Hrm...I don't play with that pack active so I've never tried it...but looking at the code, it's much more complicated than most events, with nested chains of 'if-then' conditionals based on your stats. On the first choice, if you pick 'Dismiss' it just ends the script, with a fairly long timeout before it can run again.
If you decide to 'learn more about it,' then you basically start a series of encounters that compare your martial, fitness and muscle stats to NPCs. Looks like a grand total of 8 encounters have to happen, because even if you do win before that many times, the script decides it's just a fluke, and keeps running. Being defeated reduces the 'stage count' and thus extends the number of victories you have to get. And because it's this game, there's various sexual consequences depending on if you win or lose and what modules you have active.
The whole thing looks kind of tedious to me, and could EASILY be broken with how many if/then loops there are. Especially since this particular module was relatively recently added.