@Burt Reynolds Mustache I agree with that for the most part, to me it also seem weird that they are still yet to have sex, I mean, the mutual desire and lust is there, that's more than evident, so why not yield? Okay, she's still a virgin and she's very nervous about it, maybe she wants to be absolutely sure about the relationship and so forth, which to me is more than understandable, I mean after all, you can lose your virginity only once, so make the moment special.
It's also worth reminding that the MC is socially awkward and insecure, it was his buddy Mike that got the MC hooked up with girls in college in the first place, he's not really the prince charming and he's very reserved and closed up.
But it also could be that the MC is just that respectful of Mary to take things slow, which has been evident ever sine they started the relationship.
Having said all that, I also was hoping that this update would have been "it", some days ago I read that the next "this" update will be a very steamy one, to me that translated as "they're finally going to express feelings to the fullest". The photo shoot was great and all, she's very photogenic, but that and a simple BJ doesn't really cut it as "very steamy" in my book, especially when they've already been sleeping in the same bed every night for a long time with nothing but bottoms on most of the time, they could've had oral "off the screen" plenty of times for all we know.
But at the end of the day, I do like the slow burn, I prefer relationship be realistic and believable and not hasted like they are in tons of other games, but there is such a thing as "TOO slow"