There's your problem. In this case my previous advice is actually totally wrong. Download the .save file and drop it in the "saves" folder as-is with the .save extension.
at the beginning of the newest Halloween party section, there's a scene where Io and Sensei talk about how he dealt with that whole breakdown she had, and it's kinda heartwarming. By Chapter 4 standards at least. But I can't help but wonder what happens if you took the "Stomachache" route there. Is it a missed scene, or does it somehow rub in the awfulness even more?
I would like to again make the point that there is no rape in "stomachache", other than the rape that would exist in every student's scene. Furthermore, imo, "stomachache" is one of the best if not the best/worst event in LiL. If ever there was a reason for LiL to delve into the topics it does, it was to have scenes like that. It's painfully realistic, complicated and it makes people feel horrible.
I'm not going to go through every detail from both of the variations, but since Akira's intent was obvious insofar as he went through the trauma of emulating Sekai, here's Io's counterpart:
I'm not saying Akira couldn't have come to this realisation he should walk out, based on what he went through, it just doesn't feel organic to me. It's like somehow I got a glimpse of the Akira from one entire season in the future just showing up for "stomachache" and leaving Io alone. What's the inciting event for him learning that his way of loving is wrong if not "stomachache" itself?
look at this and try to convince yourself if this doesn't read exactly like a dlc for LiL meant to make you get the happy scenes you couldn't in the base game:
This is so close to giving me diabetes that it is basically fanfiction at this point.
Edit: just want to reiterate that I get choosing red path for this one, not judging anyone for it. And I also get that people might need some sort of manifested agency of leading things in a better and healthier direction. My intent was just to point out that Io's probably going to have sex with Akira regardless, and that I think the writing for the red path is worse and makes less sense (as usual).
Huh, I'll be damned, it's actually not horrible. Still not going back and changing that decision because eugh no, but it's interesting to see how little it really changes. Though I shouldn't be overly surprised at that, like Bingoogus said a few posts down from yours, choice really is an illusion in this game. Other than some missable lust scenes, it seems like the most consequential option is whether or not to take the incest route with Ami.
Not only will Chapter 4 be the longest chapter in the game it will also clock the most amount of reset puzzles with 3 or 4 by the time the chapter ends. Unless the Dark route is nothing but puzzles which earned it its name.
Not only will Chapter 4 be the longest chapter in the game it will also clock the most amount of reset puzzles with 3 or 4 by the time the chapter ends. Unless the Dark route is nothing but puzzles which earned it its name.
As unpopular as this may sound, I don't consider Sensei Quest a reset puzzle, since you can just savescum or bruteforce it, it's just tedious. No amount of that helps with the actual reset puzzles. Imagine if the Dark Route is full of puzzles and has Sensei mostly on timeout, so you HAVE to wake him up before something terrible happens, like NTR games where things get worse if you fail whatever gameplay element there is.
Damn, I had a dream where Yumi realized that only being around Sensei might keep her memories or something like this.
And remember, guys, my dreams are like monkey paw wish... If you remember my Maya dream, lmao.
I can imagine Sel saying to himself "those bastards will se whats good" and procees to make that every single event there are just 30 puzzles with random answers, numbers or simply he just put some random answer to fuck us up meanwhile he smiles like a psycho thinking he made the greatest update ever (and proceed to reapet this until the "Dark route" ends)
I can imagine Sel saying to himself "those bastards will se whats good" and procees to make that every single event there are just 30 puzzles with random answers, numbers or simply he just put some random answer to fuck us up meanwhile he smiles like a psycho thinking he made the greatest update ever (and proceed to reapet this until the "Dark route" ends)
Sel the kinda guy to watch Little Busters and be like "yo, this was sad, but was it really dramatic and upsetting enough?" With this in mind, I have a pretty good idea of what to expect in terms of narrative developments. The contours of the story are on a very clear course in one direction. If one thinks of what would be the most dramatic and upsetting, it's not even a question.
And as a side note, while I totally get it, is anyone else starting to find perpetual sadsack Akira a bit boring? Maybe it's just the pace of the recent updates, but it's starting to drag a bit IMO.
The game is too big now. Atm I can't try later update, I have ignored the game for 2 years already.
Some of LiL vibe's games have "Linear Mode" enable just to pass the harshness of grinding (and tracking events) like Lost in You by atrX.
So, I wonder if the game has "built-in" Linear Mode, or needing the "AutoVN" "out-dated" mod?
That's how its intended. Its slowburn story and such modifications would be very strange.
It’s like not watching a series with a cross-cutting plot for several years; what’s the point of returning at all if you don’t have the desire or time to read? Anyway it is not game for jerking off.
Another funny thing is witnessing Sel thinking he will implement different clothing for Akira, when the most he ever did for his character model to this day is to change the color of the shirt.
For f's sake... I dunno wht happened, but somehow 0.44 or 0.45 just broke all my saves, what can be done to fix this? Or, maybe, has anyone a save to the end of 0.43?
P.S. This is what it tells me if I try to open a save, if I ignore it, game just starts anew