Ok, I'm tired...

This is what I done so far...
Motorcycle locations:
Now, you can buy a motorcycle via car and motorcycle (on some maps) locations.
Like car, you can only buy one.
Bicycle locations:
- You can buy/sell/trade your bicycle
So your money/stock will be adjust automatically
Groping - work the same way as flash.
Play with sextoy - to home - each time you play with sextoy, sextoy stats reduce also
- You can now smoke cigars, vape and weed
- Bakerie
- Seafood
- Meat
- confectionerie
- popcorn
- Ice cream
- Vegan meal
- Travel map
- XXX magazine
- Buy Lingerie (apparel in fact) - to beauty because no sexshop location exist (I don't know how to filter clothes, API will be great)
- Buy sex product - to beauty because no sexshop location exist
- Bakery
- Bags
- Weed
- Cigars
- Vape Kit
- 1 Motorcycle
- Bicycles
- Travel map
- Binoculars
- Toys
- seafood
- XXX Magazine
- Meat
- confectionery
- popcorn
- Ice cream
- Tools
- Vegan meal
I'm working on:
- Dialogues
- Deposit system (almost done...)
- Embellishing ...
Characters are in adoration with the water machine. They always need a drink.....
I will share my module soon!