
Forum Fanatic
Feb 25, 2020
If having sex with Ami labels the player as baduncle then what would a purity route with her look like?


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
What is the most confusing aspect of the game so far for you guys (and gals)? We've all got theories and i'd love to hear them (makes the wait interesting).
The question I want answered is why does Sensei have such a violent revulsion to impregnating someone? He describes it as a sense of physical illness at the idea, and that's gotta be an important detail.


May 20, 2020
If having sex with Ami labels the player as baduncle then what would a purity route with her look like?
Purity route(Only my theory tho)

Harem phase: A good uncle>Dark phase:The truth of sensei being ami's real dad>Purity phase: A good Dad

Though I don't have real evidence but this would be also a possible event


New Member
Aug 16, 2017
seems no one has fix for the joiplay can't save error I guess this game is just dead to me now


Active Member
Dec 22, 2019
I really want to play through this game again (though seeing that a rework is planned for the early stages of the game kind of put a damper on that 'cause it's like what's the point if I'm just going to have to do it again within the next couple/few months, lessons is a huge time commitment) but much like the last time I played, I can't decide on whether or not to romance Ami. If I remember correctly, it was hinted at at least a couple of times in the game or maybe on here that there might (likely will) be some serious consequences for doing so later in the story, so I'm kinda at a loss. What did you guys choose to do? Romance her or no?


May 20, 2020
I really want to play through this game again (though seeing that a rework is planned for the early stages of the game kind of put a damper on that 'cause it's like what's the point if I'm just going to have to do it again within the next couple/few months, lessons is a huge time commitment) but much like the last time I played, I can't decide on whether or not to romance Ami. If I remember correctly, it was hinted at at least a couple of times in the game or maybe on here that there might (likely will) be some serious consequences for doing so later in the story, so I'm kinda at a loss. What did you guys choose to do? Romance her or no?
For now I choose to be not involved with Ami but I plan to play both routes after the early game rework but you can do whatever you want, we still have a long way before the endgame anyway


Jul 16, 2017
Got the bad boy happy event, rip. According to the wiki I need to be in a relationship with sara to get the real happy event, but this brings the question... when did I reject this relationship lmao. I was sure I was in a relationship with her or something. Can anybody tell me which event starts this?
Also, if anybody is willing to share a save for this event I'd be eternally grateful.

EDIT: Forget all that. I guess it was a bug or something? I got the event after all.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Bold of you to assume more than one girl will be added at a time.
Oh no, I didn't mean it like that. I mean when the game is complete or whenever Rin gets her purity route. I even have plans to halt all progress intentionally for the first time when the game reaches the point of adding purity routes, the duration of which is obviously until Rin's is added.

I would not call it being provided on a silver platter myself, but I can understand the authorial intent. It just feels artificially gated and doesn't flow at all with the game as a whole. At least the answers are hidden withing the recent events of the puzzle. My memory is bad enough as it is, if it was any deeper in the game I would have gone crazy.
It does flow well once you consider the theme of lacking control spread throughout the game. Several times throughout there are points where you either actually lose control of what happens or are told you are not in control. As for memory, I just use good old pen and paper and keep a list of anything that jumps out in case there is a massive delay in either the game's release, it would probably have to be something like another Patreon trust and safety suspension to get that bad, or in my own ability to play, like if I end up too sick right around the time of a release like I did this latest one.

It's very easy, but he's stated on numerous occasions that he doesn't care about disabled people and that if people can't experience the game exactly as he envisioned, then he doesn't want them playing.

But thankfully the individuals that aren't rabid fanboys are willing to help out. And if he eventually implements randomly generated puzzles to make a walkthrough impossible, then someone will mod the game to patch the puzzle.
I am disabled and I fully agree with him, no creator should have to bend or divert their vision for any reason, especially disallowed content, but any reason. We disabled people just have to face the fact that there are some things that we just cannot do because of our disability.

I would also actually be fully onboard with random puzzles, not to stop people from making walkthroughs or whatever, but because of the challenge it would bring. If there's one thing good about my disability, it is that I grew a sense of challenge because of it. I like challenge, the harder the better. Randomized puzzles would force me to throw out my typical note taking strategy and actually think critically instead of just paying attention to the text and audio.

Also, as a "rabid fanboy," I am more than willing to help, but I must see an attempt having been made to play the game as intended. The player needing help will need to exhaust all possible options and avenues for progress and will actually need to try and solve the game themselves before I lift a finger. This is to give them a chance to play as intended before anything that could ruin the experience is done. I also will not give out answers outright, I will only point them in the right direction.

There should be a warning for those with epilepsy...
There is one

Respecting the wishes of the author is being a rabid fanboy? :rolleyes:
Apparently, which makes me one even though I can hardly be called rabid. To me, and probably most people if I had to guess, a rabid fanboy is someone who doesn't accept even valid negativity about what they are a fan of and always thinks the developer is right no matter what.

I, on the other hand, am on record opposing Sel at least once in his decisions and I am unafraid to make criticisms where they actually apply.

A little bit, yeah? Especially when it comes to defending deliberately making the game inaccessible for disabled individuals. People should be able to play games how they can, author's preferences be damned. This website isn't his personal discord, so there's no reason to censor solutions here. If he doesn't like t he idea of people doing things differently than he intended, then he shouldn't sell or release the game to the public.
Not even a little. Where's the unwavering defense of the developer, where the developer is seen as infallible, or the bashing of criticisms that are actually valid? If you want a real example of rabid fanboys, go to the Discord of another developer, Innoxia. That place is so bad it became an echo chamber that doesn't even let the most valid of criticism through, anything against Innoxia or their decisions is bad even if true.

A developer doesn't have to bend over backwards for disabled people, this is again coming from a disabled person, the audio is part of the full experience and he doesn't want to ruin that. This isn't even only for Selebus, it applies to ALL games and ALL developers. If they don't want to do something, no matter what that thing is, they should not have to.

Censoring? Nobody is censoring here, but you're getting pretty close to it by even suggesting he shouldn't put a game out to the public just because some people can't play. That's literally the 'if I can't have it, no one can' mentality. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it truly sounds like that kind of mentality. Nobody should be disallowed from releasing to the public the thing they want to in the form they want it to take, ever, unless it is inciting actual harm or is causing harm directly, neither of which is happening with this game.

I mean in description and not behind 7 spoilers. I bet most people didn't read that much info when downloading and it can hurt them even after seeing disclaimer in game. These scenes are really intense and I'm sure most people don't expect something like this.
If they saw the disclaimer in the game and still proceeded to play, it is now their fault, not the developer's, should anything happen. The warning is in game, in the most accessible place there is in the entire project, and it cannot be missed.

What is the most confusing aspect of the game so far for you guys (and gals)? We've all got theories and i'd love to hear them (makes the wait interesting).
I would have to say the most confusing aspect is the overarching plot that is still developing, more specifically the parts that give the game its Denpa genre. There are a lot of pieces missing to that puzzle that we probably won't find all of until the dark route comes in and that leaves me throwing things at a wall, figuratively of course, to try and figure it out before the big reveal. What really is beneath our feet? What is going on in the shadows? Those are the kinds of questions that pop up for me.

I think Sensei's past is the linchpin to unravelling the most mysteries. What was his relationship like with Amy's mother, and his brother? What happened with him and Maya and Noriko (what happened with Nikki seems fairly evident at this point)? I think the answer to these questions would help explain a lot. I also think what's in the boxes Maya has Sensei carry could clear up some stuff.

On the other hand, there are others I think it wouldn't help us answer. Such as 'what is buried beneath our feet?' or 'just how many "gods" are there screwing with us, and what do they want?'

There've been a lot of theories about all these things throughout the forum. Personally I think Amy's mother was significantly older than Sensei, and took advantage of him. I think he and Maya were definitely in a relationship prior to the cycles starting. I think there was a tragedy beyond the accident that took Amy's parents from her, which involved at least Maya and Sensei. Whether or not either or both died/came close to dying and are on some kind of life support I'm not sure. Whether or not pregnancy is involved somewhere - again, I'm not sure. I feel like there's potential for Sensei's relationship with Amy to not be Uncle/Niece, but I'm not sure.

As to the gods, I think there's at least 3 we've heard about - "Hope", the god of wires, and Yasu's eyeless god who at one time had plentiful eyes. Nozomu might be a 4th. I have no clue what any of them want. Nor do I have a guess, yet, what's under our feet. Also no guesses as to what's in the boxes.

In the end, it's hard to feel sure about anything, because the clues are obscure, and they come in bits and pieces, but there's enough to make you feel like it's slowly coming together. I also feel like there's connections I could be making and aren't - either because I don't know enough information about Japanese culture, or other similar knowledge gaps.

Anyway, that's my current take on things.
I have to agree, there's quite a bit there and, with everything seemingly revolving around him, that seems to point at his past being extremely important to the big mysteries of the game. I could also see Maya, Niki and Noriko as important to the same mysteries given what we know of them.

Watch it be at the end one of the characters in an insane asylum imagining all this. :LOL:
That would be pretty funny, but I'm not sure how well it would tie in with what is going on.

The question I want answered is why does Sensei have such a violent revulsion to impregnating someone? He describes it as a sense of physical illness at the idea, and that's gotta be an important detail.
Maybe something in his past related to pregnancy?

I really want to play through this game again (though seeing that a rework is planned for the early stages of the game kind of put a damper on that 'cause it's like what's the point if I'm just going to have to do it again within the next couple/few months, lessons is a huge time commitment) but much like the last time I played, I can't decide on whether or not to romance Ami. If I remember correctly, it was hinted at at least a couple of times in the game or maybe on here that there might (likely will) be some serious consequences for doing so later in the story, so I'm kinda at a loss. What did you guys choose to do? Romance her or no?
I myself am both a completionist and into that kind of content, so I chose to romance her, but I do have a side of me that is now saying it was a big mistake, not because of their relationship, but because of the kind of person Sensei has shown himself to be at least within the time frame of the game.
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Jun 10, 2017
Also, as a "rabid fanboy," I am more than willing to help, but I must see an attempt having been made to play the game as intended. The player needing help will need to exhaust all possible options and avenues for progress and will actually need to try and solve the game themselves before I lift a finger. This is to give them a chance to play as intended before anything that could ruin the experience is done. I also will not give out answers outright, I will only point them in the right direction.
Good thing you're not the only one of this forum then. I don't need anyone to pass a purity test. I'll gladly post answers (and have done so on a few occasions). Authorial intent is meaningless to me.

Not even a little. Where's the unwavering defense of the developer, where the developer is seen as infallible, or the bashing of criticisms that are actually valid? If you want a real example of rabid fanboys, go to the Discord of another developer, Innoxia. That place is so bad it became an echo chamber that doesn't even let the most valid of criticism through, anything against Innoxia or their decisions is bad even if true.

A developer doesn't have to bend over backwards for disabled people, this is again coming from a disabled person, the audio is part of the full experience and he doesn't want to ruin that. This isn't even only for Selebus, it applies to ALL games and ALL developers. If they don't want to do something, no matter what that thing is, they should not have to.

Censoring? Nobody is censoring here, but you're getting pretty close to it by even suggesting he shouldn't put a game out to the public just because some people can't play. That's literally the 'if I can't have it, no one can' mentality. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it truly sounds that way.
Have you actually spent time on this thread and his discord? There are many instances where even a little bit of criticism is met with whiteknighting for Sel. This game definitely attracts some obsessive types. I would argue that defending his decision to make his game inaccessible when even minor modifications would make it accessible without ruining the design is pretty unwavering defense. That's his choice... but it's a bit dickish.

He may not have to bend over backwards, but likewise we players don't have to bend over backwards to respect his intent. If people want to post answers (which again, I will happily do so every time a reset event is made), go for it. If people want to mod the game to bypass puzzles, I'll do that too. If he wishes that his intent be respected absolutely - well too bad. Only way to avoid that is to not release the game.

There are many like yourself who would censor solutions to puzzles if you had the chance. I know for a fact that happens on the discord.

I mean really, 99.9% of the time this game is a very wordy kinetic novel with some interesting prose. It's not surprising some people want to play without the puzzles. Whether that's due to legitimate disability or just finding that kind of content tedious doesn't really matter. If someone wants to play without those tedious elements, why not? Author's intent isn't a good enough reason IMO.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Good thing you're not the only one of this forum then. I don't need anyone to pass a purity test. I'll gladly post answers (and have done so on a few occasions). Authorial intent is meaningless to me.

Have you actually spent time on this thread and his discord? There are many instances where even a little bit of criticism is met with whiteknighting for Sel. This game definitely attracts some obsessive types. I would argue that defending his decision to make his game inaccessible when even minor modifications would make it accessible without ruining the design is pretty unwavering defense. That's his choice... but it's a bit dickish.

He may not have to bend over backwards, but likewise we players don't have to bend over backwards to respect his intent. If people want to post answers (which again, I will happily do so every time a reset event is made), go for it. If people want to mod the game to bypass puzzles, I'll do that too. If he wishes that his intent be respected absolutely - well too bad. Only way to avoid that is to not release the game.

There are many like yourself who would censor solutions to puzzles if you had the chance. I know for a fact that happens on the discord.

I mean really, 99.9% of the time this game is a very wordy kinetic novel with some interesting prose. It's not surprising some people want to play without the puzzles. Whether that's due to legitimate disability or just finding that kind of content tedious doesn't really matter. If someone wants to play without those tedious elements, why not? Author's intent isn't a good enough reason IMO.
I've been on this thread since pretty close to day one of the entire game and have been on his Discord ever since I signed up at the, now legacy, $30 tier. I spend time in both daily, and sure, there are white knights for every game, that is an unavoidable issue. The entire indie side of game development would have to come to a screeching halt for the white knighting to not exist. That means no developer putting out anything ever and essentially giving up their title as a game developer in the public eye. I would argue that, unless someone is defending against a valid criticism like the story going completely off the foundation Sel built, they aren't unwavering, especially if they do have a record of not agreeing with every little thing, which is what "rabid fanboys" do, they take zero comments against the game without getting defensive and they agree with everything the developer does even if it would bury the game very quickly. As an example for me personally vs an actual case of "rabid fanboys," when the rework came up, I voiced a concern that it would undermine the initial development of Ayane as she was before the first beach event by removing an early scene that shows a bit of what she was like at that point. A "rabid fanboy" would have agreed with that decision to remove this scene from the actual progression of the game. On the other hand, on Innoxia's Discord, you literally can say anything bad, even something valid, and the torches and pitchforks come out. There is A LOT of criticism of how Innoxia handled the releases around the end of 2020 into the beginning of 2021 as well as criticism for the game now having taken almost five years and we're just barely into the second area of the game. If I had said this on Innoxia's Discord, I would have been run out by the mods and everyone else because anything other than praise is completely unwelcome even with how bad development has gone.

You don't have to honor his intent, however you decide to handle it is your call, but under no circumstance is what you're asking of him necessary for him to do. I for one will honor his intent as best I can. Actually, there are other ways to force his intent to be honored, but they are overly complicated and he's never shown himself to be the type to force the issue. Assuming he knows how, there are ways to block mods from working among other ways to make it impossible to play any other way. It would just be tedious and would probably turn into a war of wills between him and the people making the mods. Randomizing any potential answers to puzzles is also possible, making a walkthrough essentially useless. Like I said, though, he has never shown himself to be the type of developer that would do all that.

You're assuming I would censor answers, I wouldn't, but I won't provide them, either. The only way to get help out of me is to show that progression was attempted as intended using every possible option and avenue available to the player in game. Then I would point the person in the right direction without giving the answer away. That is not censorship, a thing I am actually vehemently against. This is something I have also never seen on the Discord, but it is possible I missed it when it was a newer comment since I don't dig into past comments.

This is hardly a kinetic novel, those have only one path while there are several ways things can play out already and there are more paths in the plan once we get out of the dark route that is seemingly set to begin soon. The puzzles weren't even a thing until it got annoying to Sel that people clearly weren't paying attention to the story text, either using the skip function or just not reading carefully, when the story is the intended main draw of the game. Assuming I am remembering correctly, the puzzles were added in response to that issue as a way to hopefully get people to pay attention to the text as the answers, all but one, are provided at certain points. A player who is clearly not paying attention now would get stuck at these puzzles since they would not know the answers they completely skipped over.

Authors intent is the only reason Sel needs, good reason or not. It is ultimately his game and his decision as it is with all developers as long as patron perks don't give some of that authority to patrons like some other developers do. It really just boils down to 'don't like it? Don't play it' with this game and that is the stance that Sel took.
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May 20, 2020
Sara is cute but idk .she is like side girl but she is not.her route is weird.
Since she's a side girl that'll only make it better if she'd get one, Sara will be like from a side girl to a heroine with her own route and I also wish the same thing to happen on Niki's case. All of this is just my desire tho but everybody can dream right lol
Jan 16, 2019
Since she's a side girl that'll only make it better if she'd get one, Sara will be like from a side girl to a heroine with her own route and I also wish the same thing to happen on Niki's case. All of this is just my desire tho but everybody can dream right lol
but she is not a side girl. also she is a like illegal loli but she is not loli and legal.its difficult to imagine to have romance route but she is a main girl so she'd have romance route .she is a legal cute girl and her mom is horny


May 20, 2020
but she is not a side girl. also she is a like illegal loli but she is not loli and legal.its difficult to imagine to have romance route but she is a main girl so she'd have romance route .she is a legal cute girl and her mom is horny
Mate are you talking about Sana?
But I'm referring to Sara and Sara's the horny mom you are mentioning. Lol what a bruh moment
Jan 16, 2019
Mate are you talking about Sana?
But I'm referring to Sara and Sara's the horny mom you are mentioning. Lol what a bruh moment
well im sleepy trying to play 5 games at same time both in mobile and pc two visual novel my brain is dead. i think thats pretty normal :D but sara would be good. she is probably best waifu for sensei
4.10 star(s) 305 Votes