Can you elaborate? Like there are alternative paths in the game? Because a few years back when the game was fairly new I tried being the best person I could be in the game and... sensei doesnt have many options to be a good person. So this time around I just said fuck it and let the winds blow me where they may. This playthrough I just did whatever got me every scene from being skipped which I would have assumed was the creators intent for the canon of the story as you really cant go off script much. Which was good for the most part as it kept me from being a bad hommie to Rin which I failed the first time around.
It’s less there are alternative paths, and more… specific choices that can make or break a 100% run. I believe it was Bingoogus that called it the ‘Green Path’ awhile back. Always stick to the Green Path. And by that, I mean always make sure every event is completed, highlighted in green, and has a checkmark next to it. If it’s red and is crossed out, you made a wrong choice somewhere.
Where the URM is useful, is that even if you made a bad choice earlier on in your playthrough, you can manipulate any variable you want, and can alter your mistakes as if they never happened at all. Then you can just rewatch any missed events in the replays.
It’s very useful for skipping the annoying grind for affection points too. Just type in what character you want, set the number of affection or lust points, then boom. You’re good to go.
I’ll recommend URM to anyone who plays Lessons in Love for how seamless it makes the experience. That and the Guide Mod are must haves imo.
Also a big recommend from me for Eternum if you haven't dipped into that yet. Quite awesome and probably my #1 fave still.
Ripples is also good though not quite as well crafted but still cool.
I haven’t checked out Eternum yet, but it is on my list. Looks quite interesting, actually. Will have to give it a go.
I’m kidding about Euphoria by the way, guys. Don’t download it unless you want to be traumatized. Unless you’re freaky as hell and have a strong willpower, then hey. More power to ya.
As for real recommendations, I quite enjoy Acting Lessons and Being A DIK. Dr Pink Cake sure knows how to tell an engaging story just like Selebus, but they’re very distinct flavors from each other. I also like Four Elements Trainer (just look at my username), Corrupted Kingdoms, Harem Hotel and Peasant’s Quest.