Gotcha. Thanks.
That's what pisses me off about these puzzles, they aren't actually logical-- the fact that some voice in a soundtrack mentions denim doesn't in any way mean that it is necessarily the MC's favorite fabric. It's not so much a test of how well you know the characters or the games, but of what random facts you happened to write down or recall. It's like the kind of shitty test that your incompetent 7th grade Social Studies teacher gave, where she just picked random proper nouns or numbers out of the textbook with no regard to what was actually important.
Sel's a brilliant writer but this sort of thing is not his strong suit. He's got the soul of an artist, not the mind of a logician. The game would be better if he stopped trying to prove something or the other with this kind of nonsense.
Considering the theory that popped from this build on the puzzles potentially representing some in universe force trying to stop him from reaching the roof, I'm not sure it was even meant to be logical, just difficult.
Think of it this way, some unknown entity doesn't want him to reach that roof, it wants him to fail and be reset. Despite that entity's best efforts in previous resets, Sensei made it, causing the entity in question to get more and more desperate in its attempts. The puzzles could be the manifestation of those attempts and the rising difficulty a manifestation of this entity's desperation.
I'm going to also take a guess at who that entity is, either HOPE or Wire, two of the most prominently featured gods in the story who are at odds and one of which is possibly on Sensei's side, automatically making him an enemy of the other.
Automattic v Steiner actually established a legal penalty for fraudulent DMCA takedowns. If the people submitting these requests truly have no legal basis for the claim, then Selebus (and the other creators) should work with to prosecute. The penalties, if precedent holds, would be liable for $25k per fraudulent takedown notice.
Which would be A LOT of money, but the question is is a legal battle really worth the effort. Those can be VERY lengthy if one or both sides continues to stand their ground through the entire process, which means potentially even bigger delays for the game, and these ethics people might legitimately believe they are doing the right thing by taking something 'amoral and unethical' from the public view this way even if by means they have no legal right to take.
Oh so the game ends there...
Feels like ch3 would need a separate client with the current size of LiL anyways...
Given the sandbox element, which also causes issues with separating Harem Hotel, that's how I know of this issue, separation would not be possible. There would not be a good way of splitting the game without destroying code that persists throughout the game and potentially rendering not only the new split off chapters unplayable, but rendering the old chapters unplayable as well.
100% save with pretty much everyone above 100 lust/aff, told karin truth, was good homie
I only vaguely recall that one but doesn't it kill off her route? I ran through all her scenes again to refresh my memory but i couldn't find it, must be in the main events section.
It does, or at least the connected events immediately during and after the choice to tell her the truth is made. It is essentially a reverse bad homie.
Can't wait for selebus to delete these puzzle answers. preserve this bois.
Btw what is this alert thingy? First time seeing. Did selebus delete my posts or did I do something wrong?
Selebus has zero control over the posts here.
There was a dust-up on Sunday from someone trolling the forum, and every post related to that got deleted. You may have replied downchain to one of the deleted posts, which meant yours got deleted as well.
It wasn't Selebus, either. I reported a user who, after being told by at least two people, including myself, to knock off the off topic discussion about the seven seas P word, seemingly refused to stop. I had no choice in the matter, he was just going to keep going and clog up the thread, he had to be stopped.
She asks you about your relationship with her sister in a Main Event, Forty Degrees Below Zero. If you tell her the truth, you miss a Karin event. But Karin's "route" hasn't really started one way or another, so it's impossible to say at this point whether telling her the truth or lying locks her as a partner.
I don't trust it, this is how it started with Rin, the only real difference is there isn't a one release gap between taking the action that seals the player's fate and the consequences.
Thanks. As i said, my memory of it is vague, i recall someone saying it cuts off her route but then they might've just been speculating, i would certainly think it'd kill it off or at least hamstring it. Still, i wonder how
crustlord12 can call it a 100% save if one of Karin's events is red. Unless it's not red and an explanation as to why exists.
I mean, it currently is speculation that things will be locked Rin style, but this part draws pretty heavy design parallels, even if it is basically reversing the situation, to the bad homie situation with Rin and Chika.
Oh I didn't know thank you for explaining
Yep, only the mods can pull something like the screenshot you shared.