Oh yeah, finally got through this update. The first half seems to be a bit more eventful than the last, but I must say I feel bad for Uta already...poor girl already realizes what is happening, but because of how she is, she can't help herself.
I know this wasn't for me but I like this question. I think it'd actually suck MORE because of how good LiL is. I can't be sure of this without it happening but I probably wouldn't be able to continue playing after that, though I'd probably check on this thread every once in a while to see how things are going. Hell I was considering dropping it around Lavender's Green and then again at the Karin bit because that was too far.
That being said, I think it's a matter of expectation. Like as you said, it's fine in works that are dedicated to it but if you included it in yours then it would by nature be an NTR game. I wouldn't complain about it's existence as long as I knew to avoid it. The fact of its inclusion would make reading it a non-starter and I imagine I'm not alone in that opinion. More than one male is fine though, especially if they don't romance any of the player love interests but I think it could work even if they did. Say they end up with a love interest the MC didn't choose, I don't think it'd matter much to people if they're likable.
edit 2: yes of course I get it. I understand now.. thank you Nao. Ok.. kinda serious fucking questions: DID SHE JUST FUCKING DELETE THE EVENT????? NAO WHAT THE FUCK?
Also fact that... multiple of the "higher powers" seem to be active at once?? HE'S STILL SETTING UP A FUCKING WAR ARC OR SOME SHIT??
No one is safe, nothing is sacred, all will end.
I know this wasn't for me but I like this question. I think it'd actually suck MORE because of how good LiL is. I can't be sure of this without it happening but I probably wouldn't be able to continue playing after that, though I'd probably check on this thread every once in a while to see how things are going. Hell I was considering dropping it around Lavender's Green and then again at the Karin bit because that was too far.
That being said, I think it's a matter of expectation. Like as you said, it's fine in works that are dedicated to it but if you included it in yours then it would by nature be an NTR game. I wouldn't complain about it's existence as long as I knew to avoid it. The fact of its inclusion would make reading it a non-starter and I imagine I'm not alone in that opinion. More than one male is fine though, especially if they don't romance any of the player love interests but I think it could work even if they did. Say they end up with a love interest the MC didn't choose, I don't think it'd matter much to people if they're likable.
Thanks for the answer, it's really an open question to anyone who would have a strong opinion either way. As for your answer it does back me into the corner after all.
For my part, LiL's lack of other men and more direct pairings of other characters in what is an otherwise unapologetic world causes me some friction conceptually. It's easy to handwave but it does feel like a strange void within the work when these elements get so much lip service but little on screen acknowledgement. This cast experiences so many flavors of pain, why is this one off limits?
Thanks for the intel, I just have a ton of catching up to do on the expectations and boundaries of the VN scene. It looks like if I'm planning to cross those boundaries I might be better served toning down the heat to take the focus away from romantic catharsis, especially if I'm pursuing something along the lines of Subahibi. Regardless, your feedback is appreciated.
That said, I'm realizing degradation and rewarding betrayal aren't at all what I had in mind with these arcs. More like mutual tragedy and self-induced/preventable destruction. Kind of an "everybody sucks here", at least on the surface.
The DRM thing was a joke. As far as I know there haven't been any reported brickings. But the two Main Menu images was all the content for today. Tomorrow there's going to be Yuki's design sheet and 5 new profile outfits.
What a bunch of fucking clowns “Let’s focus our efforts on protecting the pixels rather than the real-life fucked up shit that happens on a daily basis.”
This law they’re proposing violates the first amendment and is unconstitutional btw. The Supreme Court already made a ruling on this in 2003 when the PROTECT Act was proposed.
Does anyone still have either the 0.47 or a link to the 0.47 update file? Currently on 0.46 and I missed the window for getting 0.47, so I don't wanna redownload the whole game and set up all my customization again. Would appreciate any help sent my way
What a bunch of fucking clowns “Let’s focus our efforts on protecting the pixels rather than the real-life fucked up shit that happens on a daily basis.”
This law they’re proposing violates the first amendment and is unconstitutional btw. The Supreme Court already made a ruling on this in 2003 when the PROTECT Act was proposed.
Damn, another country that dont know the difference between real life and fiction xd Also that page just posted Persona 5 as an example? Where the mc is also underage and there is actually nothing explicit?
Does anyone still have either the 0.47 or a link to the 0.47 update file? Currently on 0.46 and I missed the window for getting 0.47, so I don't wanna redownload the whole game and set up all my customization again. Would appreciate any help sent my way