
Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Most people that play these games just want to get to the sex. Honestly if just the sex is all you want then it will ruin everyone of these games.
still this game is already 9 months old... cant we have the right to get something in almost a year ?
i mean come on... its called "LEWD island"... what is lewd for now ?

it also didnt progress for multiples months now and just... turn around or something.

i not specifically ask for alots of sex... i ask for something that is in link the game title itself at least. they are honestly nothing "lewd" for now in this island. and , like i say before, its 9 months long project now... i think its maybe time to get something decent. other than a non sens blowjob.

Yandere Lover

Jul 28, 2017
I feel your pain man. People say they want to see the main love interest get the D, but if you give it to them right away, they lose interest in the game. The MLI should always take time; but not forever.

These games build sexual tension in the person playing the game, and they need a release. I mean...who wants to watch a porn video for two years before you get to the good stuff?

So successful games have more than one love interest, side girls to release the tension. One that you can bang fairly quickly, another that takes more time, but she's a slut and you know you'll get her with a little bit of time invested. But as I said, the MLI should take more time, but not so long that the player gets frustrated and stops playing. You have to find that point where the DEV has built as much tension in the person behind the screen as possible, anything more and they just get pissed off.

I've pretty much stopped playing two games for bad pacing. One of them has a daughter that I'm not so sure we'll ever see take the D (here's hoping his new game has better pacing), and another step daughter game (or daughter with a patch) that took the D before chapter 10 right after the father found out she was in love with him. They're both great games, it just started to bore me.

But to get to my point, this game has no options to release the tension. The Dev would have served the game better if a small harem formed by female survivors had washed ashore with him. All he has is a bitchy daughter and the player knows that is the only option. The game is a great concept, but if I were the DEV, other survivors would have been washing ashore a long time ago.
still this game is already 9 months old... cant we have the right to get something in almost a year ?
i mean come on... its called "LEWD island"... what is lewd for now ?

it also didnt progress for multiples months now and just... turn around or something.

i not specifically ask for alots of sex... i ask for something that is in link the game title itself at least. they are honestly nothing "lewd" for now in this island. and , like i say before, its 9 months long project now... i think its maybe time to get something decent. other than a non sens blowjob.
Hmm.. I guess I can agree with you guys. The Dev should have given us some more options instead of just the daughter.

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
Now I tried the new version and it's not as bad as I expected, actually. That "sanity" level would be OK, would it be called something less extreme. Relationship level that can turn to hate when it drops to zero and results in daughter not talking to the MC any more or swimming to a different island or running away with the pirates :winkytongue: would make more sense.
The sanity level that results in suicide when it drops to zero if you say a few wrong things in a row is insane, IMHO.
Currently it is quite easy to keep the level up without cheating, but it doesn't make the parameter itself less insane.

Dialogs and choices are somewhat better now and most of the poor quality renders are replaced. There is a little improvement, but a complete rewrite could have been better than it is.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Agreed a rewrite could have improved the game. But altering the storyline is still an option in the next update.
More characters would have added side options, without them the plot pace has to pick up. Unfortunately the dev is in a catch-22, because if the story moves faster the game has a shorter life, but if the story plods along the game dies of boredom anyway. Either add more characters or get the father and daughter off the island to add more plot (sex) possibilities.
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Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
is it me, or the day is "cut" in part even more now ?

wait wasn full day before ? and now its "morning" , "afternoon" and else ?

i dont understand.. o_O


Engaged Member
May 28, 2017

Lewd Island day 6 morning released for $30 Patrons
Sep 14 at 1:15pm
Hey everyone,
Lewd Island day 6 morning has just been released for $30+ Patrons. Hope you'll enjoy it!

It includes more than 200 new images, 10 new animations and some bug fixes found in the previous versions.

It's a continuation from the last update, with a new hot night scene that has two longer paths so make sure to check them both out as well as some morning adventures from our heroes. Watch out for your sanity level!


1) It's hard to fathom this game has many $30 patrons, but to each his own I guess
2) 200 new renders and 10 animations is not a bad little update since most of us only got the reworked update a few days ago
3) "Two longer paths" might mean that a choice actually makes a difference now other than the current choice of "continue linear story" or "she drowns herself because the player made obviously bad choices."
4) The "sanity level" function is... hoo boy. I mean, a simple AI program written in 1980s Fortran could figure out how to make choices that don't drop the sanity level. What are we being asked to watch out for? Now, what would be pretty cool is if the dev made certain lewd scenes (lol right, ahem but I digress) available if D was, say between 3 and 6 sanity or something. In other words, if she's 10 and in the green, maybe she's not so keen to get busy with dad. But if dad manipulated things to keep her a bit unhinged on the verge of tipping into insanity, she might be a more willing participant in certain actions. As it stands, every single choice that would raise or lower the sanity level is painfully obvious, and the only "reward" is to keep the sanity level high, so it's just a completely linear VN, now with a metric to show you're doing it "right."

Imagine a "Lost on an Island" story where manipulating her sanity level by being nice at certain points and a jerk at other points keeps her just off-balance enough to either A) respond in ways she normally wouldn't to the MC's lewd advances or B) initiate lewd advances herself toward her dad that she normally wouldn't, OR you could go with option C, which would be to play the "maximize her sanity" route by being patient and kind at all times, and the sexual tension develops more organically and "romantic." That would be a game I could get into.
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Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016

Lewd Island day 6 morning released for $30 Patrons
Sep 14 at 1:15pm
Hey everyone,
Lewd Island day 6 morning has just been released for $30+ Patrons. Hope you'll enjoy it!

It includes more than 200 new images, 10 new animations and some bug fixes found in the previous versions.

It's a continuation from the last update, with a new hot night scene that has two longer paths so make sure to check them both out as well as some morning adventures from our heroes. Watch out for your sanity level!


1) It's hard to fathom this game has many $30 patrons, but to each his own I guess
2) 200 new renders and 10 animations is not a bad little update since most of us only got the reworked update a few days ago
3) "Two longer paths" might mean that a choice actually makes a difference now other than the current choice of "continue linear story" or "she drowns herself because the player made obviously bad choices."
4) The "sanity level" function is... hoo boy. I mean, a simple AI program written in 1980s Fortran could figure out how to make choices that don't drop the sanity level. What are we being asked to watch out for? Now, what would be pretty cool is if the dev made certain lewd scenes (lol right, ahem but I digress) available if D was, say between 3 and 6 sanity or something. In other words, if she's 10 and in the green, maybe she's not so keen to get busy with dad. But if dad manipulated things to keep her a bit unhinged on the verge of tipping into insanity, she might be a more willing participant in certain actions. As it stands, every single choice that would raise or lower the sanity level is painfully obvious, and the only "reward" is to keep the sanity level high, so it's just a completely linear VN, now with a metric to show you're doing it "right."

Imagine a "Lost on an Island" story where manipulating her sanity level by being nice at certain points and a jerk at other points keeps her just off-balance enough to either A) respond in ways she normally wouldn't to the MC's lewd advances or B) initiate lewd advances herself toward her dad that she normally wouldn't, OR you could go with option C, which would be to play the "maximize her sanity" route by being patient and kind at all times, and the sexual tension develops more organically and "romantic." That would be a game I could get into.
1 - yeah well... they do whatever they want with their money lol

2 - 200 renders can be translated on 7 to 10 minutes gameplay depending of the speed reading of peoples. i dont count the "animations" as i dont care at all and its obvously ( and never will be ) small clip up to 5 secondes max. ( loop da loop)

3 - 2 longer paths, that can be 2 decent path or 2 path that lead to nowhere... but my mind goes in the way :
= 1 path for sanity bullshit (suicide)
= 1 path for good behavior (maybe something at the end..)

4 - sanity shit should just be deleted or completly reworked. but as apparently the dev litteraly jump on this from the 48th floor of a building, i dont expect any chang in this, sadly.

what i redoubt ( sarcasm) the most about that sanity system.. is what gonna happen later in the game. this sanity shit is the perfect tool for implenting some very hard NTR. and imho, NTR will be the kill of that game for good, after all the time wasted to expect Mc to enjoy that bitch, a NTR would be the most disgusting thing ever...

but we'll see... i m still here, watching that.. hoping for something that could change and ...maybe... push me to apologise to the dev for my bad words on this game. thats gonna be hard as how the game grow, but i keep hope for 3 months ( wich make the game 1 year old, if at this point nothing really changed, then its done)
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Engaged Member
May 28, 2017
what i redoubt ( sarcasm) the most about that sanity system.. is what gonna happen later in the game. this sanity shit is the perfect tool for implenting some very hard NTR. and imho, NTR will be the kill of that game for good, after all the time wasted to expect Mc to enjoy that bitch, a NTR would be the most disgusting thing ever...
Okay Stretch Armstrong. You bring up NTR? Really? There isn't a single other person on the island. Maybe the sarcasm was lost in the translation....


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Okay Stretch Armstrong. You bring up NTR? Really? There isn't a single other person on the island. Maybe the sarcasm was lost in the translation....
soo you expect the whole game to be endlessly with only MC and his daughter forever on a island without any exterior peoples ?

thats not reassuring LOL


Engaged Member
May 28, 2017
soo you expect the whole game to be endlessly with only MC and his daughter forever on a island without any exterior peoples ?

thats not reassuring LOL
Good point haha. You and I agree with 95%+ of the criticism of this game that skews negative. But I still don't know how anyone looks at the Sanity Bar and thinks "Oh no! NTR!!!" C'mon, dude.

Oh, and since I don't want this exchange deleted by the mods, this will be my last and FINAL comment on potential NTR in this game! Let me focus on the main point of your comment, which is actually, YES, I have always thought the only people on the island would be the father and daughter for the majority of the game, and it honestly never entered my mind that a new character would wash up on shore to complicate things. Maybe I lack imagination. Or maybe I'm just not paranoid :).

But now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind if that lady flight attendant washed up on shore.... :heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes:


Jan 8, 2018
still this game is already 9 months old...
For me this only makes sense if we know all projects have the same productivity. The reality is not everyone working on their project is putting the same man-hours each day. Saying 9 months old... is a little misleading because a dev working part-time obviously isn't going to put out the same size content as a dedicated dev working full-time or more every day. From the Patreon we could assume he's still working part-time on this game. So the question is how much of his free time is being put into part-time work into this game.


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Good point haha. You and I agree with 95%+ of the criticism of this game that skews negative. But I still don't know how anyone looks at the Sanity Bar and thinks "Oh no! NTR!!!" C'mon, dude.

Oh, and since I don't want this exchange deleted by the mods, this will be my last and FINAL comment on potential NTR in this game! Let me focus on the main point of your comment, which is actually, YES, I have always thought the only people on the island would be the father and daughter for the majority of the game, and it honestly never entered my mind that a new character would wash up on shore to complicate things. Maybe I lack imagination. Or maybe I'm just not paranoid :).

But now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind if that lady flight attendant washed up on shore.... :heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes:
meh i honestly hope someone else gonna pop out, because the game gonna be extremly boring if its a 2 chars show for the whole thing...
possibilities are huge, another chars from the plane crash, some pirates, some fishers, a mermaid... fuck i dont know but many possibilities.
a whole game with only 2 chars in it, stuck in a small island forever... that cant work.
imagine a Robinson without any cannibal or even a Friday... meh that would be boring as hell LOL

For me this only makes sense if we know all projects have the same productivity. The reality is not everyone working on their project is putting the same man-hours each day. Saying 9 months old... is a little misleading because a dev working part-time obviously isn't going to put out the same size content as a dedicated dev working full-time or more every day. From the Patreon we could assume he's still working part-time on this game. So the question is how much of his free time is being put into part-time work into this game.
honestly. whatever the amount of hours you put on a project.. in 9 months you still can have a pretty decent amount of stuff.
pretend 3 hours per days , 3 days per week... that still 300+ hours for 9 months. wich is a huge amount of time and in that amount of time, you can clearly do alots.
i m perfectly conscious that it depend of devs life and all... but still... 9 months. even Akabur put out more LOL and we all know how slow he is...
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Jan 8, 2018
honestly. whatever the amount of hours you put on a project.. in 9 months you still can have a pretty decent amount of stuff.
pretend 3 hours per days , 3 days per week... that still 300+ hours for 9 months. wich is a huge amount of time and in that amount of time, you can clearly do alots.
i m perfectly conscious that it depend of devs life and all... but still... 9 months. even Akabur put out more LOL and we all know how slow he is...
Your example of 9 months of 3hrs a day/3 days a week part-time equals 40 and a half full-time(8hrs a day) working days. :3

A little perspective. Let's use Mrdots as an example and assume he works at least 8hrs a day. Each release of DMD took a month of production for example. If Mrdots reduced his productivity to 3hrs a day/3days a week instead of full-time. Each update of DMD might take maybe 7 months of part-time production to release, instead of 1 month of full time work. If we use that as a template, Chapter 1 of DMD(14 updates) would have taken 98 months or a little over 8 years of part-time work. XD


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
Choices are somewhat counter intuitive at times. Shouldn't mean choices indicate stress and therefore lower sanity? Seems random.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
The sanity stat needs to be dumped, the standard lust + or - stat would work better by letting you know how the daughter felt about the MC.
More characters means more rendering.
Characters doing cameos from other games for an update would be an idea, like Jessie from Babysitter.
Hell even Gilligan's Island had people landing there for a sode.
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