Oct 7, 2020
Some random thoughts that should absolutely be taken with grains of salt:

What if Sensei (the body) and Sensei (the soul) are not the same person?

We have a timeline where Sensei (the body) dates Niki, then vanishes after his brother and SiL die, then tutors Noriko and Maya some time later, then disappears on Noriko again. The player Sensei remembers none of this, and Maya is terrified by the idea of him learning about it, possibly because the realization taht your body's life experiences are not yours at all is probably a touch traumatic.

It was a different souls experiences. One that keeps turning up and she's trying to get rid of because she wants THIS soul to inhabit the body. What if player Sensei is really Nozomu, the brother, but his body was so dismembered by the accident its unusable, so she seduced Sensei, lured hiim to the roof, and pushed him off so that THIS body could be used to host the brother's soul. Maybe Maya doesn't deserve a break after all, that murderous little bitch.

Nozomu's body is in the boxes, as are the bits of everyone else who died in the accident, including Miku (who got decapitated, poor dear. That's why you get to use her head as a fleshlight in one scene).

There's some holes in this one: We know Kaori survived the accident, for example. And if the scenario is reviving the people associated with the accident, why is Yumi (who was NOT involved in the accident) here?

This is mostly me trying to puzzle out what about Noriko is so terrifying to Maya. What about that part of Sensei's life is she so desperately trying to hide from him? it feels like a grasp at straws, but I thought it would be fun to share.
Maybe if he finds out too much he just gets erased or overwhelmed, some earlier lines from lo I think reference the brain repressing memories due to trauma, and early Maya lines ask sensei if he could handle the memories from hundreds of lifetimes at once or if he'd go insane or something, if he finds out about the lives and memories that he (or others inhabiting him) have lived he might overload and just die or get wiped/automatically repress them and go back to being blank. Maya probably doesnt want that to happen, and Noriko constantly bringing things up might be a danger to Sensei.
Oct 7, 2020
It's not clear that the other school is on the other side of town. Touka attended that school, if it were in the poor and run down part fo town, she wouldn't be so oblivious to the life of the poor and middle class. She would have had to travel through it to get to and from school (as it didnt' have dorms). Also, many of the students that attended this school before that happened live on the other side of town (Yumi, Chika, Tsuneyo), so I really do think both schools were in the wealthy half of Kumon-Mi.
that makes sense. I cant see Touka attending a school in the poor side of town, tbh.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Guys, I think I somehow turned off the menu below? (with progress and other options) how to return them?
I didn't even know you could. If you or anyone else figures out how, let us know here so people can avoid it if they don't want to turn it off.

is that really enough for her to snap like that? she was acting like she just had a staring contest with the devil and lost all her will to live. I dont know how sensei didnt pick up on any of this either, I get he's a sociopathic asshole but he was acting borderline autistic with his inability to pick up social cues during the event. If Makoto did all that on her own without any pushing from mysterious omnipotent world-resetting external forces then does that mean in the current reset she's still suppressing all those feelings? I doubt a reset would have fixed any underlying long-term mental issues she has unless it was actually an act of god
Yes, for a girl her age, it doesn't take that much pressure. I wouldn't say player Sensei didn't pick up on it, I don't think he even cared or saw it as big enough of a threat to his plans. No, I don't think she's still suppressing those feelings specifically BECAUSE of the reset. Everything was brought back to a point where she wasn't that far gone from what I could tell. The rewind in that same event could also have done something to those feelings. I do believe the rewind and all resets to be the act of a god, but which I cannot say for sure.

working around all of Mega's weirdness with VPN's and/or waiting 5 hours is a really a non-effective solution. Not to mention downloading the mega client. NOPY was amazing, and unfortutently NOPY is no more.

This is perfect use case for a torrent, and we have a RPDL who provides us with a fantastic, pre-seeded torrent.

See the quoted message below
Or just use the Drive links, those have worked for me without issue.

I think it has to do with always giving too much and getting too little in return. Also, the man she idolised for so long turned out to be a leecher.
That last part definitely had an impact, I have no doubt there. Her view of him came crashing down hard and fast.

probably doesnt help that he treats her pretty poorly compared to how he treats futaba or chika tbh
Also a definite impact here, but at least he doesn't treat her as bad as Miku or Molly...yet.

Not supporting the host service is the reason why NoPy is shutting down... Just dropping this information. There is no free food, someone has to pay it whatever happens.

Mega's limits are a thing so people subscribe to their premium membership - and obviously, they aren't very good regarding quota limits enforcement, or more probably they allow it on purpose in order to let clever people download whatever they want and force the others (and the lazy ones) to pay for the premium account.

BTW, NoPy was, at most, at 8 MB/s for me, often only 1 MB/s - sometimes even AnonFiles was faster than NoPy... Mega is at 50 to 80 MB/s, sustained. There is no match between the two - at least where I live. NoPy was simply a pain in the ass each time I was forced to use it, and I'm not even speaking of its inability to resume failed downloads properly by itself without a download manager! It was so much annoying that I was forced to offload the download to my NAS... And it wasn't even working properly each time anyway. So I use Mega. I don't even need to offload that, unlike torrents or other slow transfer hosts/protocols.

Using the Mega client is fully transparent, it weights less than 150 MB on hard drive, less than 50 MB of RAM, and virtually NO CPU usage when not downloading. If your machine can't handle that, I wonder how it can handle a Ren'Py game, especially such a big one as LiL... :sneaky:
Using a VPN is perfectly efficient: I could hear that you don't know HOW to do it, or that you don't know which VPN you should use, or ANY other valid reason (including that you can't afford the fee), but claiming for non-efficiency is simply bad faith. And as I said, a VPN has other use cases than bypassing Mega's quotas...

Pay me a seedbox, and I swear that I'll put a torrent on it each time: I don't mind using five minutes of Internet connection to upload a file - I won't even notice it, honestly.

But I won't open up my own NAS to seed it, since most people here will NEVER EVER stay connected to seed it too, and Torrent is a very, very, VERY inefficient protocol when you have only one peer. The best solution would then be a FTP download, but then you'll probably complain about being "forced" to download FileZilla, too... :devilish: And I wouldn't open my NAS anyway even with FTP. There is some places on Internet where you should never give an access link to your own machines...

Warning: A decent seedbox WILL be more expensive than a premium Mega account AND a VPN plan... Because you pay for a given disk space AND for a given (monthly, usually) bandwidth. Being forced to wait for one month instead of five hours seems to be a bad choice, as far as I'm concerned, so it requires a medium/high-end seedbox.
A good one starts at 50 EUR / USD monthly, FYI.

End of discussion for me: I gave (once again...) the solution, but there are none so deaf as those who will not listen.
That isn't why NOPY shut down, they literally lost every avenue possible to even get support because every platform they tried to get on for monetization banned them. At least, that's what the message from NOPY said.

The thing referred to as love in the script files is affection. If you just read a line further down:

It's not a hidden stat, it's just Affection.

You have to have seen her dorm event where she wears a qipao (Homes for the Homeless), then visit her at the convenience store at night.
I see, so my original comment on the stats was right. Makes sense since those two words can be used to mean the same thing.

Prior to the start of the game, Makoto was already under a lot of pressure.

1) She worked very hard to be the top student in the class, if not the entire school.
2) Was volunteering her time to assist Previous Sensei with classroom administration
3) She has all the keys, which means she's carrying quite bit of responsibility there.
4) She's helping Miku with her academics and PTSD
5) Working full time at the shop

When MC Sensei shows up and says "fuck being an adult," Makoto absorbs all the responsibilities he starts shirking, making this effectively another full time job for her. She gets virtually no support from Sensei, and she has to nag him about signing documents for student transfers, even though more girls in his class is exactly what he wants.

More students means more work for Makoto, by the way, so around the time of Bluejay she's ALSO having to compensate for the relatively recent arrival of Molly and Tsuneyo.

She had a crush on previous Sensei, and MC Sensei begins exploiting it, but rather than being the type of romance she probably would have been all-in on from the outset, he just wants to do pervy stuff with her and goes out of his way to make her uncomfortable at every opporunity. And when she finally decides she DOES want that kind of relationship with him, he denies her sex until she's a barely coherent drunk girl at a Halloween party.

She's working herself ragged to please him, and all he does is treat her like a fleshlight.

None of that has really changed post-reset, so I would think that yeah, she's still supressing those feelings.

But post-reset Makoto is a bit different. She calls him out repeatedly for his lack of gratitude, for one thing. She is standing up for herself in a way that she hadn't prior to jumping, so I think she got a mild rewire after that reset to make her stressors more manageable.
Indeed, being in such a position as she is can do that to someone so young. So, once again, this is basically player Sensei's fault since he piled all his responsibilities onto the mountain of them Makoto already had. I can't believe I am saying this considering my personal bias against him, but I'm not sure he specifically went out of his way to make her uncomfortable, that just seems more like it happened as a result of his actions without being his actual goal. A side effect, if you will.

I wouldn't say she's suppressing those feelings, more like she lost them to the rewind and subsequent reset and is now gaining them back all over again. The difference being that what I'm considering as suppression is her maintaining those feelings despite the rewind and reset. Especially when the rewind seemed to specifically be something like one of the gods telling her she's not getting out that easily, which would only make sense if they also dealt with the emotions she suppressed at least to a point where she wouldn't just immediately try again to do exactly what the gods stopped her from doing.

really makes you wonder what actually goes on in between resets, behind the scenes. A reset doesn't imply any changes to personality and whatnot since its literally just a reset, so I wonder what prompted such a mental rewiring.

Makoto is definitely my favorite girl barely behind Maya and it sucks to see her get the short end of the stick for all this shit tbh, I wish selebus could give her some justice or something, Sensei treats Chika great (and thats fine, I like her too), and even says she "sometimes feels like a real girlfriend" while Makoto works her ass off and gets literally nothing in return.

The way you put it makes sense, the Halloween party part makes sense too, it's really fucked that her first time was lost when she was barely conscious @ a Halloween party after being denied dozens of times prior. I didn't mind him playfully denying her but choosing that moment to deflower her was definitely fucked up, since she seems like the type of girl to value her relationship and the 'firsts' she has with Sensei (as he is a man she idolizes) and then he goes and does something like that.

Since you seem ahead in the story, do we get any more Makoto related content that's positive or happy or atleast neutral romantic or somewhat cute? I'll settle for anything besides treating her as a walking sex-dispenser, to be honest.
Probably a preventative to keep her from repeating the same thing the rewind stopped. These gods we keep hearing about seem rather sadistic and probably wouldn't let one of their subjects get out of that so easily. Not so sure she's going to get some justice, things have been going morally downhill for a while since and don't seem to be going back up any time soon if ever.

With Makoto you are also missing that in the events leading up to bluejay she realises that she is trapped in Kumonmi both physically and metaphorically, she realises that despite all her potential she is likely to end up running the porn shop.

She is, you could say, a bird, perhaps even a blue one, trying to fly away....ohhohoho.
A bird that is trapped in an inescapable cage. You might even say that bird is a Blue Jay.

thats a shame, I'm not sure if I'll like the new girls since I just got to that part, they're set to come in 'this week' as of my writing this now. I'm glad Makoto is more open about her desires though, I hope she ends up not liking Sensei anymore, I just want to see her have a happier end than being tied to someone like current Sensei, to be honest.

true, still pissed off with how sensei handled it though. It must be rough for the girls (even the ones that are oblivious to the resets) because of the space-war and kumon-mi being locked tight.
I don't see that happening, something seems to be influencing them, drawing them toward him.

Maya has indicated the resets happen roughly quarterly, and that THIS Sensei is the first one to make it through three resets, so this is the first time a Sensei has made it through a full year. Since the girls pretty much get a hard reboot when Sensei does, this means this is the first time that THEY have made it through a full year, too. So we honestly don't know if their ability to remember last year's beach/Halloween trips is abnormal because this is uncharted ground.

And when you start thinking of what could prompt Sensei to jump, Maya's standoffishness makes even more sense. We know of exactly one thinig that Sensei fears -- Pregnancy. If he found out Maya is pregnant, and tried to kill himself, and that's what prompted this whole loop, than this means Maya's been repeating the first trimester of a pregnancy for an uncounted amount of time. It's only natural that she'd be a bit resentful at this point.

And if you think the idea sounds far fetched: Maya eats for two pretty much any time she's depicted near food, and she's frequently depicted with a melon in place of a pregnancy belly.

There's not enough to say for certainty that this is what is going on, but there is enough to justify it being on the theory checklist.
It's possible, I have seen evidence they were involved, potentially sexually, and she might have gotten pregnant from that, prompting his jump. That scene near the beginning isn't there just for fun, after all.

Killing yourself because your very-likely-underage girlfriend who is also your studnet is pregnant and you're probably going to be sent to prison or worse, you mean. At the time the time loop began, Maya was a first year high school student.

And yes, that sentence makes it very clear that the character of OG Sensei is pretty damned awful
Exactly, and again, I think that the Maya we see in the scene near the beginning is merely a representation, not what she really looked like at the time. I do believe they were involved and that she was underage at the time, underage enough that her current self had to be used to avoid certain website rules when you think about it from a technical standpoint.

Doesn't that make it even worse? On top of fucking a highschool girl you're the teacher of you also traumatize her with your suicide AND literally abandon your unborn child in the process? If pre-loop sensei was gonna fuck up that hard the least he could do was take responsibility for his actions.
A high school girl who may not have even been in high school at the time, who may have gotten pregnant, whose parents likely would have murdered him, and who is potentially carrying his child. Yeah, that makes it worse. If things hadn't happened the way they did and she had to go through that pregnancy, she would have ended up a single mother with no way to support the two of them, which is a terrible position to be in. That is, of course, depending on if abortion was even an option or if it would have been necessary considering the potential age Maya was at.

Yeah the part about drowning Ayane and her unborn child was kind of dark and I hope he was just joking with his internal monologue but you never know what with how he's acted before. I wonder why he's so terrified of children. Like, sure I understand that he probably realizes what he's doing is illegal, but so is killing the underage mother of your child. His fear seems to go beyond just not wanting to get thrown in prison.

I wonder if this is just some kind of hell for pre-loop sensei, watching someone steal your body and literally fuck everyone you were close to and constantly try to get closer to the woman you loved but being unable to do anything about it. All things considered, he deserves it, but the girls and Maya don't really deserve to be pawns in a game like that.

In most religions, suicide is a one-way ticket to hell, not even mentioning the fact that he had premarital sex and fucked an underage girl, since this game seems to rely on religious themes if this is hell it would make sense since pre-loop Sensei was a massive sinner, all things considered.
I have a feeling it wasn't a joke, but that the only thing that saved Ayane was him not receiving confirmation that she was pregnant. I don't think it's children he's terrified of, I think it's responsibility.

Yeah, the number of times I saw the day128 Chinami issue pop up was annoying. There's a search bar!
What search bar? I don't see a search bar, just some random bar in the top right. :p

My bottom 3 are Ami is worst girl, then Yumi, then Kirin (and yet with Kirin it's a love/hate thing, I also like Kirin, she's just an awful person but in a way that I kind of still like her, she's a good character, awful person). Sensei is worst person overall.

there's a glob of "they exist" characters like Tsuneyo, Futaba, Miku, Maya, Touka, Yasu, Yuki, Niki, Makoto (weird that she and Futaba are main love interests but I just.. don't really care too much about them. it took Makoto killing herself for me to care at all about her), um.. Karate instructor girl and her girlfriend Wakana, I can't even remember her name, damn.

Characters I like but don't know enough about and wish I knew more, like Otoha, Uta, Kaori, Haruka, Nodoka, Maki, and especially Karin

Characters that I in general like but aren't my favorites like Sana, Sara (I was more affectionate about her but she seems to have kinda gotten ignored for awhile)

and characters I have a lot of affection for like Chika, Ayane, Noriko (within the last 2 updates really), Io, Molly, Rin
Ami is near the top with me, used to be at the top before I started viewing this game as just another Renpy porn game. Kirin and Yumi are at the bottom, both for actions or attitudes during the game. Player Sensei is the one character that has ever gone below Yumi on my list, but not being one of the girls, I don't even give him a spot.

Understandable with the characters you don't know enough about considering they haven't been in the game that long or just haven't been a focus for long enough to get the same sense we have of the original cast.

The Karate instructor is Osako, by the way.

You also forgot about Ayane making it to the roof. It's not explicitly said but it's pretty on the nose suggesting that the only reason she made it up there was because she was pregers. 100% sold on the Maya is perma pregs idea.
I'm still not convinced Ayane was ever pregnant, but I could definitely see Maya from before the game starts.

Yeah, that is kind of tangential to my point so I left it out on purpose, but I am %100 certain that Ayane was trying to tell Sensei she was pregnant, and lost the baby in the reset.

The exchange after they reset the world where Sensei asks how Ayane made it up there and Maya just flat out tells him its because he's horrible nails that for me. She knew why Ayane got there during a reset, because that's why SHE is up there every time. The part of sensei inside her is called to the point where it all began when ti's time to begin anew.

And that has some implications regarding Makoto, but Makoto did not appear during the reset proper, just during one of the last events prior to it, so that's not definitive.
I mean, 'he's horrible' is kind of a general fact at this point.

It's kinda hard to tell at times, he seems to be responsible for most of what goes wrong with the girls and their heartbreaks/anxieties...but you also have the whole thing with the USERS who seem to be guiding (in many ways forcing) him to do bad things.

But i don't think he's in hell per say, it seems to be more like purgatory, there's a chance at redemption a long way down the road, first he has to suffer for whatever sins he committed, and only after that can he show if he's changed or not.

There's a reason why further down the line Selebus has "Purity" and "Dark" routes planned for each of the girls (and you already have some choices now, comforting Ayane in bed when she's feeling down, being a good homie to Rin, etc...).
I still believe this to be the world of the living and that, maybe, he was told no by the gods. Instead, he was forced to relive this part until certain things happen, and as he refuses to meet the condition he is probably completely aware of, things keep getting worse.

Why everyone hates sensei ? Im ok with spoilers. Also thank you Selebus ,i've become obsessed with this game and cant play Swords of Legends online for 5 days XD :ROFLMAO: i just want to play this game and see every scene I played this game for 30 hours without sleeping, and it's really one of the most enjoyable VN I've ever played.no its probably best one.
No need for spoilers, we can tell you why with one single sentence. It's because he's scum, one of the worst kinds of humans possible. He's actually meant to be hated, anyway.

Because Sensei's first instinct amongst a group of emotionally vulnerable underdevopled (emotionally) teenage girls was to exploit them for sex. And we are all extensions of Sensei, the worst predators imaginable exploiting young girls for pleasure when they are obviously not ready for it.

This game is about being happy.
That's not the only thing, but it is one of the aspects that make him the scum of the Earth.

For a guy who is so afraid of getting a girl pregnant that he'd kill himself over it, he probably ought to at least learn to pull out.
He doesn't care about responsibility like that, though. He just wants to use them and be done with it, no strings attached, including being a father.

it still seems a bit much, though.especially when Sensei already thinks he's a worst person.
He's about the closest to a villain protagonist as you can get without making him truly evil, so the glove fits. His own acknowledgement is irrelevant and makes him no better than he would be without acknowledging he is scum.

Guys what is happy event ? i need to have happy event for progress and cant find any scene. im stuck at after chinami event where yumi were angry and yell at me .
'happy' events are the horror element of the game. I usually end up stumbling into them, so I can't be much help in telling you how to get them.

Oh, I've read it already several days ago. Let me explain something: if you rely ONLY on donations through micro-payments, and ONLY through "confidential" processors (like Stripe, I simply don't even know this service) and/or moralizing ones (like PayPal), you'll get what happened to Patreon: comply or shutdown. Usual banks aren't driven by "morality", but by LAWS. It changes a LOT of things.
So host service is not supported anymore. I expressly said: "Not supporting the host service is the reason why NoPy is shutting down...". I didn't said that people were NOT wanting to support it.

So... When I really want to support something, I use SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) direct debits or VISA/Mastercard one-shot cards - my bank provides me a card number generator which include a payment ceiling and limited to a single debtor.
Setting up the infrastructure to be able to receive such payments isn't difficult, but you'll have to pay VAT and taxes - period. And unlike what happens with some payment processors, ALL expenses done directly through my bank are refunded within 24 hours if I claim for a fraud - there is a LAW about that, in my country.

There is also no countries where I cannot send a payment, and any normal company is able to process them. No exceptions. If a company cannot process my payments, I don't buy anything from them, that's very simple. It doesn't mean that I don't use a PayPal account too, but that I will never ever buy anything from a company that accept ONLY PayPal payments (or only third-party payment processors, to be honest). Because you'll never know if or when they'll be shutted down by these payment processors, therefore you'll not have anymore service (including a possibility of losing data/money) and/or no more warranty.
I highly doubt that someone can think about accepting cryptocurrencies while not setting up the required papers to process normal bank payments without intermediaries. NoPy did not do that, the result is there.

It's extremely dangerous to rely only on third-parties for payments instead of banks, since once settled everywhere, they can do any lobby they want to do and they can impose THEIR conditions and methods. If everybody want only to use PayPal, then PayPal will decide what is "good" and what is "wrong" to buy - again, see what happened to Patreon, or OnlyFans.
I'm not even using Google or Facebook because of that, and they're FREE, so why the heck would I trust exclusively such a company for my MONEY? :cautious: I don't even use credit cards (but only debit cards) for this exact reason! The fact that it's "easy" or "convenient" should NEVER be the reason to trust such a company when money is involved... In particular if it's free, because then something is rotten - either you're the product and/or controlled, or someone else is charged instead of you. My bank don't sell to anyone my creditors/debtors list, for example, or the global amount of money I spend each month. PayPal can, do it, and will ban your account if you use it for something they don't like. We speak about money, and for-profit business: a free service isn't even a possible thing. You pay it somehow, whatever you may think. That's a basic economy concept.

BTW, it still don't change the transfer rate problem with NoPy, which was WAY slower than Mega, and an obvious no-go for me - and most probably for most Mega users. So why would I had supported something like NoPy? Or AnonFiles? Or any other host service that isn't even reliable/efficient enough when I test it with a free account? I want my files with the shortest possible delay, not with the less possible steps. I'm not paying a gigabit landline connection to get a file at less than 10 MB/s just to avoid three mouse clicks - they can even be automated quite easily, if required.

And if one day Mega enforces its quota verification, then I would get a paid account without batting an eyelid - but like Microsoft, they probably don't care so much about "piracy" from individuals, and focus on business accounts instead. Also, Mega accept VISA, Mastercard, direct debits, even Bitcoins and some other options, but they do NOT accept PayPal... Just dropping the information, again...

And you still need someone else to do the job for you, instead of using a simple, quick trick that work for everyone without any need of anybody - but you and a fistful of users. And someone still has to pay for the seedbox(es).

It's still requesting a free lunch.

Like begging for compressed versions... Seriously? A 500 GB hard drive can be bought for 15 €... Enough for more than a HUNDRED of BIG games... I have a bit less than 100 games, they use only 275 GB - and ONLY because I want to keep them even when finished... I have more than one TERAbyte of AAA games (and all aren't even installed...), three terabytes of videos, even my music folder or my family pictures require more disk space than my porn games... Why should I care? Terabytes are cheap nowadays...

It also doesn't change the fact that, without numerous seeders, Torrent is inefficient, by design, and it's perfectly normal. As I said, I highly doubt that most people here will continue to seed after their downloads - and seeing how much they complain about archive sizes, they probably don't have a decent enough bandwidth to seed properly anyway...
I'm also quite sure that, if I launch the two downloads at the same time, I'll finish the Mega one way before the Torrent one.

But you can continue to complain on each release anyway: I'll still play the game way before you, each time.
Not even, porn is legal, but companies like PayPal, which has been a key figure in getting several different sites shut down or changed through denying service, won't allow basically anything porn to be processed. Hell, to get anything on DLSite with PayPal, I have to buy points on the site to then use as currency for the products I want to buy.

I think you might have had a connection issue with NOPY because I never had low speeds with them whereas any other DDL site was slow because they placed a speed limit on free downloads.

Makes sense, but riddle me this:
If Maya stays the same between resets due to her pregnancy, then why did Ayane forget everything (or well, faintly recalls it as a dream, but pretty much everyone notices inconsistencies somewhere sometime)

I may not be an expert at sex, but I think creampies are still better. Also he might have given in
Also there may have been some kind of accident or whatever. Sensei is not a constant, so whoever he gets pregnant could have the girl as the aggressor, wanting him to not leave by shackling him with fatherhood (which would be too much for him).

Just cause he knows he's a douche, doesn't excuse him.
It's like a murderer acknowledges what they're doing, but continue to do so.

Not too sure where you are, but if you aren't sure what a Happy event is, then check the event tracker.
Also you might want to go to the dorms and then "go home" without doing anything else. That one tends to get pretty much all of us.

Also what's everyone's problem with nopy? I never noticed anything wrong, since I do whatever else when I'm downloading.
That's a valid point, wouldn't Ayane also remember just like Maya if she actually was pregnant? Or maybe it was a pregnancy scare, a false positive, and she was going to tell him without confirming it for sure. That would then explain why she forgot despite 'being pregnant.' Because she never actually was.

That third point is exactly right. Scum is scum whether he knows and acknowledges he is scum or doesn't.

I think kralfati54 might be further than that particular scene judging by what he said about where he is with Chinami.

As for NOPY, not sure what the problem is, It's always been the single best DDL site since it came out. I suspect some people may have had connection issues between their internet and NOPY servers.

right but still he is better than most of other MCs to me .also arent these girls are adults ? so i dont think he is bad as rapists .I've seen a lot of bad comments ,i just finished chapter 1 and i dont feel any good or bad feeling for him.
Not even close to better. Also, the girls are mostly high schoolers, which is still bad even for actual 18 year olds because they have no means to support themselves and potentially a child if he knocks them up, which his carelessness has the distinct possibility of making happen. He's also extremely irresponsible to the point where, even if he did knock a student up, he would probably try to get out of it any way he can.

In fact, that's one of the theories, that the jump at the beginning was due to finding out he knocked a girl up.

Still an age gap, power dynamic and lots of manipulation. There's only a couple girls where he is actually a positive influence on them, but that's just the theme of the game.

This would be going on the assumption that's it even a conscious choice he is making. The Ami scene during Halloween as well as surrounding context aggressively suggests that he doesn't seem to be in control. But who is?

As a true degenerate, I already liked Kirin a lot, but this update really brought her to the top of my list. She really pushes the buttons for all my worst fetishes. Assissted sexual assault of another girl, validating and encouraging the terrible actions or desires of the protagonist, consciously engaging in and encouraging heavily self-destructive behavior for the sake of "temporary bliss", as she puts it... That's a pretty rare stuff and I can't deny it really pushes some of my buttons, terrible though it may be. During the conversation about Molly, she kinda started to remind me of Euphoria and the way Nemu behaves towards the protagonist. Her persona seems somewhat fragile, but I'm looking forward to seeing how the situation develops.

Ironically, the other two members of my top 3 are actually Ayane and Chika for pretty much the opposite reasons as Kirin, so it does feel kind of bad to just throw Ayane under the bus with Kirin and now have her shift her gaze to Chika as well.
Assisted sexual assault? She interrupted a consensual sexual encounter at the beach.

Though I'm not 100% on-board with this theory yet, it does make sense. Assume that the condition for surviving the loop while retaining memory is to have at least a little bit of Sensei inside them (i.e: being preggers). Ayane got pregnant during one of the loops and thus she managed to stay a thing during the "cleanup" phase of the reset. However due to the fact that the reset reset her body (and thus the child inside her) she didn't go through the main rest unscathed.

Maya on the other hand got pregnant (assuming this theory is true) BEFORE the loops started, so when the reset resets her body, all it does is revert the progress of he pregnancy, it doesn't eliminate it entirely. Therefore she's able to maintain her memory through resets as she always has that small piece of Sensei inside her.
The way it reset her tells me that she may not have met that condition. This leads me to believe she was acting on a false positive, not a confirmed pregnancy.

It's not clear that the other school is on the other side of town. Touka attended that school, if it were in the poor and run down part fo town, she wouldn't be so oblivious to the life of the poor and middle class. She would have had to travel through it to get to and from school (as it didnt' have dorms). Also, many of the students that attended this school before that happened live on the other side of town (Yumi, Chika, Tsuneyo), so I really do think both schools were in the wealthy half of Kumon-Mi.
I agree here, the commute would have opened Touka's eyes.
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Oct 7, 2020
That's a valid point, wouldn't Ayane also remember just like Maya if she actually was pregnant? Or maybe it was a pregnancy scare, a false positive, and she was going to tell him without confirming it for sure. That would then explain why she forgot despite 'being pregnant.' Because she never actually was.
no, maybe. Perhaps it's like an hourglass, the reset is the hourglass being tipped and restarting. Maya (since she got pregnant pre-loop) is unable to be tipped or reset because every reset would result in her keeping the child anyways, Ayane, even if she got pregnant, would still be reset and all of the progress towards sentience or remembrance would just be reset, she hasnt been given enough time to develop that ability to the extent Maya has.

I'm pretty shitty with allegories and metaphors so I guess you could just say that implanting a child in one of the girls starts a timer, @ 100% the girl is left with the ability to remember everything throughout loops (presumably forever), Maya, having been impregnated pre-loop, kept the child (the timer) through loops, so she hit 100% without an issue. Whereas with Ayane the timer isn't even given the chance to hit 100% because she hasn't carried the child long enough, every time she gets close she would get reset, resulting in her maybe only vaguely remembering events.

Maya (pregnant pre-loop)
>loop restarts
Maya is still pregnant, so she stays independent of the reset

Ayane (Pregnant in-loop)
Ayane gets maybe 50% awareness (enough to go to the roof and perhaps persist through the void-state in-between loops where everyone disappears/breaks)
>loop restarts
Ayane is no longer pregnant, she loses her ability to be independent of the reset and the void-state between loops and only keeps dream-like memories of it.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
no, maybe. Perhaps it's like an hourglass, the reset is the hourglass being tipped and restarting. Maya (since she got pregnant pre-loop) is unable to be tipped or reset because every reset would result in her keeping the child anyways, Ayane, even if she got pregnant, would still be reset and all of the progress towards sentience or remembrance would just be reset, she hasnt been given enough time to develop that ability to the extent Maya has.

I'm pretty shitty with allegories and metaphors so I guess you could just say that implanting a child in one of the girls starts a timer, @ 100% the girl is left with the ability to remember everything throughout loops (presumably forever), Maya, having been impregnated pre-loop, kept the child (the timer) through loops, so she hit 100% without an issue. Whereas with Ayane the timer isn't even given the chance to hit 100% because she hasn't carried the child long enough, every time she gets close she would get reset, resulting in her maybe only vaguely remembering events.

Maya (pregnant pre-loop)
>loop restarts
Maya is still pregnant, so she stays independent of the reset

Ayane (Pregnant in-loop)
Ayane gets maybe 50% awareness (enough to go to the roof and perhaps persist through the void-state in-between loops where everyone disappears/breaks)
>loop restarts
Ayane is no longer pregnant, she loses her ability to be independent of the reset and the void-state between loops and only keeps dream-like memories of it.
I'm still not convinced Ayane was even actually pregnant, but that she instead acted before confirming it and stopped short when player Sensei said what he did. Then, and I still can't figure out how she got to the roof considering it seems to be in a zone only accessible to those outside the total influence of the resets, she tries again only to fail to tell him again.

The way I see it right now, if she had actually been pregnant, she might have been allowed to remain as she was just like Maya. As it is, she is no different than a non-pregnant girl in that regard, she gets reset the same as them while Maya does not.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
I'm still not convinced Ayane was even actually pregnant, but that she instead acted before confirming it and stopped short when player Sensei said what he did. Then, and I still can't figure out how she got to the roof considering it seems to be in a zone only accessible to those outside the total influence of the resets, she tries again only to fail to tell him again.

The way I see it right now, if she had actually been pregnant, she might have been allowed to remain as she was just like Maya. As it is, she is no different than a non-pregnant girl in that regard, she gets reset the same as them while Maya does not.
By the time Sensei winds up on the roof, everyone but him and Maya should have disappeared from the world entirely. The fact that she still existed at all, much less got to the roof, is an indicator that there was something going on.
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Feb 27, 2018
By the time Sensei winds up on the roof, everyone but him and Maya should have disappeared from the world entirely. The fact that she still existed at all, much less got to the roof, is an indicator that there was something going on.
Not just that, but the hints dropped in her Character Events like Under the World Tree and especially Crash of Thunder were pretty strongly pointing at that being the case.
but the prevalent quote is "There is something buried beneath your feet"
This is true, but there have been clues that the basement of the school, specifically the boiler room iirc, holds some information that the powers that be don't want Sensei to know.


New Member
Oct 17, 2021
Could someone please provide me with a save slot just when the second trip to the beach ends without having betrayed rin thanks


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
I'm still not convinced Ayane was even actually pregnant, but that she instead acted before confirming it and stopped short when player Sensei said what he did. Then, and I still can't figure out how she got to the roof considering it seems to be in a zone only accessible to those outside the total influence of the resets, she tries again only to fail to tell him again.

The way I see it right now, if she had actually been pregnant, she might have been allowed to remain as she was just like Maya. As it is, she is no different than a non-pregnant girl in that regard, she gets reset the same as them while Maya does not.
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Jan 16, 2018
The 'gods' and angels of LIL seem to act like the archons of sethian gnosticism in regards to Sensei.

They control him (beyond even his own corrupt will) via nefarious base desires and represent such desires themselves.

Wether there is a demi-urge above Hope, 'wire god', or Nozomu (if I spelled that right...) is yet to be seen

(yaldaboath, the clockwork god, the crawling one, the aborted fetus of the lesser aeon sophia)

Maya looks to the stars to see a world beyond the world-prison.

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Oct 7, 2020
The 'gods' and angels of LIL seem to act like the archons of sethian gnosticism in regards to Sensei.

They control him (beyond even his own corrupt will) via nefarious base desires and represent such desires themselves.

Wether there is a demi-urge above Hope, 'wire god', or Nozomu (if I spelled that right...) is yet to be seen

(yaldaboath, the clockwork god, the crawling one, the aborted fetus of the lesser aeon sophia)

Maya looks to the stars to see a world beyond the world-prison.

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I just did a cursory reading into it and I can kind of see that. On multiple occasions has HOPE (or God/god/gods) been said to want to rape our loved ones, or just rape in general, apparently the demiurge tried raping eve to regain his lost divinity after making her and Adam, though I might just be reaching.


Sep 15, 2020
I just scrolled through some earlier Sel's statements about LiL taking ~10 years to be completed and did some simple math. If every update gives about 1,5-2 hours of reading and there mostly two updates per month, this means roughly 480 hours... And that's on top of what already exists (a few dozens of hours?)... o_O I slightly begin to understand the anxiety of some dude a few pages back.

I guess I'll be reading Lessons in Love all my life. Selebus is truly a cruel person.
Oct 7, 2020
I just scrolled through some earlier Sel's statements about LiL taking ~10 years to be completed and did some simple math. If every update gives about 1,5-2 hours of reading and there mostly two updates per month, this means roughly 480 hours... And that's on top of what already exists (a few dozens of hours?)... o_O I slightly begin to understand the anxiety of some dude a few pages back.

I guess I'll be reading Lessons in Love all my life. Selebus is truly a cruel person.
I wouldnt mind it being released as a novel @ this point tbh
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Active Member
Jun 24, 2020
I just scrolled through some earlier Sel's statements about LiL taking ~10 years to be completed and did some simple math. If every update gives about 1,5-2 hours of reading and there mostly two updates per month, this means roughly 480 hours... And that's on top of what already exists (a few dozens of hours?)... o_O I slightly begin to understand the anxiety of some dude a few pages back.

I guess I'll be reading Lessons in Love all my life. Selebus is truly a cruel person.
Yup, I'll stick around as long as I can but I have a feeling there'll just be a point where I can't manage to keep up with the game, which will suck. But c'est la vie
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Maybe if he finds out too much he just gets erased or overwhelmed, some earlier lines from lo I think reference the brain repressing memories due to trauma, and early Maya lines ask sensei if he could handle the memories from hundreds of lifetimes at once or if he'd go insane or something, if he finds out about the lives and memories that he (or others inhabiting him) have lived he might overload and just die or get wiped/automatically repress them and go back to being blank. Maya probably doesnt want that to happen, and Noriko constantly bringing things up might be a danger to Sensei.
He does glitch in the current paid update when Noriko starts going on about some stuff that happened after the accident.

But Niki tells him quite a lot about his past and outside of the letters and a jumpscare that felt more like a meta-joke than an actual in-game event, he's fine.

So it feels more like there's something very specific about that period that she's trying to keep him from finding out.


Sep 15, 2020
Yup, I'll stick around as long as I can but I have a feeling there'll just be a point where I can't manage to keep up with the game, which will suck. But c'est la vie
Honestly, I have a feeling, that either I won't make it out alive to see the end, or something will happen with Sel, or something will happen with the world. If only we had a cloning technology to replicate Selebus x10... Oh well, it's about the journey and the friends we made on our path (personally: none :oops:)
Oct 7, 2020
honestly its getting a bit difficult to separate pre-loop and current sensei anyways, if you take away the interference of other users/angels/gods then characters have noted we are acting 'like we used to', Maya clearly also (probably) thinks the same, and we remember things that 'we' (mc sensei) was not present for when talking with Noriko. lo has mentioned trauma repressed memories, etc. Perhaps theres more to the mc sensei than we're being shown.

lo mentions memories repressed by trauma, Noriko's entire character is 'our' memories, Maya's too (to an extent, and in a different way), Yumi is always around when we have trance-like fugue-states where we lose all of our memories of what happened during them (Noriko too, now that I think about it), also Yumi has asked us if we've lost memories, there might be a clue somewhere here for somebody more invested than I to decipher

oh and unrelated, but, can one of the lore-buffs explain what the deal is with the detentions old-sensei used to give Yumi is?
Last edited:
Jul 11, 2019
Not just that, but the hints dropped in her Character Events like Under the World Tree and especially Crash of Thunder were pretty strongly pointing at that being the case.

This is true, but there have been clues that the basement of the school, specifically the boiler room iirc, holds some information that the powers that be don't want Sensei to know.
What is it with the boiler room? I've noticed a lot of you mention it, but I can't recall when it was said in LiL.
I also thought it's under the school, but only because of the happy event that takes place in a dark classroom. With no light, it's likely to be underground. And it's a classroom, so...

He does glitch in the current paid update when Noriko starts going on about some stuff that happened after the accident.

But Niki tells him quite a lot about his past and outside of the letters and a jumpscare that felt more like a meta-joke than an actual in-game event, he's fine.

So it feels more like there's something very specific about that period that she's trying to keep him from finding out.
Let's see.
As I understand the timeline (please correct me, I'm writing this with the need to sleep and slight alcohol consumption):
Original Sensei has a brother and lives close to the Nakayamas.
His brother also has a wife and daughter.
Sensei wants to become a teacher and grows close to the Nakayamas, particularly Niki, who he has a relationship with.
Sensei seems to also have had an affair with his sister in law, with her "grooming" him, evident by her teasing and well, the happy scene with the teacher (who is likely the sister in law and his inspiration for becoming a teacher).
The car accident happens and Sensei takes Ami and moves away, not informing Niki of his whereabouts.
Sensei lives in an apartment, simlar to Chika's current residence and tutors a multitude of students, despite having a questionable mindset in teaching (likely due to past experiences).
Among these students are Maya and Noriko, who found him.
Maya is similar to Sensei and they grow fond of each other, likely starting a relationship.
Noriko sees Sensei with someone "redacted". When I read this line in the update, I thought it would be Ami's mother, but she would have a slight case of being dead at this point in time, so I wonder who this could be?
Maya reaches high(?) school and may or may not have been impregnated by Sensei.
Sensei, unable to bear responsibility, decides to jump.
From here on it's unknown what happened leading to the resets, but Maya praying despite not really believing in god may indicate that she made a deal with either one or multiple gods to bring him back.
The revival was not 100% successful. Either different aspects of Sensei became the temporary main controller of the body (such as the one that wanted to be a good teacher, evident by what his reputation is before changing his teaching style) or different people were placed into his body (if we consider something like souls as balls in a basket, then a random ball was taken every reset while trying to find the "Sensei ball" (also haha, ball)).
Which brings us to the playable part of Lessons in Love, where we have dead Nozomu, Wire God (assumed to be User2) and unknown third god.
I was going to go somewhere with all this text, but I have no idea what I wanted to say, so enjoy this hopefully correct timeline.

Honestly, I have a feeling, that either I won't make it out alive to see the end, or something will happen with Sel, or something will happen with the world. If only we had a cloning technology to replicate Selebus x10... Oh well, it's about the journey and the friends we made on our path (personally: none :oops:)
Perhaps the real treasure was the pregnancies we made along the way.
Also we may not really be friends, but we're still fellow enjoyers of Lessons in love.
Average pirate who's looking for porn in LiL (and doesn't know the word of the day):
Average LiL story, character and mystery enjoyer: Alex and the (hopefully) majority of us

honestly its getting a bit difficult to separate pre-loop and current sensei anyways, if you take away the interference of other users/angels/gods then characters have noted we are acting 'like we used to', Maya clearly also (probably) thinks the same, and we remember things that 'we' (mc sensei) was not present for when talking with Noriko. lo has mentioned trauma repressed memories, etc. Perhaps theres more to the mc sensei than we're being shown.

lo mentions memories repressed by trauma, Noriko's entire character is 'our' memories, Maya's too (to an extent, and in a different way), Yumi is always around when we have trance-like fugue-states where we lose all of our memories of what happened during them (Noriko too, now that I think about it), also Yumi has asked us if we've lost memories, there might be a clue somewhere here for somebody more invested than I to decipher

oh and unrelated, but, can one of the lore-buffs explain what the deal is with the detentions old-sensei used to give Yumi is?
Maya did mention sometime that current Sensei is simliar to past Sensei (which is also how he is remembered, but that might just be reset magic making people adapt).
Perhaps Pre-Loop Sensei and Player Sensei are one and the same. We, both the players and Sensei, just don't know it yet.

Not a great lore-buff, but I can (hopefully correctly) tell you that we have no idea.
The detentions are unknown. We've theorized that they could have been sexual, but there's no definitive proof for or against said argument.
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
oh and unrelated, but, can one of the lore-buffs explain what the deal is with the detentions old-sensei used to give Yumi is?
At the moment, we don't know.

We know that Sensei glitches around her, which is a sign that they have a significant shared history. Prior to Noriko, she triggered more glitches than anyone else, they're about equal now.

It is possible that the detentions were issued in an attempt for a previous version of Sensei to get closer to her, and that he assaulted her. She doesn't mention "the time you mouth raped" her until after the scene where he kisses her, so it's possible she's using VERY dramatic language to describe the kiss -- or perhaps she's alluding to something older.

There may have been an intimate relationship in the past. It may or may not have been consensual to start. Anything in this vein is, unfortunately, speculative.

There is one notable glitch during the second beach event, however, where Yumi is all but consenting to have sex with him. It's unclear if that's an alternate timeline, hallucination, or flashback, but it is noteworthy.

Also: Yuki assumes Yumi is dating Sensei and does not accept arguments to the contrary, and she wastes NO time reaching that conclusion. So it's likely that at some point in the past, she saw something or was told something to make this a reasonable assumption.

But again, purely speculative.

The next update focuses on Yumi, Chika, Yuki, and Sara, and will include a Happy scene. The presence of a happy scene indicates that this should be a pretty relevant update, story-wise, and it will likely drop some hints regarding at least some of those characters. I suspect the focus will be on what happened to Sana's son, but we might get lucky and get some hints about pre-game Yumi with it.
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