Let's discuss Corruption


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I understand your view but it is lacking. Honestly, it looks like an accumulation of parts of stuff I posted on here.

Corruption is just another name for behavior modification.
There are many forms of it. You have the clinical side which generally psychologist and psychiatrist tend to use.
You also have a number of other forms. You can find those also discussed in psychology but they aren't generally used to any extent in that field. You will however find them used by militaries various governments and individuals and companies.

While some forms that involve abuse lead to trauma and are in a lot of ways less effective it doesn't mean they can't be effective.
Take the aspect some guys abuse women making them feel worthless. Tell a lie enough times and people believe it. Yes, the person is emotionally scared but the dependence the abuser wants to create is also created. Yes, there are vastly more effective ways to do that but small minded shit bags could never pull it the hell off. These methods along with other such methods tend to also have a high percentage of back fire failure. Most people don't have such a low esteem as this will work on them. So people using this method have to be mindful of the target. Given the person usually using it is an idiot that doesn't give them much of a chance at identifying who it will work on. However there are other people who use it besides idiots psychopaths and people doing it as a job. A lot of psychopaths are quite smart. These latter groups of people see it as a tool a method for getting what they want.

Willing participant:
Your assumption the person needs to be a willing participant or they will be traumatized isn't entirely correct.
It really comes down to how they choose process the situation in their mind. I knew a young lady who got drunk at a party she laid down in the bedroom when she got tired. The next day I stopped by to check on everyone and she asked me for a ride. So I gave her a ride at that time she informed me that the host of the party had fucked her in her sleep while she was drunk. I asked her do you want to report it to the police I'd go with her if she did. Her answer was no. She liked the guy and she wanted it to happen... Long story short they started dating shortly after. (BTW this was her sisters X husband).

People also get caught up in events and do stuff they normally wouldn't because of drinking and all sorts of stuff. They reflect back on it in different ways and the view can change over time. I seen women who stripped in a dance club be totally embarrassed change to being turned on by it.

Most incremental behavior modification isn't done willingly if it was they probably wouldn't go alone with it. See how well it turns out by telling a girl I'm going to incrementally modify your behavior and turn you into my personal fuck toy. It's not going to happen.

Is it behavior modification if whatever you do magic or potion turns the person instantly into doing the acts but not willingly.
If the effect wears off and the person process it and they don't want to continue doing so the answer would be NO.
If however, you use a spell to slightly lower their inhibition so they are more willing to take the next step and they processes it and decide they like it then the answer would be yes.

Blackmail is the least effective manor of getting someone to modify behavior. It usually causes resentment and rebellion at some point. Expect a knife in the back, getting shot or poisoned or strangled to death... You know the 37 stab wounds to the chest type stuff. The victim will keep building up resentment if it continues and will seek a way out of it.

If however the blackmailer releases the person of the blackmail after something small. And uses the excuse I just wanted you to step out side your comfort zone a bit and experience something different. You might get a 50/50 shot of them either putting you in jail or thinking about the event. If the person can really convince the person they did it for their own good it has a higher chance of success.

I think it is more important to have a failure path than a non corruption path and not just one. An idiot trying to use this stuff will fail in far more ways that succeed. In real life it takes a hell of a lot of skill to manipulate people to this level. If I was to make the game there would be 5 bad choices for every one correct choice and it might be a dozen moves later before that choice bites you in the ass.

So the technical aspects:
What effects a person's behavior. (Some of the items below cross over into one another.)

Genetics - The DNA you receive from your parents is a factor in how you behave. In some cases it isn't a guarantee but a predisposition to such behavior. Predispositions can be triggered in a number of ways.

Environment - This is a fairly large area, family, how you are raised, community, teachers, education level and quality, friends, Anything that can be classified into an event or more than one. This would also include stuff like hypnosis.

Chemical - drugs, alcohol, medications, hormones and anything in your metabolism that effects them, so called potions and so on would fit in this area

Physical brain condition - brain injuries, cancer, ...

Magic - because we are talking games

Some places will list more than the few listed above. If however you take the time to think about what they listed in truth they fit in one of the categories above.

Cross overs examples:
Chemicals that trigger predispositions or modify genetics
Being involved in a train wreck or near one and getting a chemical exposure or a lab accident with a spider.
Chemicals that damage brain cells
Various forms of energy light, electricity, radiation... all can cause chemical release or cause damage or genetic mutation

For real life the top 4 are what effect every single last behavior a person has. Well unless you are religious and then list God which could be classified in environment regards if you consider them a person or part of nature.

Types of behavior modification / conditioning.
Classical Conditioning - smelling breakfast cooking thus you go to the kitchen
Operant Conditioning - Uses system of rewards and punishments(Carrot and stick)

Positive Reinforcement - pairing positive stimulus to a behavior
Negative Reinforcement- Pairing a negative stimulus to a behavior
Punishment - pairing an unpleasant stimulus to a behavior (very similar to negative Reinforcement my view of it)
Flooding - exposing people to fear invoking situations that floods their senses.
Systematic desensitization - Incremental exposure to reduce negative feeling associated with a behavior or situation
Aversion Therapy - Again similar to negative reinforcement - pairing unpleasant stimulus with behavior - coat a nail bitters nail with bitter
Extinction - remove all reinforcement associated with a behavior. (think of a child acting up to get attention)

I don't have the time to put a full course on here.
Google "site:*.edu behavior modification methods"
That will at least get you college level information on it.


Feb 1, 2020
I don't see the reason to write a definition on corruption games that assumes a female protagonist game where the MC is the one being corrupted. Instead of saying this setting might be inaccurate in some games, make it accurate by making it general.
I can't help you if you can't understand English that doesn't need to be inferred. Now you admit that which you previously objected to. I never said one couldn't get the overall point he is making by changing the setting where needed. I question the choice to write the definition for a specific case when he is talking about corruption in general, unless he specifically wants to discuss corruption for female protag games. It's just sloppy. No offense to the thread starter. He even acknowledges that his examples are inaccurate in some cases. He could have easily made them general by rewriting them some.
Well, there is no reason to distinguish between genders. Everybody can corrupt and everybody can become corrupted - the gender is not really central to the argument nor the definition. While I suppose I could've cleared it up better, I think it is quite clear that gender is not important to this discussion.

And yes, I acknowledge that the examples can be inaccurate. But that is quite normal thing to do as there will always be some specific examples where the definition only works in some limited way or not at all. But that is not to say that it won't work in general.

You don't actually have a point here. The exact same logic can be applied to someone making all the choices that makes someone corrupt and not becoming corrupt themselves or any of the things you listed.

It's corruption if they become corrupted, be it an instant change by magic, a slow downward spiral of bad choices or constant rapings. All that matters is the end result to fit the definition.
The problem with your arguement is that corruption becomes too broad. Basically, your arguement can be applied to practically everything. We must alter between aquiring new tastes, trauma and corruption. Otherwise the definition becomes too broad.

I dont believe corruption has to be about just bargaining. You can become corrupted to actively want something like sex. Like with all things you get dulled to "taboos" over time and become further corrupt seeking further thrills. But I will agree that corruption through forced means such as rp or drugging just doesnt work... thats not becoming corrupt, thats giving up on fighting back. I cant remember the name of the game but they had it quite well done in the beginning where corruption starts from simple things like becoming comfortable with your body changing in the gym, not being ashamed of sex pop up on websites, being comfortable with being hugged by friends, being comfortable with wearing slighly more revealing clothes (not another bunny suit working in the bar) etc etc. Too many games just go - perv grab tits leads to lifts skirt leads to rubs through cloth leads to handjob then blowjob then sex... That imo is just lazy and rushed. But then again, when you need a quick release, going through hours of slow corruption could be frustrating I guess :D
I understand your view but it is lacking. Honestly, it looks like an accumulation of parts of stuff I posted on here.

Corruption is just another name for behavior modification.
There are many forms of it. You have the clinical side which generally psychologist and psychiatrist tend to use.
You also have a number of other forms. You can find those also discussed in psychology but they aren't generally used to any extent in that field. You will however find them used by militaries various governments and individuals and companies.

While some forms that involve abuse lead to trauma and are in a lot of ways less effective it doesn't mean they can't be effective.
Take the aspect some guys abuse women making them feel worthless. Tell a lie enough times and people believe it. Yes, the person is emotionally scared but the dependence the abuser wants to create is also created. Yes, there are vastly more effective ways to do that but small minded shit bags could never pull it the hell off. These methods along with other such methods tend to also have a high percentage of back fire failure. Most people don't have such a low esteem as this will work on them. So people using this method have to be mindful of the target. Given the person usually using it is an idiot that doesn't give them much of a chance at identifying who it will work on. However there are other people who use it besides idiots psychopaths and people doing it as a job. A lot of psychopaths are quite smart. These latter groups of people see it as a tool a method for getting what they want.

Willing participant:
Your assumption the person needs to be a willing participant or they will be traumatized isn't entirely correct.
It really comes down to how they choose process the situation in their mind. I knew a young lady who got drunk at a party she laid down in the bedroom when she got tired. The next day I stopped by to check on everyone and she asked me for a ride. So I gave her a ride at that time she informed me that the host of the party had fucked her in her sleep while she was drunk. I asked her do you want to report it to the police I'd go with her if she did. Her answer was no. She liked the guy and she wanted it to happen... Long story short they started dating shortly after. (BTW this was her sisters X husband).
That is a very well written post this one.

With regards to your example of the girl who past out; talk about an example that really showcases the grey zone. But, well, she wanted it to happen so even if it wasn't consensual in the moment then it was kinda consensual from the get go.. Damn, well, as I said - this definition doesn't suit everything.

As you said, many of the methods that worseless shitbags use doesn't work at all. It sort of ties into another boring trope in many porn games; the MC/the person being corrupted is exceptionally stupid. But that is another discussion. In either case, while you say that abuse can lead to corruption; I don't consider it corruption. The person in question isn't corrupted, they try to adapt to what their abuser want them to do - a sort of survival tactic.

Though, that said, as you pointed out; what if they started to like it after the abuser stopped being a shitback, would that be corruption? Maybe, I guess. I'm not really sure. Can something that is not consensual - that is without a bargain - turn into corruption. Maybe it can, at least if they have a free choice to continue on it.

Generally speaking, there has been some really interesting replies in this thread. I also concur that the definition isn't perfect. It either allows too few or too many cases into it. That said, I'm happy that many of the replies here agreed with my post that forced/non-con actions and events (very rarely) leads to corruption - which is a trope many games unfortunately falls into.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Well, there is no reason to distinguish between genders. Everybody can corrupt and everybody can become corrupted - the gender is not really central to the argument nor the definition. While I suppose I could've cleared it up better, I think it is quite clear that gender is not important to this discussion.

And yes, I acknowledge that the examples can be inaccurate. But that is quite normal thing to do as there will always be some specific examples where the definition only works in some limited way or not at all. But that is not to say that it won't work in general.

The problem with your arguement is that corruption becomes too broad. Basically, your arguement can be applied to practically everything. We must alter between aquiring new tastes, trauma and corruption. Otherwise the definition becomes too broad.

That is a very well written post this one.

With regards to your example of the girl who past out; talk about an example that really showcases the grey zone. But, well, she wanted it to happen so even if it wasn't consensual in the moment then it was kinda consensual from the get go.. Damn, well, as I said - this definition doesn't suit everything.

As you said, many of the methods that worseless shitbags use doesn't work at all. It sort of ties into another boring trope in many porn games; the MC/the person being corrupted is exceptionally stupid. But that is another discussion. In either case, while you say that abuse can lead to corruption; I don't consider it corruption. The person in question isn't corrupted, they try to adapt to what their abuser want them to do - a sort of survival tactic.

Though, that said, as you pointed out; what if they started to like it after the abuser stopped being a shitback, would that be corruption? Maybe, I guess. I'm not really sure. Can something that is not consensual - that is without a bargain - turn into corruption. Maybe it can, at least if they have a free choice to continue on it.

Generally speaking, there has been some really interesting replies in this thread. I also concur that the definition isn't perfect. It either allows too few or too many cases into it. That said, I'm happy that many of the replies here agreed with my post that forced/non-con actions and events (very rarely) leads to corruption - which is a trope many games unfortunately falls into.
Maybe, I should have clarified this a little more. No, she wasn't willing. She however rationalized what happened to her rather than accept she had been raped. It was the way her mind chose to deal with it. Did their relationship last no. It lasted about as long as it took her to come to accept what happened. People attempting to rationalize shit that happens to them traumas is a fairly normal occurrence. People try to rationalize why someone was injured, killed, robbed ... all the time. Victims of abuse often try to rationalize it.

The minds way of dealing with Trauma can lead to various ways of dealing with on going trauma and have long term side effects.
So say a woman is placed in a sex camp like those ran by a government such as North Korea or China. In some instances the mind chooses to shield the person from the horror they are going through and shield them by making them feel they like it or enjoy it. Victims of such as abuse will change back over time with help eventually processing that they were abused and no longer like the physical abuse and mistreatment. But other aspects of it that aren't directly a part of the physical abuse may be sought out by them in attempts to gain pleasure. In fact they can seek out similar abuse until they come to terms accepting the abuse was just that.

Your own mind in such situations can be your worst enemy. Generally if a person is given time to heal safely they will. The problem with victims is they are even easier to victimize a second time around. Their lack of trust for people and the issue going on in their own mind make them prime targets for the next victimizer.

There are a hole host of issues caused by traumatic abuse. The victim could kill themselves, go on their own killing spree, do it to others, there are a lot of bad ways it can go ... There are field like behavior analysis that cover a lot of these types of issues.

Any the point is there is no clear cut yes this is the way it will happen or won't happen. It depends on way to many variables.
Lets say you have two people with very strong personalities in most cases they are very resilient. The first one might get to the point accept what happened to them and get help to recover. The other might see it as to much of an indignation or something they won't admit to even privately to another person and may end up killing themselves if confronted to much by it. You might be able to figure out why one seen it one way vs why another seen it the other. You may even find several people much more similar the difference may come down to why one kills themselves and another chose not to could be religious faith or they have a child they feel needs them or how it will effect family...

If you understand that aspect you soon realize 99% of the games on here have massive plot holes because the author didn't consider how the characters would actually deal with the situation. They also avoid recognizing there are a lot more ways of dealing with it than the few they simply think of. It is as if they are viewing the world through a straw.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
that forced/non-con actions and events (very rarely) leads to corruption - which is a trope many games unfortunately falls into.
Corruption was never about a normal loving relationship with sex unlocked.
And it doesn't really matter how unrealistic it is since nobody knows what is going on psychologically.
The only judgement about Corruption we can make is whether she becomes a Slut that fucks everything that moves or not, if she does you have a Corruption Game.
You say rape is bad but isn't something like Mind Control, Magic or Drugs worse, which is par for the course as far as Corruption Games go?
If that is not Corruption you might as well remove the Tag altogether.
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Aug 17, 2016
Corruption in porn games isn't a realistic approximation of peoples' actual psychological reactions to stimuli. It's a magical, fantasized force where the more somebody gets exposed to sex regardless of the source the more they want sex.

You're free to interpret corruption differently for a game you yourself make, but claiming that the shitloads of games that use corruption in the traditional porn way are some other genre is just incorrect. You don't get to claim and redefine a term just because you like some things with that tag and not others. Rape is often part of corruption as a theme, and that's just how porn works. Deal with it. Porn isn't real.

Deleted member 3145675

Porn isn't real.

April 28, 2013

A internalized and based on , wish, fear, memories and . The psychic is internal, whereas external reality is comprised of actual, physical events.

PSYCHIC REALITY: "A 's psychic reality is often much more pleasurable than the reality of the world."

as long as One can think of "something" that "something" has the potential to become "truth" (sort of) at least to that person - and if that person has either the creativity or the power to pass on that "something" on to others it'll become their reality too.

simply writing down "porn isn't real" makes it real (you just created it)

Genesis 2:19-20
19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and He brought them to the man to see what he would name each one. And whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20

(naming a thing is validating its existence and proof of ownership)


Feb 1, 2020
Maybe, I should have clarified this a little more. No, she wasn't willing. She however rationalized what happened to her rather than accept she had been raped. It was the way her mind chose to deal with it.
Right, I'm so sorry for misunderstanding you, and I'm even more sorry for her. Damn, I hope she is doing alright today.

There are a hole host of issues caused by traumatic abuse. The victim could kill themselves, go on their own killing spree, do it to others, there are a lot of bad ways it can go ... There are field like behavior analysis that cover a lot of these types of issues.

Any the point is there is no clear cut yes this is the way it will happen or won't happen. It depends on way to many variables.

If you understand that aspect you soon realize 99% of the games on here have massive plot holes because the author didn't consider how the characters would actually deal with the situation. They also avoid recognizing there are a lot more ways of dealing with it than the few they simply think of. It is as if they are viewing the world through a straw.
Certainly, and I don't expect every porn game developer, who usually aren't gifted with good writings skills, to include types of responses. Thus, I also agree that most games here have glaring plot holes and often use very basic ideas of what constitutes trauma, corruption and so on.
But that also reinforces that corruption should be determined on entering the bargain willingly. Again, the definition I worked out is not water proof and it could probably be better, but it is a place to start, and it will correct a ton of the misconceptions about corruptions.

The only judgment about Corruption we can make is whether she becomes a Slut that fucks everything that moves or not, if she does you have a Corruption Game.
That's a poor and very linear judgment of it though.

You say rape is bad but isn't something like Mind Control, Magic or Drugs worse, which is par for the course as far as Corruption Games go?
Yes, if you read the fourth rule: "4. The MC must know what is going on. You cannot be corrupted if you have no clue of what is happening around you. Instead, that will just confuse or even traumatize you. Entering the bargain is a conscious choice."

Say that you are drugged while out and party. You basically sleep through the whole ordeal and wakes up feeling sick and violated. That is obviously not corruption - hell you weren't even conscious when it happened so how would it be able to corrupt you? That also goes with any other force - be that magic or otherwise where you can't decide if you want to participate or not.

Instead that leads to trauma.

If that is not Corruption you might as well remove the Tag altogether.
No, but it should be revised, which essentially is what this whole discussion is about. I believe that a lot of games have a poor understanding of what corruption entails. They usually take the easy path of "some old man gropes your breast = now you've become more corrupt" or "You were gang raped, if that happens X times more, then you will like it even more". It's a ridiculous notion. Corruption is something where the person being Corrupted have some kind of choice. At least in my opinion.

Corruption in porn games isn't a realistic approximation of peoples' actual psychological reactions to stimuli. It's a magical, fantasized force where the more somebody gets exposed to sex regardless of the source the more they want sex.
Right, and I oppose to that definition of corruption.

You're free to interpret corruption differently for a game you yourself make, but claiming that the shitloads of games that use corruption in the traditional porn way are some other genre is just incorrect. You don't get to claim and redefine a term just because you like some things with that tag and not others. Rape is often part of corruption as a theme, and that's just how porn works. Deal with it. Porn isn't real.
That a lot of developers make something that doesn't really comply with any logic doesn't make it more right. Instead it just induce their game with load of weak stories and many plot holes. And yes, rape is currently part of the theme, but as I've argued; it shouldn't be.

Nor are Skyrim or most other games, but people still discuss them to death. Saying that it "doesn't exist" is a poor parameter of whether something - a term or a game - needs balancing or redefining.
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New Member
Oct 20, 2020
For corruption to be corruption, and not primitive violence against a person (as is done by wild uncivilized peoples like the Japanese in various anime), the object of corruption must enjoy it.
Have you read the most famous BDSM novel, Story Of O? The main character is tortured, brutally lashed with whips and fucked until it bleeds from her ass. Her lover gave her to another person as a sex toy. But she didn't even want to break free from it, because she gets pleasure from all this and is happy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
At least in my opinion.
That is where we can agree.
Right, and I oppose to that definition of corruption.
And I oppose your opposition.
a term or a game - needs balancing or redefining.
There is no need for that. You aren't going to change anything.
The Moderators aren't going to agree with your pet definition.
And developers who already agree with you don't even need all this debate to make things how they want.
And you aren't going to force or pressure developers to make things how you want.
If you have a problem with that make a game yourself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
For corruption to be corruption, and not primitive violence against a person (as is done by wild uncivilized peoples like the Japanese in various anime), the object of corruption must enjoy it.
Have you read the most famous BDSM novel, Story Of O? The main character is tortured, brutally lashed with whips and fucked until it bleeds from her ass. Her lover gave her to another person as a sex toy. But she didn't even want to break free from it, because she gets pleasure from all this and is happy.
Story of O:
First, it is a work of fiction entirely.
Secondly, she has Stockholm syndrome. It's made clear by her actions in versions containing the part where Sir Stephen abandoned her. She rather die than be abandoned. She's brain washed. This isn't her normal personality discovering an affinity for something. Not in the least bit. She is entirely and purely a victim.

People with Stockholm syndrome be come reliant on their abusers/captors.
You see similar behavior when it comes to women who suffer spousal abuse or from boy friends. They become so used to it even when the person is locked away they will seek out other men with similar characteristics because it is what they know. They are more afraid of the unknown than the abuse. They been told countless times, "they are worthless"," no one else wants them"," they are lucky to be even treated this well".... hear something enough times and with no other voice to contradict it you believe it.

That is even more true for someone you isolate away from others who can tell them it is wrong and remove protein from the diet and you can easily brain wash people like that. Cult101.


New Member
Oct 20, 2020
Secondly, she has Stockholm syndrome.
Absolutely not. It is not that simple. She voluntarily travels to Roissy, not in shackles. She does not depend materially or in any other sense on her masters and can leave at any moment, but she does not want to. If this is a victim, then the victim is voluntary and not through violence. This difference is fundamental.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Corruption in porn games isn't a realistic approximation of peoples' actual psychological reactions to stimuli. It's a magical, fantasized force where the more somebody gets exposed to sex regardless of the source the more they want sex.

You're free to interpret corruption differently for a game you yourself make, but claiming that the shitloads of games that use corruption in the traditional porn way are some other genre is just incorrect. You don't get to claim and redefine a term just because you like some things with that tag and not others. Rape is often part of corruption as a theme, and that's just how porn works. Deal with it. Porn isn't real.
A lot of corruption games do it that way but I don't find that form of corruption to be believable. Making someone do something they don't like over and over does not magically make them like it. I think "trainer" is a more accurate description for that sort of game. I think the reason a lot of porn games do that is the dev for the game has no idea how to write a believable corruption story so he just replaces it with repetitive grinding. This girl doesn't like anal but if I fuck her in the ass 20x now she magically loves it. Maybe the visuals in the game are good enough that I still play it but the plot for that sort of game is laughable.
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Deleted member 3145675

Absolutely not. It is not that simple. She voluntarily travels to Roissy, not in shackles. She does not depend materially or in any other sense on her masters and can leave at any moment, but she does not want to. If this is a victim, then the victim is voluntary and not through violence. This difference is fundamental.
Story of O is a tale of involving a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer named O, who is taught to be constantly available for , , and , offering herself to any male who belongs to the same as her lover. She is regularly stripped, blindfolded, , and ; her anus is widened by increasingly large ; her and her buttocks are .

The story begins when O's lover, René, brings her to the château in , where she is trained to serve the members of an elite club. After this initial training, as a demonstration of their bond and his generosity, René hands O to his elder stepbrother Sir Stephen, a more severe master. René wants O to learn to serve someone whom she does not love, and someone who does not love her. Over the course of this training, O falls in love with Sir Stephen and believes him to be in love with her as well. During the summer, Sir Stephen sends O to an old mansion in solely inhabited by women for advanced training and body modifications related to submission. There she agrees to receive permanent marks of Sir Stephen's ownership, in the form of a and a steel tag hanging from a .

Meanwhile René has encouraged O to seduce Jacqueline, a vain fashion model, and lure her to Roissy. Jacqueline is repulsed when she first sees O's chains and scars, although O herself is proud of her condition as a willing slave. But Jacqueline's younger half-sister becomes enamored of O, and begs to be taken to Roissy.

At the , O is presented as a , nude but for an owl-like mask and a leash attached to her piercing, before a large party of guests who treat her solely as an object. Afterward, she is shared by Sir Stephen and an associate of his who is referred to only as "The Commander".

Some early editions included several different variations of an epilogue which note that Sir Stephen later abandoned O, though there is debate as to whether Desclos intended it to be included in the finished work; in one such version, O is so distraught by the threat of this abandonment that she insists she would rather die and asks for permission to commit suicide, which is granted.

So, no violence and she's free... yeah, sure...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Absolutely not. It is not that simple. She voluntarily travels to Roissy, not in shackles. She does not depend materially or in any other sense on her masters and can leave at any moment, but she does not want to. If this is a victim, then the victim is voluntary and not through violence. This difference is fundamental.
Pretty clear from that comment you have no understanding what-so-ever of issues like Stockholm syndrome.

People suffering from Stockholm continue to do it even when released.
Take Patty Hearst (Most famous cases of this) After being freed she recounted her sexual assaults by DeFreeze the SLA leader to the FBI. However she defended DeFreeze by saying it was her fault she deserved it...

You might want to learn something about a topic before you make comments. It doesn't make you look to smart.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Story of O is a tale of involving a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer named O, who is taught to be constantly available for , , and , offering herself to any male who belongs to the same as her lover. She is regularly stripped, blindfolded, , and ; her anus is widened by increasingly large ; her and her buttocks are .

The story begins when O's lover, René, brings her to the château in , where she is trained to serve the members of an elite club. After this initial training, as a demonstration of their bond and his generosity, René hands O to his elder stepbrother Sir Stephen, a more severe master. René wants O to learn to serve someone whom she does not love, and someone who does not love her. Over the course of this training, O falls in love with Sir Stephen and believes him to be in love with her as well. During the summer, Sir Stephen sends O to an old mansion in solely inhabited by women for advanced training and body modifications related to submission. There she agrees to receive permanent marks of Sir Stephen's ownership, in the form of a and a steel tag hanging from a .

Meanwhile René has encouraged O to seduce Jacqueline, a vain fashion model, and lure her to Roissy. Jacqueline is repulsed when she first sees O's chains and scars, although O herself is proud of her condition as a willing slave. But Jacqueline's younger half-sister becomes enamored of O, and begs to be taken to Roissy.

At the , O is presented as a , nude but for an owl-like mask and a leash attached to her piercing, before a large party of guests who treat her solely as an object. Afterward, she is shared by Sir Stephen and an associate of his who is referred to only as "The Commander".

Some early editions included several different variations of an epilogue which note that Sir Stephen later abandoned O, though there is debate as to whether Desclos intended it to be included in the finished work; in one such version, O is so distraught by the threat of this abandonment that she insists she would rather die and asks for permission to commit suicide, which is granted.

So, no violence and she's free... yeah, sure...
I made the assumption he was talking about after the training that he assumed Stockholm required continued violence.
Doesn't matter which way you look at it both he is wrong in.

For those that would like to.

At the end of his last comment I doubt he read it or understands what Stockholm is or how it presents.
So much for someone taking the time to actually look up facts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Since we are discussing corruption / behavior modification.
I thought some of you might find this interesting
That's the 1977 senate hearing on MKULTRA.

If you know what to look for you can find a lot of manuals and documents by various governments not just the US government.

I chose not to link a number of documents on here you might find interesting. The primary reason they are on .mil sites. They do track who looks at them. If you think you are safe behind a virtual network or something similar you are dead wrong.
You are better off doing a search that won't attract as much attention. Use "site: *.edu search_terms" that will search all educational sites for the topic. Add *.pdf to the end will find you pdf documents related to it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
I wouldn't say Corruption is about Slaves.
Slaves have Absolute Obedience to their Master as the Core.
They are given "Orders".
A Slave that goes around fucking everyone by themselves without any Orders is not a good Slave.
The Appeal is precisely that they have no will of their own, their agency has been given up.

A Slave will never NTR their Master.
But for a Corrupted Slut NTR is par for the course.


Oct 23, 2017
I definitely prefer your ideal path to corruption as opposed to non-con, but it's not the only one. Fetishizing fears, insecurities and trauma is definitely a thing. Years of self-esteem issues and being shamed can lead to approaching sexuality like , for example.

Personally, I generally consider rape to be a garbage trope and something I actively avoid (which rules out a good 95% of Japanese games) exactly because of what you said, it's not a believable path to moral degeneration the way it's depicted in 99% of games. The only game where I tolerate it is Corrupted Saviors, because there it's depicted a little better (despite the victims being superheroines, go figure): they do not start to enjoy being molested, except with actions that are specifically focused on their pleasure and on masochism. Heroines that lose their virginity will become more promiscuous, since they feel they've lost their "purity" and that they can be more in control of their sexuality that way, as opposed to just being targets for abuse all the time. Similarly for heroines that have been stripped and humiliated in public, they develop a fetish for exhibitionism as a way of coping with their trauma. These are choices, albeit ones that are made as a result of non-con. And it's undeniably a form of corruption, even if it doesn't make them enjoy being subjected to the type of behavior that traumatized them in the first place.

One avenue to corruption that's rarely explored is orgasm denial. Imagine not being allowed to cum, and masturbation just leaves you hornier. Eventually you struggle to think of anything but sex as your body pleads for the release it thinks you can provide. This can be non-con and it can work on anyone that has a sex drive, no matter how prudish they are with others. A fun way of breaking down inhibitions. Technically you're not being forced to do anything, but you're having your own urges turned against you by denying you your means of controlling them. iNSight of you is undeniably based on non-con, yet also one of the most satifying trainer-style games for me.
You basterd made me click that reddit link.
Now I can't unsee it.
Great Job you magnificent asshole XD


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
A Slave will never NTR their Master.
But for a Corrupted Slut NTR is par for the course.
Bit necessarily.
Sexuality and Morality are two different things.
I get a large part of society wants to tie sexuality to morality for various reasons but that isn't factual.
Think about it. If it was factual prudes would be the most moral people around. They aren't.

Corruption can be targeted at a specific behavior or desire.
As I said up a dozen posts or so Corruption is just behavior modification.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
One thing I can't understand: what is the difference between corruption and the desire to have sex? !