These games are about fantasies and fetishes and I don't want to judge no one's kinks. Still my guess is that bestiality (and, by the way, scat as well) is not that common, and it immensely spoils the fun for those who are not into it. Like me. Recently "My Sister Mia" started out putting doggy-sex in, "by request of Patreons". Now out of the blue the story of Lida gets flooded woith dogs. Is it possible that a small group of bestiality friends are dominating Patreon at the moment?
I am really getting annoyed with it because the basic idea of both stories did not point into that direction at all. There could be happening so many things leading a life in the city, above all public exposure and nudity - which happened in a nice way in "Lida". That's why i liked it despite of the silly story and MC. Settingwise bestiality does not make sense at all. Create an adventure in the woods or in the country, and maybe pour in bestiality if you feel like it. But please not in a city setting, which opens many other fitting option - clothes, shops, bars, night clubs, prisons, prostitution, nip, beaches, jobs and so on. The direction "Lida" has turned is bullshit.