Yahtzee got his old games running, you can too!
Oh I'm dumb. For some reason I mis-parsed your sentence as 'that's about what I earn ON SUBSCRIBESTAR'. As opposed to 'that's what I earn at my normal job'.
I guess I'm just thirsty for anything to play about now.
That's true, but we're hoping that his existing fans will move over.
I wonder if he might decide to put the rework on the backburner for the time being, or if that would seriously screw things up in terms of workflow.
Did I accidentally make a monkey's paw wish when I wished to #SaveTheChu~ ?
I'll try it once I pull them off my old IDE hard drive, I didn't realize someone else had done it.
I think we're all a bit thirsty for some LiL, okay, maybe not anyone who got frustrated by the puzzles, I will admit that last one was pretty impressive as far as difficulty. It has me hoping for the next reset to come quicker just to see how utterly impossible he makes the next one. The challenge it will likely be already has me psyched.
That is exactly what we mean when we are talking about people making the switch to SubscribeStar, existing patrons at this very moment. Not patrons who got frustrated beyond their willingness to remain a patron, not free players, not pirates, just the existing patrons. I made the choice to start on SubscribeStar, so my patronage was never at risk because of Patreon, but the majority of LiL patrons cannot say the same.
I don't think the rework is going on the back burner, it is likely on hold until he can get the situation sorted, but I don't see that lasting that long with the way the goals on SubscribeStar already look. I am honestly surprised and impressed they reached as far as they did quite literally the day they were added.
Low in the rural parts of the state, manageable in most of the cities, and suddenly really expensive in Austin. Not sure where in the state he is. I know he took a break from the game to move last summer, so he may not even still be in Texas anymore.
That said, $4500 is enough anywhere in Texas, including Austin, for a single adult to get a one bedroom apartment and support themselves provided they're not underwater debt-wise. If he's also supporting a kid and/or partner with that, it starts to get a little dicey (in Austin, at least, considerably less so if you're an hour or longer out from one of the major cities).
But I get what he says about it being stressful. Even if half of what he was making is liveable under normal circumstance, losing over half your income is still losing over half your income, and that shit's disruptive as fuck no matter who you are.
That is true, he was during the snowstorm that hit there and that is what caused the first ever delay, but he may be out of that state, which could be good or bad in terms of the money issue. Based on what he's said in the Discord, he is not a single adult, adult yes, but not single. This also complicates things and I failed to account for that in my math.
The last part is true no matter what you are making, even a free project where you are only taking donations without connection to the project, like through PayPal, would become stressful if you suddenly lose that much.
I think considering the game pass, merch, and 4.5k/mo from subscribestar, there is no risk of the game being cancelled but yea a stressful situation nonetheless
There's definitely a risk, even now with the goals as they are, but it is nowhere as big as it was at the start. The math checks out against him, unfortunately, unless he can recover.