
Sep 27, 2018
I tried a simple age-check, comparing both actors stats, but couldn't make it work at this time. Will look over that another time.
Yeah, I had the same issue. I wanted to be sure I was getting the parent and not the child so I just figured making sure one actor was older than the other would be enough but it didn't work. Looking through some existing scenes I noticed that check wasn't being used anywhere to get parents. Instead there were just checks to ensure age was greater than 40 so I assumed you can't compare age between actors and this is the workaround except it didn't work either. I was still getting characters with ages below 40 selected and children behaving as if their parents were their kids. I couldn't figure it out. I assumed something is busted here and just moved on.

The Grifter

Active Member
May 28, 2017
Regarding my custom scenes for a vampire enslaving people - I was thinking about creating a 'enthrall' mechanic, basically a variant of the BDSM slave functionality, with the NPC gaining the tag Thrall instead of slave.
I was wondering if it were possible to change a NPC's eyecolor during a scene (to symbolize the supernatural influence the vamp has gained over him/her) but I'm stumped about how to code it efficiently... or if it is even doablle. Thoughts?


Mar 8, 2018
guys, i don't know what that is but randomly some of the female contacts gets their names changed and their belly gets bigger even though they're not pregnant. can you help me with that??
(side note : i have better pregnancy 1.6 mod installed)


Dec 10, 2017
Your own character's age? That's not under the p menu. Press esc and then select edit stats.
Thank you mate. If you have any tips its apriciated. Do you know how to make some live with you, also is there way to have sex without saying lets be in relationship? Curently doing step family wich i find hot. Also why pc fan so loud with this game.
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The Grifter

Active Member
May 28, 2017
Instead, why not make a mod!
Your scenes or actions do not interfere with the rest of the game files...

Put your two folders (Interactions and Scenes) inside a folder called, example: Grifter_Vampire

Then: create a lpmod file with this in it:
MODULE_UNIQUEID: Grifter_Vampire
MODULE_NAME: Name of your Module
MODULE_DESCRIPTION: Your little description here.
and call it, example:"Grifter_Vampire.lpmod"

Then put Grifter_Vampire.lpmod in the Grifter_Vampire folder

You now have a mod! :)

Nice job!
Thanks a lot, however at this point I myself don't consider what I wrote worthy of being called a mod.
Right now I'm working on replacing all slave references with the tag Thrall, also on an interaction with a thrall where you can have sex/get money/... and a new scene where the vampire player gets attacked by one or more vampire hunters with various outcomes. Still looking for a way to change eye color due to enthrallment, no luck so far.
When I have those down I think I will create a mod package for those interested, but right now there's just not enough substance to it!


Active Member
Jul 4, 2021
How do you change the Display settings. It probably is right there infront of me, but I seem to can't find it. I would like it to be not fullscreen. AltEnter = Screen beyond the borders of my computer.
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