[Italian tone] I'm working on it here!
Give me time
1. 'study' video site you gave.
2. I need to figure out what you, and everyone-else, are looking for. {seem like mostly futa stuff but there is more to it.}
3. Then make scenes, not one scene many. Because it looks like a bigger job.
In vin_Base\Presets\stats_only there are these stat presents that you can apply on characters to mimic personality.
Some are Vin's some are mine.
They were mostly un-used, until I added them in.
If the "anime" personality is pulled then it gives a person crazy hair colors.
dbcaf_nudity_matters started it...
I've worked on it too.
If you character owns HC-Business-Pants(male) & anything in outfits_F_work.txt, then job & job lecturer should work.
As for rent an apartment just don't have your privates showing.