- Nov 22, 2021
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It's just strange how the most basic of artistic intentions are lost even upon those who have spent hundreds of hours in a game. I'm imagining someone watching Nostalghia by Tarkvosky and holding fast forward whenever they get bored by an extended metaphorical sequence. I'm imagining someone reading Moby Dick and skipping all the cetology chapters while complaining about how boring whales are. I'm imagining someone listening to an ambient music album and complaining that there isn't a strong enough melody. It just comes off as absurd on the face of it because it reflects engagement on the level of a child playing with toys, one who's entire motive and goal is to temporarily entertain oneself, and one who's method of judgement is how much fun they are feeling in the moment. In a sense it is not wrong to have such a child-like view but I would expect an adult to hold it more quietly and with shame, not proudly proclaiming it for all to see with the arrogance of a teen confidence they understand philosophy on a level deeper than any scholar. I mean, fucking ELDEN RING? What the hell are you talking about? Are you 12 and taking a break from watching your favorite Twitch streamer to post here? Are you going to be halfway through a Dostoevsky then murmur "Eeeh you know what it's actually rather tedious how many pages are dedicated to boring stuff. I could be playing Elden Ring! That would be WAAAY more fun!" Like, what? Do you actually need colorful blocks to absentmindedly stack with one hand the moment any piece of art demands something from you? You approached SENSEI QUEST in particular with a brand of ridiculous thoughtlessness because you had not engaged whatsoever; you acted like it was an impossible problem of math when in reality you can pass it with ease using basic save/load functions any player would be familiar with. Then when this was identified - your post being worthy of no serious response since it came from one who had, functionally, skipped half the pages in a book then complained about how fragmented the plot was - you retreat to something as absurd 'Why do something not fun when you could do something fun?" I mean, that's PRECISELY THE HEDONISM THE ENTIRE GAME IS CRITICIZING? Have you been paying attention for any of the last 300 hours? Are you a fucking utility zombie sucking up pleasure from Lessons in Love while groaning in displeasure and discomfort any time there is a rock in your cum soup? What the hell, man? What the fuck is even going on? That is precisely why the point is... TO GROW! You really gotta grow outta this. And never make a post this ridiculous again.Blud thinks you should spend your time on "Sensei Quest" when Elden Ring exists.
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