Hi, I just discovered this game and would like to know if I got it set up correctly. When do I see a difference of the uncensored patch? I tried to run both versions and the content seemed the same.
If you download the no-sex version and do not patch it, the title screen will say Legend of the Huggy Boy.
If you patch it, or if you download the sex version, the tile screen will say Lessons in Love.
That's it. There's no need to patch the sex version if that's what you downloaded.
Adding to this, DO NOT patch the sex version, things WILL break.
Now I'll never find out how Accountant Ami's story arc ends
Nobody actually knows if the applicable version is ending with this or not, Selebus hasn't said anything for or against keeping that version going.
What happened now? Didn't he start releasing a pg version for patreon? Or was it the happy events like I thought it would be?
Probably the fact that he was still releasing the normal version on SubscribeStar, this is not an uncommon issue with Patreon, they hate when creators don't release ONLY the version Patreon wants.
how long will the harem route take to finish before the other route starts?
Nobody knows, but there are signs that the dark route is close.
Really? If only there were a list of them...
A list of what? There are several things in the quoted text that fits "them" here.
Oof. Yeah. Has he stated out he plans to deal with the situation?
He has, he set up goals on SubscribeStar to recover the lost income and has attempted an appeal on Patreon, plus there's the game pass.
He said he's appealing, but given this is the second strike he's probably not going to lean on it even if they give it back.
He's trying to steer people towards Subscribestar and Gamepass now. It's currently at aobut %69 (nice) of where his Patreon was late last year.
History does not bode well for him in this case, but even if he loses, it should not be a problem with the goals as they are now. He has made insane progress, like the first goal being 50% or higher on the first day. The second goal is also now only a small sliver of the bar, noticeable, but small. Third is about one quarter left by my eye. Still haven't done the math on either, so they may be more or less than what I said, but they are in that range.