Hey, I'm perfectly aware that absolutely nothing I do will be well received by 100% of the players.
Which is why I only bet on my horse, and this is how the game development is going to be.
When I'm not satisfied with something, I delete it from my game. As simple as that.
As well structured and polite as your message can be, I won't change the slightest thing about me.
A lot of devs here are a genuine failure.
They made the porn game industry boring, effortless, tasteless.
They bend the knee to the players wishes and their game gets even worse.
As honest and brutal as it's gonna sound, I don't consider any of you as a good advice, unless indicated otherwise in my changelogs when a user provided a great idea which got implemented in the game. This happened three times, and this never questioned any of my decisions. It was purely mechanics and QoL.
I highly advise all the killjoys (not talking about you but just taking this opportunity to make this message more global) who don't like me to rework stuff, to click on "Ignore Thread" and patiently wait for the devs of the other games they play to deliver two crappy 24fps animations every 3 months and call it an update. Then we'll see if those guys keep complaining about my reworks.

They'll run back here and they'll say nothing, because I could do two reworks out of three updates and I would still give more content than a regular dev.
I'm well aware you guys will portray me as a self-centered dude full of himself, but I simply chose to only trust myself.