Sorry about your dad as well. Know the feeling and it just is horrific to go through.
For the hot and heat part. I just had to go swimming with my daughters and if there ever was a time to quote danny glover it was today. "I AM TO OLD FOR THIS SHIT" my body hurts in places i didn't even know i had...
But on the other side my youngest told me something very interesting other than she wants to write as well. Handed me her phone and showed me some stuff i won't even pretend to understand in this day and age but at the end of the conversation she asked something i think is perfectly represented in the game.
Since her mom and i are no longer together she asked about moving on and how it feels like betrayal even if it isn't. How do you as a child try to not judge the new partner of your parents in a negative way the moment you meet them? Is it something you do naturally or is it that you are jealous of some sort cause you think that new someone will take your parents away?
I explained.
Same goes for when your daughters have a boyfriend or a husband. You fucking hate that dude. He could be the president, the scientist who cured cancer or even the guy who found out how we all can be immortal. You just hate the dude for similar reasons. And no that feeling never goes away. You will hate that guy for as long as you live and beyond.
So we discussed this for some time and at the end all my daughters sat there and talked about it. Obviously different opinions on the topic but the main consens we established was that literally everybodies first reaction is jealousy out of fear for taking someone you love away from you.
Only way to counter all that hate and jealousy is by spreading love around the family and erase the notion that someone could take someone you love away from you.
I brought up this game as they all played it.
They think the main goal should be Brooke as new step mom and all of them living a healthy, loving 4 way relationship like old mormons did once upon a time.
On the other hand they hate the office ladies because they do not represent love but jealousy. They want something from the MC they seem to not have or miss in their relationships and not concerning the damage they could inflict once this goes out. Literally the worst case scenario if shit goes sideways and you destroy maybe not just your own family but 3 families in the process.
Brooke on the other hand did nothing immoral in that regard other than flirting or banging a man with no strings attached. So to them Brooke is the lesser evil that could become a gift of some sort for the family as a step mom.
The fascinating part however was them talking about lot and his daughters. They explained you could argue that before Lot found a new wife that could be even worse than their mom in terms of listening to god they took it upon their own duty to ensure giving birth to a new generation devoted to god instead of worse case scenario and they get another women like mom who won't listen to shit.
OR that purely out of jealousy to see their father with another women other than their mom they took it as their duty to ensure his manly needs are satisfied and giving him more healthy children he could teach about the devotion to god while also ensuring the love he has for them would never stop.
So 3 main reasons for them doing what they did. Devotion to god, jealousy and love.
You could start arguing the same about the story of the game. Macy for sure is jealous towards brooke and denise acting purely out of love for her family.
Like in the story of lot and his daughters you have 2 daughters who aside from the bible story and the devotion to god are acting out on similar reasons as they did. Love for one daughter as her driving motivation and one out of jealousy not wanting to see the MC with another women than herself out of fear she could lose him forever.
Edit: Sorry for the long post but i'm half beat to death here and had to get this out of my system before i forget half of it.