The game clearly deliberately employs an interpretation of the Verfremdungseffekt. Its not a particularly complex thing to say, I would say everyone that has played the game will have noticed it even if they don't know there is some silly German word for what they have seen. Its probably one of the more clear things you can observe in the game with the amount of blatant 4th wall breaking and other moments such as; the "bread your nice minigame", having to reload a save to go back and get the Alexis event, the stupid reset puzzles, etc.
Speaking of the puzzles. Its kind of interesting to me that all games in general are basically permanently interacting with the idea of the "Verfremdungseffekt" to a far grater degree than most other mediums for telling a story. They require the player to actively ignore all the "video gamey" aspects of a game if they want to become "immersed" in it. If you are someone that plays a lot of games its already ingrained in you to ignore these things. If you ever get someone who has never played a game to play one a lot of the time they will hit various walls that you, as an experienced game player likely never even notice or thought would exist. Everything from controls and game mechanics that seem obvious to you, to things like using their inventory, saving and loading, respawning at the last checkpoint, even various UI elements that you might have an almost instinctual understanding of can create a disconnect for them. All that could be seen as a form of the "Verfremdungseffekt" that you have stared at for so long you are fully desensitized to. So with that in mind how would a game implement Brechtian ideas in a way that would actually be noticed by experienced game players, when we have trained our whole lives to ignore them. And I guess that's how you end up with the insufferable puzzles Sel put in this game and a lot of the other 4th wall stuff some people seem to hate.
Tangent aside, all I'm saying is that to call this game Brechtian is one of the more normal things you can say about it. Compared to some of the theories we manage to come up with. Its based in an established idea rather then our sometimes entirely insane readings of single paragraphs of text and singular images that look like a mad man drew them in MS Paint (he did).