
Game Developer
May 23, 2017
upload_2018-4-9_18-47-7.png heres an example of what I mean, it's behind it and some of the options cannot be clicked.


Active Member
May 2, 2017
@Vinfamy The game looks promising. I think the icons need to always been on as I couldn't click on them and they kept disappearing so that was annoying. The sex scenes need work as clipping was an issue. I would try and work on character models as well, not that they aren't a good quality I just know you can do better in the Future.

I tried to take people on a date but I guess that isn't in the game yet. Could you maybe do a roadmap of some kind? It would be nice if you could do a Date of Completion of something next to it, or a Goal each month that you'll try to fulfill. Just to show people what you are planning.


Dec 28, 2017
t but cant get game too work fatal error tryed mega zip download 2 times other download tryed all 5 times not working and the other posts about settings have a new laptop and i can play all games with top graphics card and no probs so maybe its your game ?


Feb 2, 2018
first of all, cool concept, I like the body customization and extendability this game aims to offer
I have some criticisms though, which are
-NPC Creation: Since the character sliders offer you the possibility to make really strange looking people, the character generator tends to output mostly those. Some Tweaks to the random distribution to fix that would be cool, though I realize that this is a big endeavour with that many sliders to work on.
-City Map: The City Map is rather bothersome to navigate, since all buildings are gray blocks, with no immediate way to tell which contents they house. If the Icons that usually appear only while hovering were always displayed instead (or if it causes performance problems, maybe only displaying the icons while close enough, or only in a certain radius around the player character) that would solve a lot of problems with finding what's where in the city.
Another thing about the City Map that bothered me was that there is no way (or at least I didn't find a way) to search for a certain type of building. Say, I'm looking for a Real Estate Office, then I'd open the search and type "Real Estate" or something, and nothing would show up. I'd have to know what kind of names are generated for Real Estate office, and then look for those names instead. So what I'm looking for is maybe a List of [Building Category] sorted by distance from the Player Character. That would surely be a useful feature for the Search.
-Sex Scenes: First of all, the Human models look pretty good, and considering the amount of customization available, they work pretty well, good job. What was a bit annoying though, was the fixed length for a sexual encounter, so I can't cum sooner or later than when that bar fills up. Also, depending on the background of the scene, the Text can become hard to read. giving it a text-box background with a solid color would make reading the text much easier.

Sorry for all that negativity, but I figured that compliments wouldn't be of much use during the development phase.

Edit: Also since you're using the AGPL you'll have to provide the source code with any distributions of the program.
You wrote that you plan on doing that anyways, but please don't postpone it for too long, I've read horror stories of devs getting into legal trouble for stuff like that.
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Jan 11, 2018
Las Vegas, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Beijing please
I also look forward to the completion


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
Game plays on the wrong monitor for me and I can't get it to switch over.
My solution to get it to play on the correct monitor was to hit Win+P, "Computer Only", start the game, then Win+P again to Extend. Not the most elegant way, but it works, and the game runs as borderless windowed, so you can use the second monitor without the game minimizing.


Aug 6, 2016
Can you explain what the ntr scenes are? I'm guessing the swinging, the how many did she slept with in the past, and the straight up aksing her to cuck you. I think I read there were 4.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2017
A couple of things to try:
- Update your graphic drivers
- Make sure in Nvidia Control Panel (or your GPU equivalent), the game is set to use the correct graphic card
- Run the Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us\ -> UE4PrereqSetup_x86.exe in case you have missing DirectX or something
- Try extracting / downloading the archive again - someone from LoversLab had the same issue at first but it turned out to be down to a corrupt download.

@jack brisen: Pregnancy is not currently implemented but will be eventually for sure.
I tried all those things, and still couldn't get it to work.


creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
One has to see this for what it is to realize the potential here. This is a working framework for a pornSims indeed but with every aspect moddable, whole different games could be built upon this!
This why I make it open-source - so that other developers can use my source code to make entirely new games.

There are a lot of buildings in each map, displaying them all on the map is a lot messy looking than you'll imagine. Especially in densely populated place like Central London. It also would make the favorite function useless.

The source code is on my and has been since I started development. I have the Github link on the LoversLab download page. But on the F95 thread format, there's no space for a git link. All the scenes, stats, actions, sex descriptions etc are in text forms in Content/Modules too.

The sex isn't fixed length at all. You can increase, decrease animating speed with Numpad + - (or by manually animating by holding Ctrl and hovering the mouse around fast or slow). The more intense the thrusts, the faster you cum. Although I can also make it that how long an actor lasts also is modified by his fitness stat - not a hard thing to do at all. Or a 'cum now' action is easy too.

The sort by distance will be implemented eventually. I already had a first crack at it, but pumped into some bugs. You can already filter the search by the building' amenity though, there's a icon next to the 'Search' icon that gives you a dropdown list for that.

You may have just made the best fucking porn game ever. And it came out of fucking nowhere
Thank you!

Can you explain what the ntr scenes are? I'm guessing the swinging, the how many did she slept with in the past, and the straight up aksing her to cuck you. I think I read there were 4.
There are currently two swing scenes: a swing with your significant other's friend over dinner, and a swinger's club visit.
There's also a chance of your SO cheating on you if your relationship is not going well (low attractiontoplayer stat)
Btw, if you want to find out about scenes etc, just look inside LifePlay/Content/Modules - each lpscene file is a scene.

Not working... both MEGA downloads are not working on my pc. Win 7 Pro 64bit.
Do you have a AMD graphic card by any chance? Apparently, Unreal has some issues with a few older AMD cards. If that's the case, there's nothing I can do but to wait for bugfix from Unreal, I'm afraid.

I tried all those things, and still couldn't get it to work.
Try the Mega Zip download? If that doesn't fix it, same question as above.

@6DarkRaven9: jaam is still working on his part. He's just been busy lately. Once he's finished his part and I can jump back in, hopefully the FO4 scene can be resurrected!

@JJATH Clipping is unfortunately a side effect of how much customizations the game allows really. You get a default male and a default female together and the animations look perfect - anything other than that, you're gonna start seeing clipping issues. To mitigate it, I would need to implement a whole sophisticated IK system, which can be done but hard and wouldn't solve it 100%. I'll find that even AAA games still have clipping, even if they don't even allow as many customizations as this.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
Heya, Vin. Didn't know you hung out around here.

Game looks interesting. I've got work right now, but I'll definitely have a look at this when I get back.


creating moddable 3D life simulator
Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017

Nothing gets me off more than the Uncanny Valley
Haha actually had to google that.
Well, then I hope the game falls somewhere before the valley. I haven't quite got the AAA budget to reach the peak after the valley :)

Heya, Vin. Didn't know you hung out around here.
Game looks interesting. I've got work right now, but I'll definitely have a look at this when I get back.
Oh hey there! :) Didn't know you were active on here.
I think Veniat is another LoversLab modder that is quite active on here too.


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
maybe its just me... but.. very weird...

the men on the pic remember me an model from 3Dsexvilla/TK17 ....

o_O that weird as fuck lol, how did you get that result ? XD

if you see what i mean :p
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