Gentlemen, if I may, I would like to step in quickly to to address a post and some reactions to it made earlier. I strongly advise reading GSwole's posts with greater care and a more literary glint, lest you fall prey to an abstract psychological trap without even realizing a hook has attached itself to your lip. Let us analyze this ARG gift which has been granted upon us like pearls cast before swine.
GSwole: "Well yeah of course. He got the best teaching from an early age."
Taken at face value with a naturally superficial reading we find ourselves giving a small, knowing smile at this clever turn of phrase; "Well yeah of course" is brisk, casual language implying something is obvious, and one would generally not imagine such a blase attitude directed to the idea of fucking a man due to the implied homoeroticism which is a rather touchy subject in boys locker rooms such as this, resulting in contrast - the source of all humor. This is followed by "he got the best teaching from an early age," which turns our smirk into a open-mouth grin as we chortle with joy at the cleverness of relating someone's sexual prowess to the abuse they received at a young age. By deftly softening the impact of this abuse with "teaching" we are allowed to think back to our favorite "teaching" moments in Lessons in Love without ceasing to smile. All-in-all a deftly crafted and humorous joke.
But hark! Therein lies the trep. Let us not be misled by the humorous tone to forget that "teaching" in Lessons in Love (TM) indeed serves itself as an allegory for "grooming" or at times "corrupting" (but not in the sexual sense: the kind where a bird vomits in the mouth of another). Consider the title itself in this context and perhaps the grin on your face will freeze and turn into an O-shape look of stunned horror. Indeed: What we have been so jovially laughing at is indeed no laughing matter at all! Who among us would look at sexual abuse and laugh in its face? I hope none! Yet the glittery silver coating of humor in this case has, so to speak, "baited" a number of individuals into laughing and chortling and chuckling and giggling and cackling with infinite jest at a mask covering equally unending sorrow. This is to say that the "Haha" reaction was the wrong one to press. The correction reaction to press is "Sad", or, in some circumstances implying the death of innocence upon a grim realization so heavy as to make someone's innocence shatter into six million pieces, "Wow". In other cases, it may be better to sit back and have no reaction at all.
I hope this public service announcement has provided some enlightenment. When approaching an "ARG" (alternate reality game) (the game is in real life!!! it's not a game!!! oh god!!!), it is best to measure one's reactions and carefully consider what one says or does. It may be the case that someone out there is embittered by sexual abuse being treated with such light-hearted mockery - to say nothing of eroticism! But what do I know? In fact, perhaps my own interpretation is completely off base here... perhaps the "Haha" reaction was correct at all? Perhaps we must face our fears and laugh? Perhaps there is no better fuel for surpassing the darkness of our souls than masturbating with glee and cumming all over the abyss? A cum-drawn smiley face in the void is kind of like a ticking clock that marks the end to all this supposed misery! It's boner time! Discuss!