
Jun 20, 2017
For the record he may not have actually seen what I wrote and I will say again point absolutely every bit of blame at me and not him. And if you read the full comment the worse case scenario is probably not going to happen. But hey if someone does actually got fucked over by the 3 minutes it actually told you to delete a save, couldn't recover it, and couldn't find a save on the site they can reply to me and I'll fix it up for them.
FWIW people do seem oddly reluctant to share saves for this particular game for whatever reason. Even me.

For me, part of the reason is because I gave my 'non porn stuff' name to the robot.

Not a great reason, but...


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
After reaching the puzzle section i can understand where people are coming from.

No wonder the events in the game keep getting more and more deranged, this is clearly the by-product of a man overcome by madness.

It suits me just fine because i kinda dig this really weird and unique game, but more things of this nature and i wouldn't be surprised if some people are too overwhelmed by the events.

I found a lot of the segments in this latest update really quite a lot to digest, like i felt like quitting the game early because it was just too much.
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Sep 24, 2017
So 080-2323-1234 is Tojo Ramen number? now why does "past" Maya leaved that specific number noted there... :unsure:
Also, i overwrited my Amy event save before I could get the "Amy code" :(
I remember it was something like 1212... i assumed it was the lottery number :rolleyes:
But i won't even ask since there some false info going on this thread :confused:

BTW i love puzzles and this entire game seems like a whole big puzzle... i just hope that all the pieces fit at the end ;)


Jun 20, 2017
I never thought so much drama would come from a porn game.
TBH I hopped onto the discord and saw someone apparently returning after having made a dramatic exit based on the thought of doing it with 5000 year old wizards, and said they came back because the rework means some scenes are being deleted which indicates that Selebus will be handling 'sexualization' better. You'd be surprised.

Also there's been lots of drama before- maybe not on f95 but on the internet as a whole.


Jun 20, 2017
So 080-2323-1234 is Tojo Ramen number? now why does "past" Maya leaved that specific number noted there... :unsure:
Also, i overwrited my Amy event save before I could get the "Amy code" :(
I remember it was something like 1212... i assumed it was the lottery number :rolleyes:
But i won't even ask since there some false info going on this thread :confused:

BTW i love puzzles and this entire game seems like a whole big puzzle... i just hope that all the pieces fit at the end ;)
Not everything there is added by her, or at least not the current iteration of her. We don't know for sure it's always been this Maya, we just know it's apparently been her for a long time, and it seems she was the original.


Aug 29, 2019
In general, I don't mind the puzzles - I like puzzles and even though I had definite moments of frustration, that's all they were. Where I found the puzzles to be a negative was that being in the frustration/puzzle solving mindset meant that I wasn't really in the frame of mind to respond to the subsequent events emotionally. It was only when I replayed them the next day (separated from the puzzles by a night's sleep) that I could really appreciate them. In that sense, I think the puzzles detracted a bit from the game.


Sep 24, 2017
Not everything there is added by her, or at least not the current iteration of her. We don't know for sure it's always been this Maya, we just know it's apparently been her for a long time, and it seems she was the original.
that's why i've said "PAST Maya"... i just want to know we she thought that number was relevant to note
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
So 080-2323-1234 is Tojo Ramen number? now why does "past" Maya leaved that specific number noted there... :unsure:
It's not established that everything on the corkboard is from Maya. We suspect the M.M. message is from her, but M.M. are common enough initials in this game it could have been from Makoto or Maki (definitely not Miku, there'd be a misused word in there). The scratched out message is the one Maya left last update.

Given how central Tojo Ramen has become to Sensei's story in this incarnation, it wouldn't surprise me that the restaurant was some place he frequented in the past, too. Maybe a past version of himself put that number there because he ordered carryout from time to time.


Aug 26, 2021
Not everything there is added by her, or at least not the current iteration of her. We don't know for sure it's always been this Maya, we just know it's apparently been her for a long time, and it seems she was the original.
Phones, numbers, tv, ETC are heavily connected to the wire god. So is Tojo Ramen. Who put it on the board past that is anyone's guess but there are some contenders


Aug 26, 2021
Phones, numbers, tvs, technology, ETC are heavily connected to the wire god. So is Tojo Ramen. Who put the number on the board past that is anyone's guess but there are some contenders.
The rooftop note is probably Makoto. The ticks one with the smiley face is fucking creepy because
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The number could have been written by Sensei prior to the resets, it could have been the new mystery girl that has popped up (who's a possibility for the previous two notes as well depending on what you believe) It could be someone else again. I really don't know


Jun 20, 2017
The rooftop note is probably Makoto. The ticks one with the smiley face is fucking creepy because
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The number could have been written by Sensei prior to the resets, it could have been the new mystery girl that has popped up (who's a possibility for the previous two notes as well depending on what you believe) It could be someone else again. I really don't know
Wait which rooftop note?


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Wait which rooftop note?
The one signed M.M. about meeting "in our usual place"

Rooftop appears to be an assumption, but an understandable one given:

1) In Bluejay, Makoto mentions that she goes to the rooftop from time to time
2) It was the "usual place" for Sensei and Maya in a happier time
3) Sensei seems prone to patterns across incarnations (example: Tojo Ramen)


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Someone never watched Revolutionary Girl Utena!

Maybe it's Sensei's own desire to keep those memories buried.

Go on!

You know you can just turn the sound effects down to a manageable level right?
Okay, so let's say Sensei and his brother were twins and Maya was pregnant with twins of Sensei's before the start of the game. First of all this plays right into the hinted, but unconfirmed pregnancy of Ayane. This is huge in that we may have just found a loophole in the resets. Now, we already know that even Maya is not immune, but maybe that was only because she is not pregnant with twins at the time. Maybe the Ayane pregnancy was real and maybe the only reason she failed to make it through was because of only having one. We obviously don't know if she had one or more, we don't even know if she was actually pregnant, but this does lead in that direction.

I have no respect for your perspective on this issue Alex, you're in a really weird place that looks like you'e trying to juggle multiple contradictory facts in your need to not have your personal hero be a dickhead right at this moment, which isn't something i wish to interact with any further, so unloop me from your massive multi-quote replies on this subject please.
I honestly don't care if you respect my perspective or not, I did nothing to earn your respect in any form and I therefore do not expect to get any in any way. I have no personal hero in this community, Selebus needs to get the Discord in line, what the one user did, even if trolling, was not right. As for "unlooping" you, if I get replied to, I reply back, so this will be my last word on the subject to you as long as you don't reply to me because I have nothing further to say unprovoked, you can be sure of that.

I've been a supporter since the very beginning. I really respected Sel for deciding to leave this site when he felt like his wishes were being ignored. Not giving people the time of day when they won't do the same for you is a viewpoint I could sympathize with.

But that's not what you are doing here.

This kinda stuff crosses a line. And that Sel helped encourage it really hurts.

Honestly? It breaks my heart a bit.

I'm not going to threaten to unsub or anything petty like that, I'm just....upset.
Agreed, I am not sure this goes into ban territory anymore, but it does need to be the last time this happens. Selebus needs to put a stop to crap like this and set limits, now before crap like this drives off everyone EXCEPT the trolls. Even I have my limits and I will not accept this kind of thing as a regular occurrence. Trolling is fine, but it cannot go too far and it certainly did this time.

I will not threaten to unsub, either, that is just short of literally shooting myself in the foot as far as this community is concerned, but I am not pleased.

Read the full post this time and then reply. I have no intention on fucking over the average person.
I did read the full post, including the previous images you yourself supplied, you went too far, there's no denying that even in full context. I am not referring to this image, I am specifically referring to what is quite obviously comments in the Discord.

For the record he may not have actually seen what I wrote and I will say again point absolutely every bit of blame at me and not him. And if you read the full comment the worse case scenario is probably not going to happen. But hey if someone does actually got fucked over by the 3 minutes it actually told you to delete a save, couldn't recover it, and couldn't find a save on the site they can reply to me and I'll fix it up for them.
I will give you credit here, you are seemingly owning up to it and even offering to fix the issue with any potential victims, which fortunately, I do not see happening with how quickly this was caught. I, for one, do not blame Selebus in the least for this specific exchange. Is the Discord in need of a bit more control? Yes, undeniably so, but that is the only thing I have involving Selebus as he is the main person on the server, "with great power comes great responsibility." It is true in Marvel comics and it is true in the real world.

Thank you for doing at least this much. I won't say anymore, I think we've talked about this enough.

So the Sex version has the Don't Censor patches, but is the Compressed Sex version fixed yet?
It is not fixed to my knowledge, I am not sure if it will be before the next release, even if that release is going to take longer because of the rework.

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Ah yes, Kaori being, well...Kaori. She acts like she can't feel the same things, but we'll get to her soon enough.

FWIW people do seem oddly reluctant to share saves for this particular game for whatever reason. Even me.

For me, part of the reason is because I gave my 'non porn stuff' name to the robot.

Not a great reason, but...
I don't share because it goes against my assistance rules (rule 2b. No saves are to be exchanged from this user to another under any circumstances). Others don't share because they would rather the person asking play the game as intended, I am not the only person in this thread who wants that after all. As far as people asking, people who ask because 'my save got wiped' or 'I got a new PC' aren't always telling the truth. It is, in fact, impossible to tell the ones who actually lost their saves from people who just want to lazily coast through the game on the coattails of another player's work, especially when puzzles are involved in upcoming content. This is not an issue unique to this game, either.

After reaching the puzzle section i can understand where people are coming from.

No wonder the events in the game keep getting more and more deranged, this is clearly the by-product of a man overcome by madness.

It suits me just fine because i kinda dig this really weird and unique game, but more things of this nature and i wouldn't be surprised if some people are too overwhelmed by the events.

I found a lot of the segments in this latest update really quite a lot to digest, like i felt like quitting the game early because it was just too much.
Is it, or is Sensei himself simply going more insane with each reset as the gods put more pressure on him to fail, causing a rising difficult even in universe? I'm inclined to believe the difficulty is actually canon. Just wait until we get to the dark route, then things will get truly deranged and I'm sure there will be a lot of these "quite a lot to digest" moments there.

I never thought so much drama would come from a porn game.
This is what happens when you put a VERY story focused game into a huge pile of porn focused games, also, the trolling drama doesn't help, it actually hurts and I would not be surprised if some people leave because of it.

You clearly haven't been on this site long enough. :)
Clearly, this is only the tip of the F95 iceberg. Just wait until he hears about the three letter word wars that get waged.

In general, I don't mind the puzzles - I like puzzles and even though I had definite moments of frustration, that's all they were. Where I found the puzzles to be a negative was that being in the frustration/puzzle solving mindset meant that I wasn't really in the frame of mind to respond to the subsequent events emotionally. It was only when I replayed them the next day (separated from the puzzles by a night's sleep) that I could really appreciate them. In that sense, I think the puzzles detracted a bit from the game.
I find that the frustration, if it occurs, amplifies my responses, honestly.

Phones, numbers, tv, ETC are heavily connected to the wire god. So is Tojo Ramen. Who put it on the board past that is anyone's guess but there are some contenders
I am still going with Maya on this until I get a bit more evidence to go on, maybe it is one of the gods, maybe it was one of the girls other than Maya.

Jesus... I'm all for the author wanting to protect their work but this is the line for me. I'm cancelling my patreon.
It wasn't Selebus, it was one of the other people in the chat at the time. You can quite clearly see that only one person ever talked about that and Selebus never responded to it. He may not have even seen it as he might have been busy with patron requests, the rework of old content, or he might not have even been on Discord at all at the time of the comment.

I mean, it is your call on canceling, I'm just clarifying what I see as a clear misconception about what went on. Selebus needs to get the trolling patrons in line, but that's all.
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
As for "unlooping" you, if I get replied to, I reply back, so this will be my last word on the subject to you as long as you don't reply to me because I have nothing further to say unprovoked, you can be sure of that.
Expected, agreeable, and now resolved. Neither of us need say anything more.
(next part not aimed at you Alex)

I am now ditching this thread, this shitshow is mind numbing. I really need to get my head checked cause i keep sticking my face into these sewer pit threads knowing full well i'm going to get shit on my face... but i keep coming back eventually.
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