You could also gain special scenes with businesses, such as owning property and renting it and letting people pay a different way. Setting up an off the books money lending business and collecting, drug dealing..., pimping, brothel. Also put in prison if you get caught which might be an instant game over.
I just want the ability to to get some people so I can run my meat pie business...
I like those ideas. Your examples about criminal businesses actually reminded me of the empire-building mechanic from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. I think that would be interesting...
Also, being in prison doesn't necessarily mean instant game over unless you were sentenced to life or death. At some point you will have to be released.
One other option is to do what Grand Theft Auto did: You can get arrested but you will have to lose some money and all of your weapons (is there even weapons in this game? No idea...). I actually never had an experience where I didn't have money when arrested in any of the GTA games but I imagine that would lead to game over. Again, though, never got that point so I don't know how that worked over there.
None of it has to have any graphics/art that isn't already in the game.
True, although it would be nice to have 3D interiors for businesses BUT I think that should be something for after the full 1.0 version release. While nice, it is strictly a eye candy and something that should wait until all important things are done. It may be quite a while. Or it may never happen, depending how much work it would take and how much impact it would have on the performance. Actually... I wouldn't mind having some "fun" in my office or the strip club I owned...
I also think it would be interesting to make it a bit more deeper by offering various upgrades for each type of businesses. That should be definitely moddable so I think that is something that
@Vinfamy can delegate the creation of the content to them and integrate some of them later in the official LifePlay install. I would recommend, though, providing an example with the LifePlay installation.
Again, as I suggested before, I think we will need to consider a portal or a marketplace for hosting the mods. Not now, though, but one day. But thinking about all of modding possibilities, it is really exciting to see how much potential this game will have over the long run.
And what is even great was the fact that Vinfamy took a pretty extraordinary step to make this game open-source which meant anyone can take over should he be no longer able to continue this project at some point. In other words, its longevity can be assured.
The open-source nature of this game also meant that it is possible for anyone to fork, meaning the creation of a branch of this game that can differ in some ways from the official branch. For example, one might want to do a LifePlay completely set in medieval fantasy world with its own maps. That should be possible, I think.
In fact, by making this game open-source, I think that opens up a vast array of possibilities. Sky is the only limit.