I actually really planned on taking a break but when im browsing on reddit, i saw a pose then i wanted to test it, and ended up finishing the whole scene in one sitting xD same with my first break statement lmao.
I searched a lot of reference to see what is good, ended up reading a guide on vaginal anatomy and i learned a lot, its still too much for me tho, i dont think its worth learning if i dont plan on making my own artwork, im fine with looking at examples xD and i just plan to change the cow girl scene to match the color/pussy on the missionary scene. about the shaft, the mc color here is lighter so i decided to change the color, i initially used the first one but it doesnt match (ill try to improve it). and looking at it the 2nd time i forgot to add Y veins on the 3rd and 4th image. (I think its fast cause i can copy paste after one to three images, a VN game with plenty of diff scenes is too much, i think.)
Hey its good as long as youre enjoying it, and your replies helped me a lot, i dont think i would get an outside perspective if u didnt bother to comment and probably wont try to improve it (i might ended up finalizing the first release lol). I enjoyed it but im not sure if i will ended up being good to be worthy of commissions
I drew a lot when i was a kid (only copycat tho, i cant draw with my imagination, i got addicted to pc games so i didnt focus on this much, sometimes i draw on college on my free time or when i have nothing else to do, but not much (and usually its hentai lmao) and since u reminded me, i ended up looking for my old drawings but sadly i cant find the hentai ones, i managed to save this since i posted it on some of my games as avatar or social media but sadly the nsfw ones is gone (this actually made me sad, a lot of them is almost or a decade old now -_-). the last time i ever drew on paper is like a year or two before covid, although i use photoshop for some other things, this is my first time trying to draw on digital, feels weird to use mouse as a pen tho

and yeah, also my first time trying to decensor a game lol (one thing i like in digital is i can make an unlimited number of mistakes , cause i usually draw with pen, i felt like save scumming in a game xD)
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