EDIT: Word from Selebus, recovery is at 60% of lost income, which is honestly insane for the short amount of time the goals have been up. Looks like the patrons moving over (because Patreon has more secure payment options) was not a big concern.
Dare I ask which characters got HAKAI-ed? What were they like?
Basically any character that looks flat or small in the chest and is short. Chinami had a set that got yeeted into the void, for example, and Kirin is another example out of the actual student characters that had one. Not too many had been chosen for one, so the damage done by policies against their body type was not too bad and it will likely be repaired eventually, there's just no idea where or when they will come back. Of course, the only reason I feel this is information I can share is because they aren't even patron exclusive at this point considering even patrons can't access them.
Alex, you're a superfan, whether you think so or not; you live in this thread, you're here every day, you reply to just about every post in giant multi-quote posts, you jump to Sel's defence the second someone says something negative, you paint everything Sel does in the best light possible even when he's being a complete dick, you're panicking for him over this patreon crap... you're a superfan. Sure, you're not so broken in the head you let everything by but god does it take a full court case trial level of evidence and argument to make you move even an inch. This thread is always 'alex and everyone else'. I'm not seeking to start some big fight with you but reading your response to being called a superfan had me saying, out loud, "you're kidding right?". You can go on claiming you're not a superfan if you want, but i guarantee you no one who comes here regularly is buying it.
I don't think you're some horrible person but if you posted about a quarter as much i think you'd better blend into the crowd and lose the title of resident superfan. Not that you will of course, just trying to give you some measure of the distance between where you think you are and where you're perceived by others to be at.
By that first bit of logic, I'm a superfan of over 150 threads as I have that many open 24/7 (my PC stays on except when updating because Microsoft made those mandatory and I don't use the thread watching system on this or any forum).
The reason I defend Selebus is because I have seen no evidence against him. I am a firm believer in applying an evidence first approach, which people in this thread at the time saw in action during the troll incident. If there is no evidence against Selebus specifically, not his community, then of course I will defend him. If, however, there is evidence pointing specifically at Selebus, then and only then will I side against him. Yes, it DOES take full court case levels of evidence, it does for ANY accusation against ANY person, that's just how I am, I don't believe accusations that would not even fly in the easiest of court cases to win.
I panicked, not for him, but for myself. I don't want to see this game get yeeted into the pile of rotting game corpses that Patreon started. I don't want to see any game get that treatment. Of course I'm going to panic when that very issue threatens a game I play. The first time Patreon hit him even had me planning to drop the game entirely just in case he bent the knee and changed the game to suit Patreon's demands and the only reason that never happened is because he didn't bend the knee. I have a no tolerance policy in effect against any developer who does comply with Patreon demands or the wishes of their players to remove content and it very nearly cost me this game the first time.
I don't care if anyone buys it, what's true is true whether they believe it or not, and I am with you on not wanting a fight.
Good, interesting characters - Yumi, Chika, Sana, early Makoto, Rin, Maya
Like them but kinda pointless, low content/doesn't go anywhere - Miku, Molly, Uta, Touka
Dull - Ayane, Futaba, Io, Kirin
Gag side character - Tsuneyo
The game is too long to still be in the "introduce characters and their issues that might become interesting one day" stage but here we are. It's an unwieldy cast list that makes searching for events tiresome, and leaves many girls underdeveloped (not that way) and/or disconnected from anything meaningful that may be perceived as happening. The MC's sadsack, self-indulgent whinging about how he doesn't care to get involved and can't love or smile or whatever starts to get annoying. Maya is justified in being so tired.
When it's good it's very good, and hopefully one day it'll be great. But as many TV shows in the past have shown, it's a lot easier to create the illusion of something great about to happen than to actually answer the questions and satisfy audiences. Teasing conflicts and issues is one thing, letting them play out another. Maybe the next dorm war will be a three-way contest with another wacky-but-shallow troupe of teenage girls?
They're underdeveloped, meaning lacking in quantity of content or development, because Selebus isn't writing all of them in every update, something he has said would be a very good way to cause him to burn out.
There are several points I disagree with you on here (like your issue with the overall length of the game, it seems), but it's all just opinion on your side and mine, so I can agree to disagree. The reason I had to reply is....
I just need to understand, how in all the world can you find Kirin's character *boring*? She's one of the biggest catalysts for negative impact in the game. Hating her I can totally understand (I don't, but I can understand it), but my brain just can't wrap around finding her *boring*.
I agree, I don't find her boring, I find her to be a major cause of issues in universe when there isn't some unknown, 'probably a god' kind of force doing it.
I mean, it isn't and it isn't even necessarily a bad thing, I just don't agree that I am. I find myself at odds with Selebus on certain things too many times to really see where I can count as one (the troll incident probably put me at odds with him assuming he even knows I chewed out one of his other patrons right here, the rework taking out the Ayane scene, etc.).
That's fascinating to me, because I can agree that outside of her crazy crusade to totally break Ayane, she is a low key character and I would find her boring. But just two scenes with her (admittaby I think they are both missable?) should be enough to cement her as a memorable character.
She is fairly tame outside of that, but said crusade is one of those issues that she is a cause of. That said, she did provide a huge development for Ayane's character with the start of that crusade, so she does serve as a driving force for other characters to develop when looking at her from an outside writing standpoint.