
Jun 24, 2022
Just wanted to chime in here and lavish praise on Naughty Road. What you are doing is obviously a labor of love and art of the highest caliber... completely understand that it takes time and obviously the product that you produce is more than worth the wait. I almost feel like I'm cheating having just stumbled upon it now... Honestly, I'm almost preemptively sad that someday this wonderful work will be complete... Can we get a promise you will continue with other projects? =) <3

Bruce F. Lee

Mar 16, 2021
I had this really great dream once, if you can call it that. I'd been hitting that midnight oil pretty hard, and when my alarm clock went off early, in my half-awake state, I conceived of this fantastic notion that, if I'd just set the clock back by one hour, I could sleep for an hour more, and still get up by 7 am. Brilliant, right?

So, still in that weird and wonderful mindset somewhere half between waking and sleeping, I did just that, and closed my eyes again feeling warm and really pleased with myself for having discovered this amazing life-hack that no one even knew about. Well, I did have a really good one hour snooze, but my boss at the time didn't find this little anecdote half as amusing as I did when I showed up late for work. Oh well.

There's this annoying, unwritten rule in this universe, that if a task takes something like, say 3.000 hours of work to complete, you actually have to complete 3.000 hours of work. I know, it's really unfair and all. But contrary to what most managers believe, going "honestly, it's a bit much, innit?", and then waving your hand does not in fact complete a task as if by magic.

I was really miffed when I finally woke that day at 8 am and brutally had my time-traveling superpowers stripped away from me, and I hate to be the one to put you through the same sort of experience, buddy, but... that's just life, man. So sorry.
Best response ever to the time whiners.

Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Is it worthwhile playing through and choosing not to follow certain paths?
Does it change scenes much or is it just skipped content?
Those 2 short questions have very long answers.

There are at least 3 major storyline paths:
  1. Macy/Denise -- they are inseparable. If you choose not to become intimate with either one, you are choosing to not become intimate with both.
  2. Brooke
  3. Weird Sisters at the office (Zarah, Sara, Sierra)
You can choose to be intimate with none of the 3 paths, all of the 3 paths, or any combination of the 3 paths. That means there are currently at least 8 different major combinations of path playthroughs. Within each are little choices which influences dialogues little seque scenes, etc - think of it as the spices of a recipe giving a little added flavor here and there.

The only way you will NOT get sex scenes is if you choose NOT to have sex with a character.

Read the developer's note on OP to learn more.
Also from the developer:


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
Hey dev, this maybe is a really late question but here i go:

Are the covenant Milfs making man juice margaritas or what?

PS: i know it's funny the way i wrote that but, it's a serious question

Lol. Well, in conversation the day after the encounter at Zarah's place, the MC can dig deeper into what all the equipment was for, and it turns out they did not, and are a little surprised by his suggestion. But who knows, maybe a seed was planted.


New Member
Jun 11, 2018
Roughly a week ago I popped onto the forums to check on the status of Light of my Life and was crushed to see its current progress, realizing it was not going to be released this year and quite likely not until a few months into the new year. It was heartbreaking. Knowing better but unable to suppress my disappointment. I said to myself. Self this is awful. This is wrong. It only took a year last time.

The Voices in my head jumped at the opportunity to comment. Poor, poor man you know damn well it will be out when it’s done and it will all be worth the wait. Yeah I meekly mumbled in agreement, but I’ve been sooooooo patient this year. (That’s so with seven “o’s”!) I mean you know when I finished the last chapter and like 2 seconds later I wanted the next chapter but didn’t come the forums to demand it?

Yes, yes said one of voices, the very essence stoic resolve.

I even waited like 4 months to check back in knowing it wasn’t gonna be done until the end of year. I was being good. No heroic! I was biding my time. Looking in monthly. Sometimes weekly, learning about trebuchets, catapults and bears (well not really learning -- still don’t understand most of it.) Point is I was being heroic. No Superhuman!

A voice chimed in, actually speaking of points….just what is the point of your current ramblings?

It’s taking longer than a YEAR!!!! I screamed. It’s supposed to be out nowish! I don’t think that’s a word said another voice which I ignored and continued. I want it now. I deserve it now. I NEED it now. I was almost crying. Why can’t it be out now I sobbed?

The Intellectual voice spoke up. Self, calm down. Be reasonable. Take a deep breath and see if we can do a quick search and see if Naughtyroads gave an explanation--probably to someone wondering (maybe even belligerently) why this chapter wasn’t out yet or preferably maybe to someone just earnestly wanting to better understand what the development process is like for Naughtyroads.

Umm. You know I’m not good at internetty things. I play games. I like games. I’m not stupid just incompetent.

The Intellectual voice nodded and rolled his eyes condescendingly. Yes. Yes. Oh Look! (Another voice said—SQURREL!!) I instantly turned my head. Right here. Two or so months ago he made a post explaining that chapter development had been growing longer and longer each release due primarily to the larger scope of each chapter and the growing complexity of the scenes, especially the lewd scenes. The voice paused to see if any of that was getting through. I blinked. Once more. Then again. Blank stare. Intellectual voice took a deep breath preparing to try again when the Naughty voice licked my ear and began whispering. Lewd scenes take longer. Lewd scenes take…longer? I asked. Not yet fully understanding the significance of that phrase. Lewd scenes take longer. Naughty voice was nibbling on my earlobe now.

So it’s taking longer because there are more lewd scenes than the last release? Naughty voice was rubbing my chest, working its hand towards my waistband. Lewd. Scenes. Take. Longerrrrr. Naughty voice purred.

Intellectual voice tried to interject. That is not exactly what he wrote. And he definitely made no mention at all to the number of lewd scenes increasing in this release. At best Naughty voice’s paraphrasing is misleading. At worst a misquote implying something Naughtyroads really did not say nor intend to infer. Voice realized he was talking to himself again, knowingly sighed, and left to read up more on trebuchets.

It was sinking in. Taking hold. No it was forcibly having its way with me. Lewd scenes take longer. Lewd scenes take longer. Lewd scenes take LONGER!

The Naughty voice had more to say. Were there lewd scenes in the last release? Uhuh. Uhuh. Uhuh I nodded.
Were some of them scenes that had been building up sooooooo (seven “o’s”) seductively slowly over time? Uhuh. Uhuh. And was the payoff worth it? Uhuh. Yes. YES! YES!

Lewd scenes take longer. Lewd scenes take longer. Was that the Naughty voice’s voice or mine? Didn’t matter. I shuddered with satisfaction. Blessed with a new understanding. Newly endowed with enlightened expectation. A true believer.


So now when I check in and find some helpful soul who’s posted the progress graphic, and I see progress being made but still more left to be done some of the voices in my head giggle with delight. Some of them squeal with anticipation. Some of them chant knowingly. Lewd scenes take longer. Lewd scenes take longer. Lewd scenes take longer…


Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
Call me a weirdo but i dig all the covenant ladies, and the weird shit they are doing

Mostly the perverted shit
Yo, I'm a crone lover too dawg. I was a little disappointed with one thing, though, because everyone has to have a stupid critical opinion, so why not me? :) Personally, I wasn't a fan of the greek fountain event or w/e that was. Not because it wasn't good or well-done, it was very good... it just took me out of the modern (pseudo-)realistic atmosphere :( Felt like I was in a different game, I guess. I'm a stickler for naughty office no-no sex, though, and the oldest crone has some unfulfilled promises still waiting in the next update, though, so I will be fully satisfied with that I'm sure :devilish::love:


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
Am I the only one here for the story then and actually feels like lewd content SHOULD come second??? Lol :ROFLMAO:
And am I the only one that has zero interest in any of the females apart from the two wards/housemates/da......'s aswell???
Sorry if I have missed tonnes of your content with the side characters naughtyroad but my heart belongs solely to them two at home ;)
Oct 21, 2022
Am I the only one here for the story then and actually feels like lewd content SHOULD come second??? Lol :ROFLMAO:
And am I the only one that has zero interest in any of the females apart from the two wards/housemates/da......'s aswell???
Sorry if I have missed tonnes of your content with the side characters naughtyroad but my heart belongs solely to them two at home ;)
Nope, story+characters come first for me. If I wanted meaningless sex, I'd pay some sket from round your ways mate ;) jokes aside it's the main attraction to the game for me, not many others do it like Naughty.

So. well said bud you make a great point. Tbh I can gather your points just by looking at your sig though :) <3 Cece
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