I don’t see why there wouldn’t be Wizard content. I mean… there’s been so many specific choices and flags we’ve had to set in order to see certain Chinami and Tsukasa events, including that one choice we made in “Failsafe”, where we actively choose to continue and groom Tsukasa (Green event btw).
My question then is: if that isn’t the direction the story’s going, what’s the point of writing it that way?
Again, it depends on what could create issues for Selebus at wherever place.
For instance, Nao-chan is generally considered a wizard when in reality she very much isn't. You could have a sex scene with her and it would be an eldritch abomination in the form of a kid rather than a kid, which in F95 would likely pose no issues. Does the same hold true for where it actually counts money wise? I'm not so sure.
But Chinami and Tsukasa are children, and thus different. Both of them were shown naked, although not in a sexual setting - so either the platforms are fine with it to that extent or it has gone unnoticed. Akira being molested by Sekai also borders child territory. Will we never see Akira and Maya's first time? Cause she was clearly a kid then, or maybe it will also fall under Maya not being human?
These are all little tricks Selebus can pull for it not to blatant, alongside inserting some "happy eventness" into it. And the more boring answer would be that sex with them will wait for them to grow up during the purity routes or something.