I'm stunned by how many people missed the clues. Moreover this thread like all of five pages ago had all of the answers. It's one of the easiest puzzles in the game. Browse the thread or better yet pay attention to the two scenes with the answers you need.
It's so easy that it is VERY easy to overthink it.
Example: I saw the happy scene before I got the questions because of the order I selected the various menu options. So when it asked for the Word of the Day, I hyperfocused on the happy scene, and plugged in just about every word used in the scene. It wasn't until none of those had worked that I went back and started the scene over and there it was, punching me in the face.
I had grabbed the number on my first pass, and assumed that was the only relevant piece of information on the screen -- and that the other word was there as a notice to PAY ATTENTION because of what was coming. Hah!
I love puzzles that trick me into outsmarting myself, though, so it's all good.