Please dev listen to Yumi and leave her alone. I don't give any flying fuck about her so please don't make us progress yumi's story to progress the main story.
I played this game continuously for like 2 days until i had to progress with yumi's storyline and after that i played for a few minutes every day and my gameplay time went down as more i progressed with yumi's story.
Honestly, I feel the same way but with Futaba. Plus there are characters I would rather explore with less love given to them so far. Either way on characters I don't really care about I tend to skip through most of the dialogue.
This is a general route, which means everyone is important. Also, skipping dialogue is the perfect way to get stuck a there is important information at points.
Most Futaba hate is weight related.
I personally love Yumi, especially as she gets more development and the source of her damage becomes more apparent. She's not quite favorite character, but she's in the upper tiers. Miku's my least favorite.
I wouldn't say I hate her weight, but I also can't say I like it. To me, it represents an unhealthy condition and makes me worry that her issues are going to stem from that more than they will her mental state or anything like that.
Is there a reason why yumi is a bitch towards MC and futaba or it is just her personality? if there's a strong backstory I'll continue her storyline otherwise I'll ignore her as much as i can and skip all her events which are required to progress the main story.
1. She's a delinquent who frequently got served detention by the MC prior to the story.
2. She's a bit of a tsundere, a type of character that shows a mean or violent front to hide their true feelings. Normally, this is love, but in this case, I would say she's more afraid of something within her own situation and doesn't want to show him that fear.
3. He literally
forces a kiss on her that she starts to hate him for even though it wasn't actually in his control.
4. She's a yakuza kid, they tend to be raised to be tough to protect themselves
She does grow softer on the bitchiness over time.
It's not necessarily hate towards Futaba, I'm actually mad at Sensei for taking advantage of her. She's nice girl and doesn't deserve it. But I also don't find fat people attractive at all. I wish there was option for him to say "no thanks, I don't want to see you naked (or do anything sexual with you)" and she can stay and they can interact in any other way as much as they want. His current behaviour creates dissonance between him and me as player. He's the MC, I'm controlling him, I need some connection to enjoy it. Role playing as despicable asshole is not easy, takes some effort and pushing some limits, but it's possible. Role playing as someone sexually interested in fat chicks, no, that's too far. If at least she was just fat, but those huge tits on top of that...
Honestly, who wouldn't be mad at him for that. I also don't find fat attractive due to the health risks involved. I find people in a healthy state to be far more to my liking, though Futaba has grown on me over this game's development enough that I can look passed it.
I honestly like all the girls, still, and wouldn't want to give up any of them. I'm very much looking forward to Sensei's relationships with them getting deeper. Even the side girls. Can't get enough of Kaori, for example.
Not a single one, I'm with you on that.
Yes, there is. She essentially grew up on the streets surrounded by Yakuza, so she had to project toughness to protect herself, and her parents weren't really helping in that regard.
She has a LOT of baggage around her mother specifically, which a lot of her later content focuses on.
The way she treats Futaba is awful, but it's done with the intent of thickening Futaba's skin. She percieves Futaba as being to weak to survive in the world without growing some toughness, and since everyone else seems content to coddle Futaba, Yumi's volunteering to be the (unasked for) catalyst. That makes it sound a little more benevolent than it actually is, but you do see over the course of the arc that she pities Futaba, rather than hates her.
With MC, she makes references to "those detentions" early in the game, and calls him out as a pervert before you have a chance to do/say anything to her that would justify it -- meaning she has a past with Sensei prior to the game. I do not think it was necessarily a consensual one.
I still see no evidence of a past like what you're implying, but we'll see. As for Futaba, I do believe this is also a way to try and push Futaba to better herself in other ways. She could see the size issue as a risk to Futaba and is, not very gently, trying to push her to make better life choices in that regard as well. It's hard to say what her full intent is without her explaining it outright.