating, self-loathing nature, but she also doesn't take any actions to contradict this nature either. She just keeps on going with the flow of whatever her emotions are telling her this day. Her story has been all about self-discovery, which is really just a euphemism for narcissism.

What is Molly in the confession scene to her? Someone scared and confused, confronting feelings they don't fully understand... or a dangerous, unsanitary creep and potential sexual assailant? There's an assumption that she would be sympathetic and understanding given the parallels, but what if she's just... kind of a shitty person? It's flattering to think that neurotic tendencies will at least give you a better perspective, make you more empathetic, but it could just make you treat everyone like an object.

Rin treated Molly just as she treats Sensei, Chika, and Otoha. The only difference is valence.

...or I suppose you can chalk it all up to the author dun goofed.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Rin's always come across as pretty self-absorbed to me, so her callousness with Molly seems congruent with that. She's plenty happy to make demands of and set boundaries on other people, to burden other people with her problems, but when has she done something scary, made any personal sacrifice, or stood up for someone other than herself? She may well be self-aware of this, hence the self-deprecating, self-loathing nature, but she also doesn't take any actions to contradict this nature either. She just keeps on going with the flow of whatever her emotions are telling her this day. Her story has been all about self-discovery, which is really just a euphemism for narcissism.

What is Molly in the confession scene to her? Someone scared and confused, confronting feelings they don't fully understand... or a dangerous, unsanitary creep and potential sexual assailant? There's an assumption that she would be sympathetic and understanding given the parallels, but what if she's just... kind of a shitty person? It's flattering to think that neurotic tendencies will at least give you a better perspective, make you more empathetic, but it could just make you treat everyone like an object.

Rin treated Molly just as she treats Sensei, Chika, and Otoha. The only difference is valence.

...or I suppose you can chalk it all up to the author dun goofed.
Not entirely true, most humans have some level of that, but for her, it's more like she felt what it means to fall in love for the first time with Chika and, coupled with her depression, she became addicted to that feeling. She needs to have that feeling to keep going, she's practically running entirely on survival instinct because her depression could lead to death by her own hand without that feeling.

Her callousness with Molly, if you can even call it that, was more a symptom of her depression from what I could tell. Depression symptoms do include the potential to get irritable and to burst out in anger at things that don't normally warrant such a response.

She's self deprecating and self loathing because, again, depression, that's one of the things it is capable of doing to a person and is part of why depression is so dangerous to that person's well being since that in particular can lead to self harm and suicidal tendencies, the first of which Rin herself has been shown to have a history of. She thinks of herself as unworthy to have these feelings, but at the same time, having felt them so strongly, she needs them.

As for Molly and how Rin sees her in that scene, I would say the latter. She is too far gone into her attempt to get with Otoha, she's on the verge of her second confession attempt with anyone and trying to psych herself up, and then Molly comes in with the worst timing possible and everything snowballs. Had she timed it better, Rin might have seen her as the former and might even have accepted her feelings if the second confession failed.

She isn't a shitty personal normally, she did a shitty thing, but again, the timing was absolutely terrible on Molly's end and that resulted in a shitty action. Rin was getting ready for a confession and was already suffering effects of her depression. With it's ability to bring on sudden outbursts of anger, that became a recipe for disaster and that outburst of anger symptom is exactly what I believe happened.

It definitely wasn't a goof by Selebus, this seemed fully intentional. However, depression can manifest in more ways than the usual symptoms we all think of. He was showing us how nasty it can really be under the wrong conditions and it truly was a nasty thing to behold. I feel sorry for both Rin and Molly, Rin because she's suffering so much, Molly because she suffered so much in a single moment. However, I still find myself disappointed in Rin's behavior even if it was depression induced.

does a missed event with rin matter?
Yes, kind of. Missed events can, and sometimes do, change how events you do see play out and can affect if certain things in those events happen at all. Some missed events can also lead to other missed events.

For me, it's definitely the latter. We see her with Futaba in the library - she's clearly capable of empathy, capable of realizing bullshit on both ends of an exchange and pushing through it because the person involved is important enough (Fuck the pot and fuck the kettle!) But so much surrounding the whole beach event just contorts onto itself (such as the line that Otoha doesn't even realize Rin dyed her hair tips red to match hers, when they've been red since the beginning of the game - months before they ever met). And she says herself that she gets what Molly is going through. "If anyone gets it, it's me." I believe is the line; which is more than just self-aware, it's confirming that she knows what some folks have denied. She and Molly are in the same boat. They have history, same as Rin does with Futaba and Chika. Molly is also the only one we've seen checking up on her, outside the classroom. There's a lot of reason for Molly to be handled with the same care that Futaba got; Rin isn't Yumi, and even Yumi can appreciate when people help her out.

Ultimately, while there's definitely precedent and argument for Rin being kind of a sociopath in her own way, there's been too much kindness and empathy out of her thus far for the sudden and abrupt cruelty to make sense.

She even reduced Chika to "just a childhood crush" and played up for Otoha how "there isn't anything that would make me happier right now than... being able to walk down the halls of school... holding hands with you and stuff." and "There's a lot I don't know about you. But the things I do know make me want you more than anything I've ever wanted before."

Rin's been, in the past, someone who could be counted on to be kind of brutally honest. Even about her self harm. But this whole tangle here clashes with that person. This is someone else, and it's pretty clear that going any which way, she's lying. To Otoha or herself. "Chika doesn't matter; it was only a fourth or more of my life after all. Nah, the month you've spent rejecting me and ditching out when things get heavy, that's the real thing." It just doesn't sound like the girl who's been around all this time. And given how much awesome shit Sel has made before, this steep a drop off cannot be ignored or just waved away.
Indeed, she has shown already that she is a very kind and understanding girl. They have been red since the beginning, so Otoha knows they were dyed, but the reason why is what she's realizing and that isn't so obvious at the beginning. The sudden and abrupt cruelty isn't something she would normally do, it seemed more like a depression symptom. The depressed are capable of outbursts of anger and irritability at things they shouldn't normally be, which can make it seem nonsensical for that outburst or irritability to happen.

She's desperate to have that feeling of loving and being loved returned, likely because of the self hating aspect of depression, that seems to me like why she would play up for Otoha about that stuff. She's also trying to get over Chika before it consumes her in self hatred or never-ending sadness. Chika shot her down, she has to move on and she knows it, but she also knows that it could trigger her depression to worsen and she's already gone through self harm territory, suicidal tendencies aren't that far off if she isn't careful.

She's definitely lying and I think to herself, I don't think she ever had feelings for Otoha, but she's lying to herself because she knows being alone hurts too much, especially having already tried to get with someone she really did have feelings for and failing hard. It's a desperation move and an extremely obvious one, she still has feelings lingering for Chika and she knows they will never be returned, which hurts to the point she has to get rid of those feelings.

This was definitely a major change, but not for Selebus, for Rin. She's feeling incredibly bad right now. To be honest, the fact that she isn't back into active self harm or isn't into suicide attempts already speaks volumes about how strong her will is.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
'Kay, I had time to think about this update (which is still one of my favorite) and things that didn't sit well with me. Let's start with Molly.

She went from zero to 10 real fast this time around and there were no indication that she was THIS impulsive and aggressive. If anything, she chickens out when it comes to real action. Well, not this time. While I'm perfectly fine with waving it off as critical lapse in judgment, I still wish there were build up (not to her blowing up on Otoha, but to her trying to get physical with Rin). Maybe catching her masturbating to Rin were meant to establish her upcoming hormonal explosion as well as her romantic interest, but it just wasn't enough.

So, Rin. She's rising a number of red flags for me this time and I like it. She's so into her romance, she became completely self-absorbed. Rin we knew up to this point would have spare a few moments for Molly, I think, or at least promised to come back and talk this out. No wonder Molly tried to force herself into Rin's field of view in such drastic manner.
Rin barely even listens to Otoha herself, missed the part where she asks Rin to stay monogamous and then kisses Otoha, despite how uncomfortable the later is. Wow, just wow.
It's like she's in love with the image of a person, rather than with a person herself, or in love with the idea of love itself.
Up to this point we always saw her as a victim of unlucky circumstances, but this time it's different. Let's see how she handles success.
Assuming all of this actually going places and going to be addressed and explored in future updates, I'm intrigued.

Unfortunately, I'm still not sold on Otoha. Her romantic interest for Rin wasn't established at all, so I'm on the fence about this development. We'll see, I guess. Until then, it's going to be a rare miss for Selebus. But, well, it can't be all slam dunks.


New Member
Apr 4, 2020
For me, it's definitely the latter. We see her with Futaba in the library - she's clearly capable of empathy, capable of realizing bullshit on both ends of an exchange and pushing through it because the person involved is important enough (Fuck the pot and fuck the kettle!) But so much surrounding the whole beach event just contorts onto itself (such as the line that Otoha doesn't even realize Rin dyed her hair tips red to match hers, when they've been red since the beginning of the game - months before they ever met). And she says herself that she gets what Molly is going through. "If anyone gets it, it's me." I believe is the line; which is more than just self-aware, it's confirming that she knows what some folks have denied. She and Molly are in the same boat. They have history, same as Rin does with Futaba and Chika. Molly is also the only one we've seen checking up on her, outside the classroom. There's a lot of reason for Molly to be handled with the same care that Futaba got; Rin isn't Yumi, and even Yumi can appreciate when people help her out.

Ultimately, while there's definitely precedent and argument for Rin being kind of a sociopath in her own way, there's been too much kindness and empathy out of her thus far for the sudden and abrupt cruelty to make sense.

She even reduced Chika to "just a childhood crush" and played up for Otoha how "there isn't anything that would make me happier right now than... being able to walk down the halls of school... holding hands with you and stuff." and "There's a lot I don't know about you. But the things I do know make me want you more than anything I've ever wanted before."

Rin's been, in the past, someone who could be counted on to be kind of brutally honest. Even about her self harm. But this whole tangle here clashes with that person. This is someone else, and it's pretty clear that going any which way, she's lying. To Otoha or herself. "Chika doesn't matter; it was only a fourth or more of my life after all. Nah, the month you've spent rejecting me and ditching out when things get heavy, that's the real thing." It just doesn't sound like the girl who's been around all this time. And given how much awesome shit Sel has made before, this steep a drop off cannot be ignored or just waved away.
She's clearly empathetic. She gets it. She just doesn't care enough to overpower her disgust for Molly. ("YOURE NOT MY TYPE! YOU KNOW THIS!" and "More sanitary than Molly, probably. I'm still kind of reeling from that thing at the Christmas party.") She cares about and stuck her neck out for Futaba because it's reciprocal, but Futaba was there for her first. Molly has earned no such consideration (rather much to the contrary).

I think most see that she's lying. Even Otoha sees it. The charitable interpretation is she's also lying to herself. I am less of a fan and could see her knowing full well it's pure lust but saying whatever she thinks it takes to get the object of her desire. In any case there's a disaster ahead.

Regarding the hair tips, Rin knew Otoha before she changed classes. She got involved in Nodoka's "kidnapping" scheme because she was already infatuated with her at that point.
Not entirely true, most humans have some level of that, but for her, it's more like she felt what it means to fall in love for the first time with Chika and, coupled with her depression, she became addicted to that feeling. She needs to have that feeling to keep going, she's practically running entirely on survival instinct because her depression could lead to death by her own hand without that feeling.

Her callousness with Molly, if you can even call it that, was more a symptom of her depression from what I could tell. Depression symptoms do include the potential to get irritable and to burst out in anger at things that don't normally warrant such a response.

She's self deprecating and self loathing because, again, depression, that's one of the things it is capable of doing to a person and is part of why depression is so dangerous to that person's well being since that in particular can lead to self harm and suicidal tendencies, the first of which Rin herself has been shown to have a history of. She thinks of herself as unworthy to have these feelings, but at the same time, having felt them so strongly, she needs them.

As for Molly and how Rin sees her in that scene, I would say the latter. She is too far gone into her attempt to get with Otoha, she's on the verge of her second confession attempt with anyone and trying to psych herself up, and then Molly comes in with the worst timing possible and everything snowballs. Had she timed it better, Rin might have seen her as the former and might even have accepted her feelings if the second confession failed.

She isn't a shitty personal normally, she did a shitty thing, but again, the timing was absolutely terrible on Molly's end and that resulted in a shitty action. Rin was getting ready for a confession and was already suffering effects of her depression. With it's ability to bring on sudden outbursts of anger, that became a recipe for disaster and that outburst of anger symptom is exactly what I believe happened.

It definitely wasn't a goof by Selebus, this seemed fully intentional. However, depression can manifest in more ways than the usual symptoms we all think of. He was showing us how nasty it can really be under the wrong conditions and it truly was a nasty thing to behold. I feel sorry for both Rin and Molly, Rin because she's suffering so much, Molly because she suffered so much in a single moment. However, I still find myself disappointed in Rin's behavior even if it was depression induced.
This reads as a tortured justification for Rin's behavior. It's all about her feelings, things from her perspective, and downplaying any way in which she could have risen above them. No consideration Molly. So pretty coherent with my interpretation. Doesn't convince me she's a good person though, only that she's damaged.

There isn't much difference between doing shitty things and being a shitty person. We are what we do. We just say the former to be nicer, to imply people can change. But this is a fictional character so there isn't as much need for the pleasantries.

The tragic thing is that your justification is not just possible but even quite convincing. So she can flip-flop as her emotions dictate between the highs of that perspective and the lows of seeing herself as contemptible, all without ever changing who she is.
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Jan 9, 2018
All this stuff about Rin and Otoha and Wakana and nobody mentions that this update basically proved that this whole setting is directly caused by Maya's and Sensei's relationship.

They basically spelled it out. Maya and Sensei were in a relationship, Sensei was most likely highly depressive and suicidal due to something. Sensei Jumped (Remember: the very first thing you did at the start of the game was choose Jump) and died.

Maya broke. Maybe prayed or something to create this whole scenario. She got sensei back. but it wasn't her sensei. repeat X amount of cycles and her attitude makes a lot of sense.

... Can we finally start getting some Yumi/Miku/Futaba-scenes? I couldn't care less about Rin, since we clearly aren't getting into her pants.
  • Thinking Face
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Active Member
Jun 24, 2020
I mean, this is MC we're talking about. Even if Niki wants to respark their relationship, she's not gonna get what she wants out ot it. She's just as likely to walk in on him banging one of the other girls within 12 hours of getting him to agree.
Talking to him on the phone while he's balls deep in one of them
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Feb 22, 2019
I still like the writing of this game, but I feel like this was one of the weaker updates. Which is fine, can't have highs without some lows. Just some things that left me pretty meh:

- The dorm war victory event. After how big a deal the dorm war was made out to be ( and IMO one of the best, if not the best ), I found it kind of meh how we only really get a few conversations that amount to " How are you doing ?" for it. I think the only interesting thing that came from this event is finding out that
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- Molly's outburst at the D&D game made sense. We knew she had it bad for Rin, we just didn't know how bad. Molly assaulting Rin however, I have a harder time seeing. But after the advice she got on the beach from Osako, I feel like she will keep trying, and we will see a big fallout from this if Rin feels like Molly is a danger to her relationship.

- Rin... I think she is being set up for a much steeper drop then from Chika. Rin IS lying to Otoha, and probably herself as well. She recently acknowledged that she still has feelings for Chika and she clearly feels something for sensei. This will be a train wreck when it eventually derails, especially since Rin clearly listens to no one, not even Otoha. A nice touch was how Rin dodged the promise that Otoha will be the only one.

- Speaking of Otoha, I just feel like there was no setup on her liking Rin. And from the way she responded I kind of feel she only said yes cuz she feels bad for Rin. Or was afraid Rin would do something.

- I would have expected more people to acknowledge how weird the beach trip in winter was. Or to be like " Wait, when did we have the last beach trip ? That makes no sense. "

On the other hand, the Maya / Noriko talk was amazing. The Niki parts were nice. Sensei's mental health is clearly deteriorating, as his visions are getting both more frequent and less coherent.

Also, anyone else feel like the Wakana overdose will be used to add more girls to sensei's class ? Are we gonna get to 30 or 40 main girls?


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
She went from zero to 10 real fast this time around and there were no indication that she was THIS impulsive and aggressive. If anything, she chickens out when it comes to real action. Well, not this time. While I'm perfectly fine with waving it off as critical lapse in judgment, I still wish there were build up (not to her blowing up on Otoha, but to her trying to get physical with Rin). Maybe catching her masturbating to Rin were meant to establish her upcoming hormonal explosion as well as her romantic interest, but it just wasn't enough.
Look back at the Bottled Dreams event. Knowing Molly, who speaks as if video game tropes are real, this is a literal statement. She let the bottle decide who she would fixate on, because in a video game with a Spin The Bottle plot point, the person the MC gets on the spin would indicate the "prime" love interest, so in her mind, fate has told her that Rin is her lifemate.

This event contextualizes the entire Molly/Rin exchange. Rin, not even fully aware the game is being played (because she's hyperfixating on her conversation with Otoha), basically has Molly force herself upon her and makes it very clear both before and after the kiss that she's not interested. Molly's continued persistence is just further agitatioin for Rin, and when you look at the new content through this lens, it makes a lot more sense.

The last few updates have been Molly consistently not getting her way and also kinda being shat upon by her classmates at every opportunity. She was bound to stand up for herself when things went too far -- and her percieved lifemate wanting to bring The Other Woman into the D&D game was a bridge too far.

Was her reaction overboard? Absolutely. Molly only does overboard. But she's at a crisis -- it's dawning on her that she's not the main character of her own story, and she's fighting desperately for a win somewhere to prove that isn't true.


So, Rin. She's rising a number of red flags for me this time and I like it. She's so into her romance, she became completely self-absorbed. Rin we knew up to this point would have spare a few moments for Molly, I think, or at least promised to come back and talk this out. No wonder Molly tried to force herself into Rin's field of view in such drastic manner.
Rin barely even listens to Otoha herself, missed the part where she asks Rin to stay monogamous and then kisses Otoha, despite how uncomfortable the later is. Wow, just wow.
It's like she's in love with the image of a person, rather than with a person herself, or in love with the idea of love itself.
Up to this point we always saw her as a victim of unlucky circumstances, but this time it's different. Let's see how she handles success.
Assuming all of this actually going places and going to be addressed and explored in future updates, I'm intrigued.
Rin is in love with the idea of being in love. That never ends well.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
'Kay, I had time to think about this update (which is still one of my favorite) and things that didn't sit well with me. Let's start with Molly.

She went from zero to 10 real fast this time around and there were no indication that she was THIS impulsive and aggressive. If anything, she chickens out when it comes to real action. Well, not this time. While I'm perfectly fine with waving it off as critical lapse in judgment, I still wish there were build up (not to her blowing up on Otoha, but to her trying to get physical with Rin). Maybe catching her masturbating to Rin were meant to establish her upcoming hormonal explosion as well as her romantic interest, but it just wasn't enough.

So, Rin. She's rising a number of red flags for me this time and I like it. She's so into her romance, she became completely self-absorbed. Rin we knew up to this point would have spare a few moments for Molly, I think, or at least promised to come back and talk this out. No wonder Molly tried to force herself into Rin's field of view in such drastic manner.
Rin barely even listens to Otoha herself, missed the part where she asks Rin to stay monogamous and then kisses Otoha, despite how uncomfortable the later is. Wow, just wow.
It's like she's in love with the image of a person, rather than with a person herself, or in love with the idea of love itself.
Up to this point we always saw her as a victim of unlucky circumstances, but this time it's different. Let's see how she handles success.
Assuming all of this actually going places and going to be addressed and explored in future updates, I'm intrigued.

Unfortunately, I'm still not sold on Otoha. Her romantic interest for Rin wasn't established at all, so I'm on the fence about this development. We'll see, I guess. Until then, it's going to be a rare miss for Selebus. But, well, it can't be all slam dunks.
She had it bad for Rin and she already knew Rin was going after other girls, of course she got impulsive, it was move it or lose it time and she was very close to losing her chance completely and possibly permanently. However, her timing was a major issue and seems to be the spark that set Rin off. She's your typical ambivert, neither so introverted that the thought of going for Rin alone stays her feet, but not so extroverted that she would jump at the first chance she got without hesitation even with the things she knows about Rin at this point and her attempts with other girls. There was definitely build up, there was the whole catching her during alone time in her room part and then the aftermath of the kiss with player Sensei that built up to this, not to mention she already was aware of the attempt to confess to both Chika and Otoha. At this point, she knew it was now or never, but what she didn't know was how critically flawed she was in the timing down to the moment she attempted to engage. If she had done it a bit before, she might have gotten through, the same with after assuming Otoha had shot Rin down. In the latter case, she might even be the one to become Rin's light out of the darkness that would inevitably result from a second rejection.

Definitely seeing some red flags with Rin myself and I don't like it, though not in the not wanting it in the game kind of way. I love that Selebus pulled that, what it is doing is making me uneasy because I know what Rin is capable of in a VERY bad way. We've already seen a small portion of what she could end up doing marked on her wrists and it utterly frightens me to think that one wrong move could send her back to that or, worse, another Wakana incident, which hopefully we catch before she becomes this game's Sayori. I think we might not see the Rin we knew for a while, not until Otoha can succeed in what I believe is her goal, to get Rin help. She's so far gone that barely any of her former self remains. This isn't a development issue like others have said, this is progression of her depression to an extremely dangerous point and it was a point I feared from the second I knew she had depression. It is the one thing in this game I fear the most, that she gets worse even though I knew it would happen eventually because Denpa. Through these discussions, I think I'm starting to understand Molly a bit better, or at least what happened with her this update. She wasn't acting out of desperation when she started using some degree of force, she knew something was not right with Rin and everything just didn't go as planned. Rin is so wrapped up in Otoha, she sees nothing and no one else. She doesn't see how bad she's making Otoha feel nor any other character. Molly saw this and stepped in, ultimately failing, so now Otoha is the next to try and help Rin get the help she desperately needs.

She very much does have an image of Otoha she is in love with, she doesn't love the poor girl, she loves the Otoha in her head, an Otoha she invented to cope with and get rid of her feelings for Chika. She is still the victim of unfortunate circumstances, the problem is those circumstances have gotten even worse. Otoha's romantic interest wasn't estaablished because this isn't a romantic relationship, it's an intervention disguised as a romantic relationship, Otoha is using a reltionship to help appease Rin for the time being while she tries to get Rin some help. This isn't going to be an overnight fix and, with this being a Denpa game, we may just not see a fix at all until at least the purity routes.

Most of that is theory based on the conclusions I'm drawing from the update and discussion of it and I do not like where that theory is headed. We are very quickly heading for a VERY dark place, this might get darker than even I, a Denpa veteran, expected it to go. We might just be seeing the birth of the king of all Denpa games here. From an outside point of view, I love the prospect that this might get good enough to claim that title, but from an internal point of view, I am seriously uneasy about what is going to happen to the girls. Next thing we know, Chinami is going to end up on life support after an infection that miraculously gets treated in time to save her from dying from it while still doing too much damage for her to not be on life support for at least some amount of time.

All this stuff about Rin and Otoha and Wakana and nobody mentions that this update basically proved that this whole setting is directly caused by Maya's and Sensei's relationship.

They basically spelled it out. Maya and Sensei were in a relationship, Sensei was most likely highly depressive and suicidal due to something. Sensei Jumped (Remember: the very first thing you did at the start of the game was choose Jump) and died.

Maya broke. Maybe prayed or something to create this whole scenario. She got sensei back. but it wasn't her sensei. repeat X amount of cycles and her attitude makes a lot of sense.

... Can we finally start getting some Yumi/Miku/Futaba-scenes? I couldn't care less about Rin, since we clearly aren't getting into her pants.
Is it, though? I see some evidence, but no clear connection. We'll get Yumi, Miku, and Futaba scenes when the story allows and don't count Rin out yet, she hasn't completely denied us and she doesn't have an infinite amount of other characters to turn to. She'll target us eventually. Remeber, she is bi and her romantic pendulum, by which I mean whether she favors girls or guys at any specific point in time, has to swing in our direction first before we get there. The swing toward us has already started, but it isn't out of the girl favoring territory it was in at the start yet.

I still like the writing of this game, but I feel like this was one of the weaker updates. Which is fine, can't have highs without some lows. Just some things that left me pretty meh:

- The dorm war victory event. After how big a deal the dorm war was made out to be ( and IMO one of the best, if not the best ), I found it kind of meh how we only really get a few conversations that amount to " How are you doing ?" for it. I think the only interesting thing that came from this event is finding out that
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- Molly's outburst at the D&D game made sense. We knew she had it bad for Rin, we just didn't know how bad. Molly assaulting Rin however, I have a harder time seeing. But after the advice she got on the beach from Osako, I feel like she will keep trying, and we will see a big fallout from this if Rin feels like Molly is a danger to her relationship.

- Rin... I think she is being set up for a much steeper drop then from Chika. Rin IS lying to Otoha, and probably herself as well. She recently acknowledged that she still has feelings for Chika and she clearly feels something for sensei. This will be a train wreck when it eventually derails, especially since Rin clearly listens to no one, not even Otoha. A nice touch was how Rin dodged the promise that Otoha will be the only one.

- Speaking of Otoha, I just feel like there was no setup on her liking Rin. And from the way she responded I kind of feel she only said yes cuz she feels bad for Rin. Or was afraid Rin would do something.

- I would have expected more people to acknowledge how weird the beach trip in winter was. Or to be like " Wait, when did we have the last beach trip ? That makes no sense. "

On the other hand, the Maya / Noriko talk was amazing. The Niki parts were nice. Sensei's mental health is clearly deteriorating, as his visions are getting both more frequent and less coherent.

Also, anyone else feel like the Wakana overdose will be used to add more girls to sensei's class ? Are we gonna get to 30 or 40 main girls?
I feel it was one of the stronger ones, what happened was Selebus didn't go an expected direction.

If you were expecting an H scene out of thevictory event, I wouldn't, this is not a porn game, where the focus is one the sex, this is a game with porn, where the focus is on the writing. I, too, found it interesting that we and Maya are not the only people in Kumon-Mi who know of the things going on to at least some extent.

Oh no, I definitely am starting to understand what went on. She knew she was going to lose her chance if she didn't act and she knew something wasn't quite right with Rin, so she stepped in. Rin already feels Molly is a threat to her relationship, but not under normal circumstances. The way I see it now, Rin is suffering the extreme effects of her depression now and anyone who gets in the way of her and her intended romantic target is a threat, even if she normally wouldn't see it that way. There was a comment above that mentions the Rin we already knew would have talked it out, that comment is right, the Rin we knew would have. She wouldn't see Molly as a threat, she would try to peacefully resolve the situation. However, we are NOT dealing with the normal Rin right now. I think you're right about the advice part, she will keep trying and there will be fallout, but the key is when. Will Rin be treated before this happens. If so, it may not be as bad as you're thinking and things might go back to some semblance of normalcy between Rin and Molly.

Definitely, at this point I have no doubt she is being set up for a bigger drop and a much bigger result from that drop. She is definitely lying at this point, but as to who, I think she's mainly lying to herself to get over Chika and it is having an adverse effect on her. She is in a very bad place mentally right now and I fear she won't be getting out of it on this route.

There wasn't, she doesn't like Rin that way as far as I can tell even in interactions that are supporting Rin's desire to get together. She's trying to appease Rin, trying to calm her so that she can get Rin some help as far as I can tell. I think Otoha actually made the right choice here. It may do some harm in the short term, but in the long it could be the difference between Rin falling into a level of depression she'll never get out of, that could end with her death, and coming back to her senses.

I definitely agree on player Sensei, the issues he has are getting worse, no doubt.

Look back at the Bottled Dreams event. Knowing Molly, who speaks as if video game tropes are real, this is a literal statement. She let the bottle decide who she would fixate on, because in a video game with a Spin The Bottle plot point, the person the MC gets on the spin would indicate the "prime" love interest, so in her mind, fate has told her that Rin is her lifemate.

This event contextualizes the entire Molly/Rin exchange. Rin, not even fully aware the game is being played (because she's hyperfixating on her conversation with Otoha), basically has Molly force herself upon her and makes it very clear both before and after the kiss that she's not interested. Molly's continued persistence is just further agitatioin for Rin, and when you look at the new content through this lens, it makes a lot more sense.

The last few updates have been Molly consistently not getting her way and also kinda being shat upon by her classmates at every opportunity. She was bound to stand up for herself when things went too far -- and her percieved lifemate wanting to bring The Other Woman into the D&D game was a bridge too far.

Was her reaction overboard? Absolutely. Molly only does overboard. But she's at a crisis -- it's dawning on her that she's not the main character of her own story, and she's fighting desperately for a win somewhere to prove that isn't true.

View attachment 1441534

Rin is in love with the idea of being in love. That never ends well.
Yeah, Molly is indeed a strange one.

Now that I think about it, that fixation on Otoha should have raised some major red flags with me and it didn't. It definitely does now, though.

Kind of, I mean, that had to hurt bringing the 'other woman' to where Molly is. The poor girl defintiely got the short end of the stick and she's not having it at this point.

Fighting desperately up a hill with an active landslide at her feet. She's not going to win this one, but I doubt she'll learn before it's too late.


Aug 24, 2019
All this stuff about Rin and Otoha and Wakana and nobody mentions that this update basically proved that this whole setting is directly caused by Maya's and Sensei's relationship.

They basically spelled it out. Maya and Sensei were in a relationship, Sensei was most likely highly depressive and suicidal due to something. Sensei Jumped (Remember: the very first thing you did at the start of the game was choose Jump) and died.

Maya broke. Maybe prayed or something to create this whole scenario. She got sensei back. but it wasn't her sensei. repeat X amount of cycles and her attitude makes a lot of sense.

... Can we finally start getting some Yumi/Miku/Futaba-scenes? I couldn't care less about Rin, since we clearly aren't getting into her pants.
Came here to say just this. I fucking knew it.

She got 'sensei' back but on the Monkey's Paw of it not really being 'him' but instead a lecherous buffoon in place of a man she loved.

And now she has to watch him forever.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
You know what the discord server should have? A dedicated theory thread.

I could easily spend hours reading up on those, there's so much to dissect.
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
You know what the discord server should have? A dedicated theory thread.

I could easily spend hours reading up on those, there's so much to dissect.
Every time I poke my head in the new-update spoiler thread, it's usually a theory discussioin on how the new content updates theories.
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Jan 9, 2018
I'm willing to bet that *our* sensei ends up being the one to break the cycle exactly because he is a lecher who seems to just roll with anything.

I mean, shit happens and he just shrugs and moves on. Maya finally warms up to him as things spiral out of her comfort zone and ultimately we get the full story.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
I'm willing to bet that *our* sensei ends up being the one to break the cycle exactly because he is a lecher who seems to just roll with anything.

I mean, shit happens and he just shrugs and moves on. Maya finally warms up to him as things spiral out of her comfort zone and ultimately we get the full story.
She's even said that this version of Sensei is more like the OG Sensei than any previous iteratioin, and becomes more like him every day. It's why she's become comfortable talking to him, though she's still not okay with the lechery.
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
All this stuff about Rin and Otoha and Wakana and nobody mentions that this update basically proved that this whole setting is directly caused by Maya's and Sensei's relationship.

They basically spelled it out. Maya and Sensei were in a relationship, Sensei was most likely highly depressive and suicidal due to something. Sensei Jumped (Remember: the very first thing you did at the start of the game was choose Jump) and died.

Maya broke. Maybe prayed or something to create this whole scenario. She got sensei back. but it wasn't her sensei. repeat X amount of cycles and her attitude makes a lot of sense.
People (me including) been hypothesising about this very thing, word for word, for a long time now. I've given up crafting grand theories for now and am just pulling up random crap.

The whole conversation between Maya and Noriko is weird. I can't say how much Noriko knows about the nature of the setting they are in. She seems to be oblivious to resets, but also talks as if she's aware that there is more going on (referring to Sensei as being "inside the box" and talking about "letting him grow" as well as calling Maya a "puppeteer").

Maya saying that Noriko should gtf back to the old distics as her "role ended a long time ago" also suss as fuck. Makes me think about all the about angel references throughout the series for some reason. "We were angels", Maya (Amiokay, really) being referred to as "honorary angel", while Yasu aiming to become one. Wild. Can't put this together.

A lot of interesting bits here and there. Sensei injecting "memories" into girls with his penis, Tsuneyo saying that she can see dark figures around Sensei.

Who's narrating?
Maybe this person?

Speaking of which...
Is it reference to Sensei chasing skirts or...
...Sensei is actually trying to do something?

We're going back to soul stuff Yasu was talking about.
Interesting insight from Sensei. Yasu's influence? I guess it makes sense he thinks that, considering his situation.

As soon as Sensei start experiencing connection problem...
...Yumi began making advances at him and talk like an eroge heroine.
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