Yeah, this one needs a lot of work.
I've got nothing against text-based games (hell, I'm making one rn), but that text needs to be more than just 'You talk to person' and 'I think you are attractive'.
My advice would be:
1) Cut down on the number of NPCs. It's honestly just overwhelming, and considering all the interactions are the same, it's not all that interesting.
2) Give NPCs some personality traits. I think a good example of something to emulate would be '
Newlife'. That game does a good job of having distinct NPCs who interact differently with the player. It also does a good job of painting a picture with words, allowing you to understand how you should feel about certain NPCs beyond 'Ben is attractive'.
3) Give more hints on how an NPC feels about the player. When 'getting to know' someone, have text such as 'Ben seems to enjoy your company' or 'Ben seems to think you're an utter wanker'.
4) An option to not have the Blue Man Group avatars would be nice. I get it might be a placeholder for actual art, but I find it rather offputting to look at the same bald person every time I talk to someone.
5) Give players some more traits during character creation. Again, this is something Newlife does well. In that game you can play as a overly-confident bitch, a gulible bimbo, or a nymphomaniac trying to pop out as many babies as possible.
I can see the appeal of this sort of thing. The aforementioned Newlife is one of my favorite games on this site, but right now, Life Adventures is too barebones at the moment to recommend.