Or is it Nodoka's evil twin, Shiori? Or is Nodoka just doing this for fun? Is Nodoka going to talk about how she already figured Ami out? How many times is Nodoka gonna get stabbed in Chapter 4?:
Still having a severe memory error forcing me to do a complete reinstall. Traceback on Ren'py is telling me the error is on C:\Users\Selebus\ which is very clearly incorrect unless there somehow is a bit of fucked up python referencing his local machine causing the memory errors
Its because there are too many LIs. I foresee Sel taking many breaks during the Purity routes and as someone before mentioned, even moving to another game before he finishes this. Very depressing thoughts.
Yeah... i dunno, it's quite an edge case... like, was it even real? But she did see what she saw even if it was god fuckery, so it kinda counts... but yeah... i'm not going to take a stance, as you said, it's your list, i'll leave it up to you and what take you have of it.
I feel it's quite evident that Sel is recently sending out the preview images in higher frequency than before. Though I feel like it's almost too much?
Taking this update as an example, I feel like there was a preview for every single scene basically, in addition to some pretty basic establishing shots. Obviously with the hidden Himawari scene as an exemption.
Maybe I'm missing something but can you elaborate?
I think he has to get a jump on the updates. Look at all the extra stuff he has planned this year. Isn't this is due to pushing back animations and such last year?
Are there any other great stories I should try that are shadow banned? Preferable not sandboxes. Those renders look great and I love Koikatsu but I despise sandboxes. I got problems I know.
BIIG post coming, you can probably skip it if I'm not replying to you. Forgot to finish the post before I passed out so it's roughly double of what I normally do.
Exists could probably be renamed to "Heard Sex". The latest scene has Chinami say "No! They don’t do that stuff in here! Or at least...not while Chinami is awake! She can’t confirm or deny what happens when she’s sleeping!". Which I'd take as sometimes she might pretend to sleep.
To those that have above 3000+ affection with Ayane so they can see the easter eggs, make sure that your total day count is also above 3000, just in case.
Dunno how anal Selebus will be about that, this is a legit screenshot that I did grinding 9 affection per week at the start of the game. I could have waited for invite events so I get 25 affection per week but that would have been a lot more clicking per week, I was trying to optimize for speed rather than lowest day count
Sorry but are there more possible routes with tsukasa? because from the comments it seems that there are. I'm having the alleged event in green (so with her seeing the sex scene) but how did it happen? I thought I was following a quote-unquote "good" route but that doesn't seem to be the case. Can you explain me better?
Green path is not "good" route, it is a seeing all events route. Green path includes lying to someone about fucking their sister, making a wife cheat on her husband, making a CSA victim go through their trauma again and deciding to groom a wizard. (Though occasionally it forces you into 'good' decisions like not stealing rin's crush before she's had a chance to confess herself)
A couple of days after the party you get an extra scene of the two wizards studying where they have a relevant talk if you're on green path if that's what you mean by extra routes. Otherwise for Tsukasa it's "Do not Groom" or "Groom"
I feel it's quite evident that Sel is recently sending out the preview images in higher frequency than before. Though I feel like it's almost too much?
I don't see it as a problem, for all the discussion all the screenshots gave us, I don't think any of us had any correct guesses outside of "Chika looks scary who is she following"
The event ends with different text, IIRC the bath scene is what decides if you're on the Chinami path.
Im not an LiL oracle though, so if someone else could clarify that would be good.
He really didn't though. Io gave him the choice, and the results of it was Io staying the same, at worse telling Uta that Sensei wants sex just like the rest of them do. Sensei took more damage from the interaction if anything.
It's more Io gets happier if you don't rather than gets sadder if you do. Halloween has them make up and has her tell Sensei she might be able to give him some of what he wants but she needs some time, she's been through some shit.
Some of these changed sandbox events (when they aren't broken) are showing a lot of anger instead of depression. Akira might be ready to strangle some gods to get his girl back.
halloween time again oh boy... and... a lot more apparently...
And... I've unlocked and also found Alexis... aaaand she's gone... and now we're back to ayane and maya after the threat of resets being... uh... fucked.
Remember when I told you to make a save just before the great paredolia mall? Now's the time to load it. Go through the rooms again, you should get an extra option this time and clicking it will take you to the bonus happy event. Once you complete it you get a bonus profile pic, and it will be unlocked regardless of save, you could then go back to your end of 0.45 save.
I'm not sure it will help anything, but I feel like the frequent nods to spring are more relevant than we realize. I admit this a very simplistic take but springtime is associated with sexual/romantic exploration ("springtime of our youth", spring break/Girls gone Wild). I think the inconsistent characterization and irrational sequences that bring about multi-partner sexual encounters are intentionally contrived and awkward at times, because supernatural forces are imposing imperfect influence on the characters to change their behavior.
I don't really have a lot of evidence to support this on hand but it FEELS right. In other words, if Sel has to solve for orgy, leaning into spring and it's symbolism in poetry/culture seems like a perfectly sensible way to do it.
I'm waiting for the ball to drop and USER4 to take command, and bring Autumn with them. Or should we say Fall? that word that's been appearing since chapter 1 and what the game gives you as the result of your first choice.
Does the game actually remember that you patted someone 500 times? Ami just pointed out something weird happens when he pats her head and I can only imagine that would only be weird once he gets a couple hundred pats in at least... at least in this game.
That is a patgasm check, there are a couple of times it's checked for some fun dialogue. I'd imagine Sana would eventually get one if her Character survives by the point you can give her headpats.
Wait... I see. Yeah, this event has a broken exclamation mark. You can't click the event to read the condition but I'm pretty sure it says that being honest causes you to miss an event.
Known issue in the guide mod thread, never got checked and the dev seems kinda checked out on modifying the mod. Apparently each update is mostly automated and I never see them post for more than a day after each update comes out. But I could be overanalyzing them.
I feel like if anyone is gonna die in this game it's gonna be because of Noriko and there might be some weird reset shenanigans that show up and save the day.
Yeah, kinda. There's a couple of songs on the LiL soundtrack where Selebus adds in a (ft. CHARACTERNAMEHERE) where I'm assuming they're supposed to have sung the words in that song. Haven't experienced all of them in my playthrough yet but it seems to be a solid pattern.
I decided to revisit a little bit of early Tsubasa events to remind myself of what's she's supposed to be all about. The bit about leaving a rock garden legacy to her two beautiful daughters from a good man stands out somewhat, but then we walked into the golden room:
Are there any other great stories I should try that are shadow banned? Preferable not sandboxes. Those renders look great and I love Koikatsu but I despise sandboxes. I got problems I know.
Looking through the games that are 2+ years old on the Latest Updates page, but aren't marked as Abandoned, OnHold, or Completed, not really. I've played a few of them, but wouldn't reccomend any of those. Champion of Realms was kinda meh when I played it. Decent KK games are increasingly common these days.
Hate to interrupt a lot of the fun speculation going on in here, but does anyone know what would cause this error trying to load an old save on a fresh install?
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 498, in __call__
AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'Event' on <renpy.python.StoreModule object at 0x0000000004830400>
Looking through the games that are 2+ years old on the Latest Updates page, but aren't marked as Abandoned, OnHold, or Completed, not really. I've played a few of them, but wouldn't reccomend any of those. Champion of Realms was kinda meh when I played it. Decent KK games are increasingly common these days.