Movement draws attention, that's how it distracts players. There's also the issue that it would attract more of the 'jerk off' kind of attention that Selebus does not want, which further distracts the player because they get more involved in sexual pleasure than the story.I totally don't understand your logic in this case.
What animation have to do with distract player attention from the story or reading? Where does this supposition or feeling come from?
For me personally the determinant of a good game are three things: good and intresting story, good (decent) renders and animation and if the game includes all three at once then I can say that the game is really very good for me.
Of course if the game has a really very good story and nice looking renders and all the sex scenes are animated in it, then I can even find such a game as perfect. And believe that I have played a lot of different games in the adult category and it never even crossed my mind that animated scenes in game distracts me from the story told in it.
Of course it's still your game and I'm not trying to change your concept in any way.
I admit that I tried your game once a long time ago and I don't like the fact that we can't choose a name for the MC ourselves and on top of that he is called "Sensei" and after long time out of curiosity I tried play your game today once again and I see that this is not changed and MC is still called "Sensei" (and I still don't like that I can't call it what I want ) but apart from that I have no major reservations about your game, the story is interesting, the game have a lot of content and overal it is a decent game so I can say that you doing very good job, probably if I could choose a name for the MC yourself at the beginning of the game and all the sex scenes were animated I could even say that the game is very good.
Normally, yes, I would agree. It's kind of like the anime over manga argument, for which I am on the anime side, oh boy is that fun when it starts. People like to watch the moving pictures more than the static ones, that's just how the mind normally works.Different strokes for different folks tbh.
While I much prefer animated scenes over stills, I would absolutely miss some dialog if every scene was animated.
It is definitely distracting.
In this game, however, animation of everything is both unnecessary and a detriment and, like Selebus, I am totally against it.
We already have people getting stuck on puzzles because they lack information they missed in previous events, the last thing this game needs is to exacerbate that with 'oooh, pretty motion.'