3.40 star(s) 18 Votes


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Demo 0.7.166a is out for Patrons~
Also is now Public build.

As before, universal, standalone Linux version and Windows version.
Note, new Windows version for Patrons now should be fixed (finally) and should not trigger any bad reactions from defender or antiviral tools.

-Added Elf x Leeches full animation, its completed. With it, now 2nd stage only needs Traps added to be finished.
-Added dungeon selection room to main dungeon building, since its almost done you can select 2nd stage properly from it
-Reworked Smith quest a bit, now with new interface feature. Still a bit buggy so please let me know if you find crashes~
-Reworked Windows version launcher, finally. Now it should not trigger any bad response from Windows defender, or antivirus defence activity
-Improved overall loading a bit more, hopefully~
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Feb 25, 2018
I feel there's great potential here, but at the same time some points could be vastly improved to make the game a more enjoyable experience. I'll list those that stood out the most to me, in no particular order of importance:

- A lingering feeling of lack of progression - the only change I've noticed from level 1 to 5 were bigger HP/MP pools; the character stats only seem to have improved with the change of equipment.

- A lack of variety of actions in-combat; I get this is a WIP game, but tied to the lack of the feeling of progression, it seems that right now there’s no way of getting extra skills whatsoever; coupled with no defensive options, this makes the combats very stale: and since the bulk of the game appears to be the dungeon delving + combat, we should have more options as a whole.

- Talk command still doesn’t work, I know, WIP…

- Sex attacks from the enemies feels way overloaded; it's jarring to see a level 5 Nia (with 150+ health pool) losing at least 1/5 of her HP bar because a 1st level Imp used a sex attack on her. If Celeste is hit, I’ve seen her lose 1/3 of her HP!

Charm / futa effects shouldn’t cause you to get dogpiled and stunlocked at the same time, unless you’re also able to use them against the monsters themselves, or reverse it somehow.

- Speaking of 1st level enemies, it’s really weird things like Green Slime having things like a restoration move that only cost 1 MP (!) to use; On my first levels / trips, I got a streak of bad luck and just kept on chipping an apparently immortal Green Slime, who just kept recovering herself while I couldn’t keep up with her healing.

- The party and enemies both have a front and back row, but enemies always seems to have some form of ignoring your rows – Celeste seems to have the same chance to be targeted as much as Nia, even though only her can directly hit the enemy backlines. This correlates directly with the feeling of overloaded of sex attacks, as explained above, since sex attacks / dogpiling ignores row anyways. Since range is being ignored, it should work both ways.

- Traps dealing direct % damage without any way of actually reducing them makes them feel cheaper than they should.

- Is there no way of getting out of the dungeon without backtracking?

And since I’m already critiquing, might as well do some U.I. suggestions.

- Back and Quit game on the same menu "slot" doesn't seem like an optimal choice - I myself have quitted the game a few times just using items or changing equipment, because I can't directly close the menu with the option without pressing back.

- A help menu (maybe a quest log, encyclopedia or whatever) in-game could be added to not only help with explanations about what each stats does, but also functions the “Control.txt” on the game package don’t tell, such as Q/W rotating the dungeon isometric view;

- A gallery feature (maybe tied to the help above) would make a great addition.

- Quest descriptions that require a number of items should tell how you much do you actually need to finish it. I've hit the fail message of "you don't have enough" when all I needed was one more ruby... which the game doesn't tell you how many in total you need.
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Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Totally agree about Help menu~
Quest descriptions - check inventory for quest items, you should have list with exact numbers mentioned. Althou i suck so i didnt highlight putting that list into player's pocket.
Yeah currently we focused like, a LOT on lewds and much less on gameplay, iirc that was voters decision.
But since 2nd stage is pretty much done and next will come substages, i quess we'll have switch focus to more gameplay :)


Jul 26, 2018
my antivirus is instantly removing it i tried it all uninstalling java reinstalling it all i get is the blue cirlce that he's loading something and then nothing pls help


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Public windows version may still have this issue, i quess.
Try Universal version


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Hey guys~ 0.7.171a demo is out for Patrons.
It has 1-2 added together with Weregirl fight.
You need to:
-find stairs in normal stage1 dungeon
-find small tentacle altar in 1-2 substage and touch it.

Note 1-2 enemies are stronger and we dont have a shortcut yet~
So if you wanna get her gameover scene 100%, make sure you clean succubi on backrow.

So far Weregirl has 2 finished completed CGs, Dellie is amazing as always.
We also have Catgirl main loop animation done, and a bit of WIPs.

Gallery rewards also updated

Craft is finally working. May still be buggy, but at least bugs should be much less annoying.
You now can buy empty building after talking to lady in Guild, for 20k. Currently you can only use Smithing option in it, but i will obviously expand it properly soon~
Lemme me know if you find any glitches and stuff.
I will fill new items, recipes, and add couple new objects to dungeon.
Oh and Weregirl needs quest done, hmm~
Just touching altar is weird, after all. We probably should also add her sprite and make her a rare roaming enemy too, like centaur.
Happy new year~
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Reactions: fixxxer890 and Croy


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
0.7.176a is Out for Patrons~
Changelog so far~

-Added Weregirl x Catgirl mating finish loop. It should still have another part with extra twitching thou, will add soon~
-Added lingering debuff mechanics.
As an example, now Imps and Succubi have 15% chance to cast lingering debuff which needs to be lifted by Nurse in town
-Added Hscene with CGs for Nurse doing some "debuff cure" work for Catgirl.
Yay nurse is finally doing something, or someone.
-Added dungeon level structure save mechanics. This one is tricky.
For example, if you go from 1-1 to 1-2, you will be able to come back to exactly same 1-1 stage, but 1-2 will be each time generated again. It kinda allows to generate more "favorable" 1-2 and serves as core for other interesting features.
-Added Weregirl iso sprites, so no more fighting banana statues
-Fixed couple bugs with 1-2 substage (like running from normal battles throw you out of dungeon). Weregirl fight will still throw you out, because its event thing and it should have some extra scene later on.
-Fixed couple town bugs with Smith building and quests with crashes~

Gallery updates are also out. Let me know if i messed up somewhere or you note additional bugs, a lot of stuff from software side was added this update.
3.40 star(s) 18 Votes