
Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
That said, both Nozomu Arakawa and Sekai Arakawa are also not alliterations, so who knows?
We don't know, however, that those are actual names, and not affectations. Nozomu translates to Desire or Hope, Sekai to World. My _______ works for all three of those as pet names, especially the kind used to address a lover.

Have you not heard of... bisexuality?
Also, one of her events is "Debatably bisexual musicians". And she literally calls Sensei attractive.
She simply prefers girls, but is not solely attracted to them.
If you have the choice of eating a chocolate cake or a strawberry ice cream, choosing one does not exclude the other. You simply wanted to have the one you chose at that point in time.
Don't forget that whole scene where she shoves her tongue down your throat.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
she never shows bisexuality and other girls said that she is a lesbian not a bi . it doesnt matter if she is bi ,it still mean she is a lesbian
How many males are there to showcase her bisexuality? Oh, just one. The one she flirts with, kisses and openly admits to love several times. If that's not bi, I don't know what is.
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Jan 16, 2019
all rin scenes has only yuri so she cant be bi she never flirts with sensei. she never said she likes boys, only girls i really want to skip her scenes. im ok with other lesbian girls but pls not her. there is no way to skip? like save editor etc? i think i can delete scenes with it but idk if i can skip


Oct 8, 2017
I've just seen how close the next Patreon goal is and then that Noodles could show up at the next Christmas party (By the way November has only 30 days, not 31.). Hopefully the goal will be met till then.
Jan 16, 2019
does ayane reach roof the regardless of the choices we make i mean she reached it because she was pregnant or something like that right ? i deleted her progress with save editor but still she was here so im curious. this game is my favorite now.


Feb 27, 2018
does ayane reach roof the regardless of the choices we make i mean she reached it because she was pregnant or something like that right ? i deleted her progress with save editor but still she was here so im curious. this game is my favorite now.
That's a good question. Deleting her progress wouldn't give an accurate indication since going through without sleeping with her would result in different event flags I'm sure.
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Nov 23, 2017
That's a good question. Deleting her progress wouldn't give an accurate indication since going through without sleeping with her would result in different event flags I'm sure.
can you avoid impregnating Anyane? it's been so long... it feels like that wasn't optional.


Nov 26, 2016
You can't avoid sleeping with Ayane because you have to complete all chapter 1 events (except for the missable events, like certain lust scenes) to enter Chapter 2.


Feb 27, 2018


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
By the time Sensei winds up on the roof, everyone but him and Maya should have disappeared from the world entirely. The fact that she still existed at all, much less got to the roof, is an indicator that there was something going on.
Not just that, but the hints dropped in her Character Events like Under the World Tree and especially Crash of Thunder were pretty strongly pointing at that being the case.

This is true, but there have been clues that the basement of the school, specifically the boiler room iirc, holds some information that the powers that be don't want Sensei to know.
We also can't rule out the potential that this is the gods meddling again like they seemed to with the rewind in "Bluejay." They have been known to 'fix' things that aren't going how they want.

Did you not unlock the rest of her scenes during the second beach event and stuff or something?
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I am 100% completed up to the current patron build of the game, so I have completed her events.

As for the spoiler, Ayane was in the act of her own accord, the interruption was being walked in on and the only thing Ayane didn't want was Kirin to be there. I agree that it was a scummy thing to do, but considering it started out as willing and Ayane never showed an unwillingness to do the act itself even after Kirin showed up, I can't call it assault. Harrasment, yes, but not assault. Assault assumes the perpetrator was actually doing the thing, not inserting herself into an in progress consensual act, as far as I am aware.

I still can't believe I'm defending that scum we call the MC, but he wasn't going along with Kirin any more than Ayane was. Both of them are under the same threat as he could lose his job just like Ayane could be expelled for their relationship even if they both consented to it.

That's not much in the way of evidence considering it never once mentioned what has a chance to happen as a result.

The 'gods' and angels of LIL seem to act like the archons of sethian gnosticism in regards to Sensei.

They control him (beyond even his own corrupt will) via nefarious base desires and represent such desires themselves.

Wether there is a demi-urge above Hope, 'wire god', or Nozomu (if I spelled that right...) is yet to be seen

(yaldaboath, the clockwork god, the crawling one, the aborted fetus of the lesser aeon sophia)

Maya looks to the stars to see a world beyond the world-prison.

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I just did a cursory reading into it and I can kind of see that. On multiple occasions has HOPE (or God/god/gods) been said to want to rape our loved ones, or just rape in general, apparently the demiurge tried raping eve to regain his lost divinity after making her and Adam, though I might just be reaching.
But Ami's mother is dead, meaning she can't control powers she may or may not have had.

I wouldnt mind it being released as a novel @ this point tbh
I mean, it technically is, a Visual Novel.

He does glitch in the current paid update when Noriko starts going on about some stuff that happened after the accident.

But Niki tells him quite a lot about his past and outside of the letters and a jumpscare that felt more like a meta-joke than an actual in-game event, he's fine.

So it feels more like there's something very specific about that period that she's trying to keep him from finding out.
Naturally it's Noriko causing it, maybe Maya was right in those early Noriko update events, maybe she is the cause.

honestly its getting a bit difficult to separate pre-loop and current sensei anyways, if you take away the interference of other users/angels/gods then characters have noted we are acting 'like we used to', Maya clearly also (probably) thinks the same, and we remember things that 'we' (mc sensei) was not present for when talking with Noriko. lo has mentioned trauma repressed memories, etc. Perhaps theres more to the mc sensei than we're being shown.

lo mentions memories repressed by trauma, Noriko's entire character is 'our' memories, Maya's too (to an extent, and in a different way), Yumi is always around when we have trance-like fugue-states where we lose all of our memories of what happened during them (Noriko too, now that I think about it), also Yumi has asked us if we've lost memories, there might be a clue somewhere here for somebody more invested than I to decipher

oh and unrelated, but, can one of the lore-buffs explain what the deal is with the detentions old-sensei used to give Yumi is?
We've never had a real sense of old Sensei since he disappeared at the beginning before we got control. Nobody really knows that much about the detentions, either. They were vaguely hinted at by early game Yumi, but I don't remember much else after that, and early game Yumi can't exactly be trusted to be telling the full truth considering the bias that comes with her attitude.

At the moment, we don't know.

We know that Sensei glitches around her, which is a sign that they have a significant shared history. Prior to Noriko, she triggered more glitches than anyone else, they're about equal now.

It is possible that the detentions were issued in an attempt for a previous version of Sensei to get closer to her, and that he assaulted her. She doesn't mention "the time you mouth raped" her until after the scene where he kisses her, so it's possible she's using VERY dramatic language to describe the kiss -- or perhaps she's alluding to something older.

There may have been an intimate relationship in the past. It may or may not have been consensual to start. Anything in this vein is, unfortunately, speculative.

There is one notable glitch during the second beach event, however, where Yumi is all but consenting to have sex with him. It's unclear if that's an alternate timeline, hallucination, or flashback, but it is noteworthy.

Also: Yuki assumes Yumi is dating Sensei and does not accept arguments to the contrary, and she wastes NO time reaching that conclusion. So it's likely that at some point in the past, she saw something or was told something to make this a reasonable assumption.

But again, purely speculative.

The next update focuses on Yumi, Chika, Yuki, and Sara, and will include a Happy scene. The presence of a happy scene indicates that this should be a pretty relevant update, story-wise, and it will likely drop some hints regarding at least some of those characters. I suspect the focus will be on what happened to Sana's son, but we might get lucky and get some hints about pre-game Yumi with it.
I have no doubt she was being dramatic about the kiss, that's part of the reason I have never trusted anything she says he did considering the lack of evidence supporting her. That's not to say it doesn't exist somewhere in the untold story, just that we have not seen it.

Might I add that Yumi starts to act like a cliche romanceable npc the moment sensei disynchronises (maybe she reverts back to her original designs of how she "supposed" to be this far into the story and with this much affection?). Might be hallucinations, might be something else.
It might also be that her attitude is a front, she's showing signs of a classic tsundere minus punching her LI into orbit through walls or ceilings.

When you invite Niki over in the current update, the five letters will flash by in rapid succession at some point.

The fact that we see them tells me that at some point Sensei did get them, but didn't respond for whatever reason.
Maybe because he's an asshole entirely undeserving of Niki.

high schoolers arent that bad its not really pedophilia, age gap is not problem for me,but manupilation is different thats why i dont like him i always prefer to say truth but still i dont think he is bad as characters who likes his mom or daughters xD . also thank you all , i was stuck at happy ending but im ok now .im bad at puzzle like games except MGQ
Oh, he's definitely bad, not evil, but not a good guy by design.

There is a way to skip rin events ? i really dont like her i dont like her because she is lesbian its weird because i prefer yuri over straight sometimes. rin is annoying and im scared to see more yuri scenes or more like yuri love im okay with scenes like maki and haruka.
She's not a lesbian, she's bisexual preferring girls, which is different in that she does have a chance to swing the other way and has been shown to have started swinging the other way just before she gets as she is now. As for skipping, no, there are no characters that can be skipped.

Damn. Sensei really is a cunt, isn't he? Even past/OG Sensei isn't really a good person. The girls clearly loved him and he just goes and abandons them like that? What the fuck. The theory that pre-loop sensei killed himself over Maya's pregnancy is starting to make more and more sense the more I read into his pre-loop character tbh. Especially because he doesnt seem like he was ever a stand-up guy.
Not from what I can tell, and here I was doing the stupid thing in a Denpa game and hoping his old self was a good guy. At least his old self isn't AS bad, his current self is visibly worse.

tbh as a makoto fan and general bad-end/sadness-disliker, I'm feeling more 'up' about the story now than I was about the story as it was going during the first-ish reset. I mean, besides something insane happening like Maya resetting or this version of sensei losing all of his memories I feel more secure this time around despite sensei's memories and general situation becoming more and more unhinged... knowing that we can at least confide in Maya now and she doesn't actually absolutely hate us, something about this arc just feels less shit than the first reset did. If anything, I feel like sensei is more prepared this time around. Does anybody feel similar? Something just feels different.
Nope, but I don't typically feel that way in a Denpa game to begin with. As I've found out before in this game, letting my guard down around any part of a Denpa game is a huge mistake. I am now fully braced for a major plot impact delving into the darkness the genre is known for.

They explicitly wrote:
As you see, the problem was to get a legal structure to process such bank payments... They even wrote that paying taxes seems to be part of the problem!
They have made their bed...

??? Did I said something different? I said that banks follow LAWS, therefore they don't care if you buy porn, but they will care if you buy drugs, war weapons, humans, etc. which I hope isn't what most users here want to do! :LOL:

As long as you don't do money laundering, fiscal evasion and/or buy illegal stuff (i.e. something that will put you in jail in your own country), they don't care, they don't trace your activities, and they don't forbid you to use your money as you want. I can ask my bank account manager to send a payment order to a political party totally opposed to its own values, he'll do the payment anyway. He'll do the same for a donation to the Church of Satan or to the WWF: as long as it's not a criminal/terrorist organization, therefore something forbidden by law, he'll do it. If I want to emit a direct debit order for one container of fancies musical anal plugs from "Anal Plug LLC", my bank won't even blink an eye: they'll simply check that I have the money to do it, period.

But PayPal use morality to decide what is supposed to be suitable (or not suitable) to buy... Normally, in a civilized country, morality isn't the law. But if I buy ANYTHING porn-related with PayPal, I can have my account shutted down. So I don't use PayPal most of the time, and only for extremely neutral things. I don't spend lot of money on porn, to not say near zero, but it's a question of principles...

As I said, in general I don't use such monopolistic services, or I reduce their usage to the most. I don't even use Google search: the simple fact that a Google Bomb is possible should be a good indicator that this search engine is severly flawed...

Of course, if porn IS illegal in your country, there is a big problem... But in this case, you'll probably already behind a VPN and/or a TOR node, and you already have bigger problems than PayPal's morality issues...

Therefore, the "free access" wasn't significative, efficient, or representative, so I wasn't using it and would never had supported them because I wouldn't had the possibility to properly test their services. While Mega did and still do the job... Currently, no other common host service found here offers me a better transfer rate, including Google Drive. My connection is (roughly) capped to 125 MB/s, so reaching 80 MB/s frequently is a very good score (around 66% of bandwidth). I could stack connections to reach about 250 MB/s, but it doesn't worth the effort since it would stuck my phones in a modem mode...

To be honest, very few servers are able to deliver more than 80 MB/s: common exceptions are downloads from Microsoft, Intel, and massively seeded torrents (i.e. over 1000 seeders, like the ones available for legal OS ISO images). They are the only sources for which I go over 110 MB/s on a regular basis.
But being capped at 8 MB/s (to not say 1 MB/s for some services...) isn't something I can accept nowadays. I'm not anymore connected through PSTN or first generation ADSL, and even VDSL2+ connections (capped at 30 Mbit/s) are now obnoxious due to numerous cloud connections, automatic updates and the number of connected devices I have at home (roughly a dozen devices connected 24/7)...
It wasn't significant to you, but a lot of us did have significantly better speed on NOPY than anywhere else that didn't have some sort of other limit like MEGA's data limits.

im sure she is. she only likes girls .i really want to erase her damn .i want to be worst homie for her.
Incorrect, she has even outright stated she is bisexual and prefers girls, which is not a lesbian. Lesbian is likes girls and ONLY girls with no chance of liking guys. Bisexual has the chance of liking both at the same time, liking one or the other, or even switching at some point to liking the opposite of what they liked before.

Is there an update patch for 0.21.0 Part 1?

how ? she is annoying and hornier than sensei when she see any cute girls.
That's not her being horny, that's a symptom of her depression bringing her down after the rejection by Chika at the beach. She has depression to the point of self harm, which is an extreme level to be at, and it manifested into desiring another girl after that to the point of harmful obsession.

she never shows bisexuality and other girls said that she is a lesbian not a bi . it doesnt matter if she is bi ,it still mean she is a lesbian. not a problem but she is annoying like yuzu from citrus.
all rin scenes has only yuri so she cant be bi she never flirts with sensei. she never said she likes boys, only girls i really want to skip her scenes. im ok with other lesbian girls but pls not her. there is no way to skip? like save editor etc? i think i can delete scenes with it but idk if i can skip
She does show her bisexuality, actually. After her plans fall through in one of her events she invites Sensei as a backup plan for a date that, if you were a good homie before the first beach event, ends in a full blown kiss and not the kind a lesbian would give to a guy of all people.

can you avoid impregnating Anyane? it's been so long... it feels like that wasn't optional.
Most things aren't, but it is hard to confirm if she even was pregnant and I would lean toward it not being optional if she actually was considering one of the themes and considering her first lust event is required.
Oct 7, 2020
We also can't rule out the potential that this is the gods meddling again like they seemed to with the rewind in "Bluejay." They have been known to 'fix' things that aren't going how they want.

I am 100% completed up to the current patron build of the game, so I have completed her events.

As for the spoiler, Ayane was in the act of her own accord, the interruption was being walked in on and the only thing Ayane didn't want was Kirin to be there. I agree that it was a scummy thing to do, but considering it started out as willing and Ayane never showed an unwillingness to do the act itself even after Kirin showed up, I can't call it assault. Harrasment, yes, but not assault. Assault assumes the perpetrator was actually doing the thing, not inserting herself into an in progress consensual act, as far as I am aware.

I still can't believe I'm defending that scum we call the MC, but he wasn't going along with Kirin any more than Ayane was. Both of them are under the same threat as he could lose his job just like Ayane could be expelled for their relationship even if they both consented to it.

That's not much in the way of evidence considering it never once mentioned what has a chance to happen as a result.

But Ami's mother is dead, meaning she can't control powers she may or may not have had.

I mean, it technically is, a Visual Novel.

Naturally it's Noriko causing it, maybe Maya was right in those early Noriko update events, maybe she is the cause.

We've never had a real sense of old Sensei since he disappeared at the beginning before we got control. Nobody really knows that much about the detentions, either. They were vaguely hinted at by early game Yumi, but I don't remember much else after that, and early game Yumi can't exactly be trusted to be telling the full truth considering the bias that comes with her attitude.

I have no doubt she was being dramatic about the kiss, that's part of the reason I have never trusted anything she says he did considering the lack of evidence supporting her. That's not to say it doesn't exist somewhere in the untold story, just that we have not seen it.

It might also be that her attitude is a front, she's showing signs of a classic tsundere minus punching her LI into orbit through walls or ceilings.

Maybe because he's an asshole entirely undeserving of Niki.

Oh, he's definitely bad, not evil, but not a good guy by design.

She's not a lesbian, she's bisexual preferring girls, which is different in that she does have a chance to swing the other way and has been shown to have started swinging the other way just before she gets as she is now. As for skipping, no, there are no characters that can be skipped.

Not from what I can tell, and here I was doing the stupid thing in a Denpa game and hoping his old self was a good guy. At least his old self isn't AS bad, his current self is visibly worse.

Nope, but I don't typically feel that way in a Denpa game to begin with. As I've found out before in this game, letting my guard down around any part of a Denpa game is a huge mistake. I am now fully braced for a major plot impact delving into the darkness the genre is known for.

It wasn't significant to you, but a lot of us did have significantly better speed on NOPY than anywhere else that didn't have some sort of other limit like MEGA's data limits.

Incorrect, she has even outright stated she is bisexual and prefers girls, which is not a lesbian. Lesbian is likes girls and ONLY girls with no chance of liking guys. Bisexual has the chance of liking both at the same time, liking one or the other, or even switching at some point to liking the opposite of what they liked before.


That's not her being horny, that's a symptom of her depression bringing her down after the rejection by Chika at the beach. She has depression to the point of self harm, which is an extreme level to be at, and it manifested into desiring another girl after that to the point of harmful obsession.

She does show her bisexuality, actually. After her plans fall through in one of her events she invites Sensei as a backup plan for a date that, if you were a good homie before the first beach event, ends in a full blown kiss and not the kind a lesbian would give to a guy of all people.

Most things aren't, but it is hard to confirm if she even was pregnant and I would lean toward it not being optional if she actually was considering one of the themes and considering her first lust event is required.
Oh no, I haven't let my guard down. I assume this is something like the calm before the storm, but I do feel better about this one since (atleast, I'm hoping) we might get more plot moving forward, which automagically puts me in a good mood about this arc.
Jan 16, 2019
I just finished game and it was best VN i ever played. my favorite girls are Makoto Io Yumi Futaba Yuki and Maya(best girl). character i dont like are nodoka rin otoha kirin uta tsuneyo noriko . i always prefer characters over than story or gameplay so im really happy to find characters i love XD .i started this game just for sex.i started without reading anything i just downloaded and played without knowing anyting then the story was so enjoyable that I even stopped playing Sword of legends online. in fact im addicted to play good Mmorpgs. Edit: my country doesnt have paypal there is no other way than paypal to buy membership ?
Last edited:


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Oh no, I haven't let my guard down. I assume this is something like the calm before the storm, but I do feel better about this one since (atleast, I'm hoping) we might get more plot moving forward, which automagically puts me in a good mood about this arc.
Ah, that's what you meant, misinterpretation. I definitely see signs this is the calm before the storm, bad things are starting to happen with less time between them.

I just finished game and it was best VN i ever played. my favorite girls are Makoto Io Yumi Futaba Yuki and Maya(best girl). character i dont like are nodoka rin otoha kirin uta tsuneyo noriko . i always prefer characters over than story or gameplay so im really happy to find characters i love XD .i started this game just for sex.i started without reading anything i just downloaded and played without knowing anyting then the story was so enjoyable that I even stopped playing Sword of legends online. in fact im addicted to play good Mmorpgs. Edit: my country doesnt have paypal there is no other way than paypal to buy membership ?
I think we all started out playing for the sex, to be honest. I started at the very first release, when the game had not proven itself in its story, but it only took seven builds to win me over to playing for the story.
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Jan 16, 2019
I think we all started out playing for the sex, to be honest. I started at the very first release, when the game had not proven itself in its story, but it only took seven builds to win me over to playing for the story.
but I was downloading solo and I chose a random VN because I was excited and cant wait to play solo i wanted to kill time with a VN. and as a result i bought solo 7 8 days ago and I started playing the solo only now.this game was that good xD Im in love with yumi and Maya. i love their cute moments
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4.10 star(s) 304 Votes