The two bunny girls are part of the brothel and the main reason IMO why the establishment is still standing. Can't have a brothel without prostitutes and since they are the only two left when you come in, it would be a bit of a dick move to fire them after the business gets better. You can't remove them and you can't re-locate them.Question: is there a way to remove prostitutes from the first floor of the brothel? Been toying with the idea of a "friendly" run for some time now. With muggers, I can beat them once, befriend them, help them find a job and apartment, then say goodbye to them forever. With prostitutes, I can send them to the brothel. But once it's been filled up... seems like your only two options is to leave them on the tile or attack them and send them packing. Am I missing something..?
On the other hand, yes, the brothel has a limited number of rooms so you have choose wisely who you want to send there. You can't fire/move people because its not your business. The deal was find illegal prostitutes to work there and in return, you get to sell yourself in the establishment for extra cash. You're not a "true" business partner though, so you don't really have a say in what happens to the people after they are hired.
Again, choose wisely.