Most of these complaints come from lying reviews or people who haven't even played the game and just refered to the last review.
This is my bad here.
I did a shit move long time ago and my game got banned from reviews. Which is completely normal.
Basically I offered the reworked v0.8.4 to ten random guys who claimed being too poor to buy the game.
So I gave them the game for free for a good review here.
That was stupid, especially because F95 rating isn't worth shit.
Why put myself in this situation for 10 insignificant reviews when absolutely no one take reviewers seriously ?
Early mistakes, I guess.
The thing is
Ryahn accordingly deleted the reviews he suspected as part of the offer (over moderated a lot of them but that's already mentioned and proved in a ticket which is, let me take a look, oh yeah, created and left unanswered since Nov 10, 2024

But somehow the last two reviews which popped just before the ban and which violate "Reviewing rules", are being kept alive and fed with likes.
(I have the right to mention him, I'm not attacking him or stating stuff that should be written in a ticket instead, because he said it publicly that he took over this case, and I'm simply expressing my opinion on the quality of the work that has been done this day).
Now him and the other mods never got the motivation to investigate these last two reviews to see how wrong and misleading they are to every newcomer here, and this is actually fair because a "review cannot be removed for lying, since mods cannot fact-check every games to decide whether a review is telling the truth or not".
Considering the number of porn games here, this is understandable so that's his right.
Despite the fact I'm one of the most active dev on this website. F95 is on my 2nd screen while I'm working, my Online badge is turned green every fucking time.
I've answered almost everyone in 120 pages, and turned relevant F95 feedbacks into actual features in the game.
Trust me they'd want hundreds of dev like me on this website, yet they let two fuckers ruin my game's reputation with false statements.
I'm just letting him know he has just let the most lying and misleading reviews a game could have as literally none of the 3 points mentionned are true.
Here are a few examples that takes me 20 seconds to prove wrong (but sadly that's not how F95 works

"I love repeating the same sex scene 3-5 times to progress!"
- There is no need to repeat ANY sex scene during the game to progress any character's story. Once you unlock a sex scene you get the next quest of the character and can go to the next scene.
"I want my lewd games to be a glorified Kokaitsu scene viewer! Yes, I do enjoy the same Kokaitsu animations I have seen dozens of times in different games, even with close to zero writing to set them up!"
- There is exactly 0% chance he has seen my animations in any other game.
67 animations are custom and made by me, 6 animations are purchased, none of those 6 ever appeared in any other game.
I could extract the RPA archive of my game and upload all the animations if that's necessary, you won't find ANY of these in another game (especially because we all know most of Koikatsu based games use stock loops animations delivered with the engine, while I don't, so this statement of him is the easiest to prove wrong)
"Yes, endgame skipping days is my hobby, I love clicking the same button! "
- Skipping days for what purpose ? There are more than 12 playable characters and around 70 animations in my game. They're all set up in different daytimes, he doesn't need to skip any day even after 2 hours of playthrough. That's legit just to trashtalk for free at this point.
To conclude, these reviews are meant to stay here forever, and will keep persuading low-minded people easy to persuade, like
TofuCircle who's probably never played the game, just popped here, read the reviews and liked them both without having his own opinion.
Th3Espr3ss0, who liked both reviews because
he's butthurt after I proved him wrong in public (Typical user making the rating system completely useless, if you ask me) :
And here is why the F95's rating system has major flaws, like any other sites, because even when you have screenshots and literally portions of code to prove that a review is lying, it will remain.