Aug 13, 2018
Really? Because its literally the exact same on my saves. The offspring map is actually taking longer to load than it did two patches ago. It was back to being instant with 1000+ offspring for a little while, and now its long enough that the games going into a not-responding state.

Time skips are still slow as fuck, and with only about 30 slaves each step takes almost a full second. Which is exactly why I dropped this save to begin with.

Plus like, I don't see anything in the patch that indicates that performance would actually be improved much. That would have been big news, not a passing comment that I can't even find.

This is just my experience, mind you. The Offspring Map used to crash my game, as well, and it's still much fucking slower than it should be, but late-game is actually playable.

IDK if they just reduced NPC calculations or what, but the game, in general, is much faster.

I also run on the X64 exe. version of the game, running on an SSD with a 3700xt, so mileage may vary.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
Thanks for the help. Will try the Java one.

I'm also curious by what you meant when you said that the script broke your file
Maybe it's something on my side, but only problem i got is no new children showed up on the map or after birth scene( the list that shows up after giving birth was empty.)

Everything works fine. Script apparently Fetus Deletus'ed the unborn too .
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Active Member
Apr 6, 2019
Did the option to bring slaves with you get removed or something? Used to be just
- punch someone unconcious
- take a random item, put slave shit on it
- put on them
- put them in room
- click name
- bring with
But now there's no option to bring with.


Jan 26, 2020
Did the option to bring slaves with you get removed or something? Used to be just
- punch someone unconcious
- take a random item, put slave shit on it
- put on them
- put them in room
- click name
- bring with
But now there's no option to bring with.
i think that option is something you might have to manually activate through the content options menu. or the options menu. through a menu.
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Jan 26, 2020
so i just scrolled through every single 'patch update' Inno's released since the game started being developed, tallied it up with the current state of the game just wow. like holy fucking shit wow. i genuinely can't tell if she's shit at time management and is trying to do too many things at once, or just doesn't care and throws shit at the wall hoping it sticks. in four years this game has gone from 'wow this looks neat' to 'wow this looks neat with an extra hour of content'.

i doubt this will get read but here we go; Inno: either focus exclusively on story to push the game forward, or focus exclusively on the world itself with new content. even before i moved into the - very small - questline for Elis i realised Dominion and Submission were oddly empty after about two hours banging out quest after quest. there's very little to do in the starting city that also becomes the centerpoint for the entirety of this 'world' you've built, and people we talk to and establish basic rapports with are shunted to the side almost immediately after their quests are done. there's no reason for me to give a fuck for these people. slow the heck down and focus on one thing and one thing only, and in my opinion that one thing should be one of these two options:
- flesh out Dominion and Submission more. add more characters and quests, more items that can only be found in either D or S, maybe make characters we thought we were done with return with more quests or in a more permanent capacity. make whatever race the character decides to shift into actually matter with new dialogue choices or reactions form characters. maybe go back to the very beginning with character creation and make those silly little personality choices actually mean something. you picked a cynical character? make that character look at everything with an apathetic light. you picked a kind character? make that character have lines that reflect that. right now these 'personalities' don't mean anything beyond unique characters that are practically defined by them. for the main character to have a personality trait of one of these is completely inconsequential.
- flesh out the world itself. make access to the other cities out there possible and the ability to turn into the races we currently cannot viable. once this is done you could stabilise the game before continuing, the few cities' worth of content would be enough to keep people content with the current game while you hammer out the finer points at a pace you feel is necessary. once the world has been fleshed out more you can hammer out finer story details, more main and side quests to keep people amused while you plough through the story. give people a reason to explore Elis beyond it being a place to have high-level random encounters and an 'A to B' to the cities. make people want to roam around, discover things on their own. maybe focus exclusively on the Youko content, adding them in and the ability to transform into one.

literally just pick one thing and see it through, instead of adding this strange mish-mash of things and spreading yourself thin. work on one thing that finished conclusively, then allow that thing to take you to the next thing, and so on and so forth.

but then again this has been happening for four years, so doubt anything's going to change if this is ever actually read.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
It doesn't handle sex scenes like CoC/TiTS, sorry. It works more like DoL, where the sex scenes are dynamically controlled by the player.
Note that there is a quick sex button which just automates things based in fetishes of the people involved and gives you instant result. So you can get essence reasonably


Sep 21, 2018
last played this game in 2019, is there any changes that make me playing it again actually worth it 2 years on?
There's a few new morphs, minor side quests, and a VERY sparsely populated new town and a few other additions that feel like they were either half-baked or jokes. With that said... there were several things which are likely broken beyond repair, Nyan's romance quest and companions to name a few things.

Details aside, if you're already prowling the forums than I can only assume you are very interested to see what has changed, so you might as well download the newest version to see what all the fuss is about yourself. Enough content has been added and removed changed in two years to make it worth a download, especially with the performance improvement this most recent update brought. With that said, if you are content with your current version of Lilith's Throne then I would probably wait another year or so.

So yeah... just go with your gut on this one. Either way, you're probably going to end up equal parts entertained and disappointed.


Jun 20, 2018
I'm glad I looked at the board for some tips against a boss I was having trouble with. Making potions help out a whole lot.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I'm glad I looked at the board for some tips against a boss I was having trouble with. Making potions help out a whole lot.
Yeah, potions are just as broken as everything else affected by enchanting. You can have an unlimited number of 100% heal potions that give buffs. Makes it impossible to die to anything but a one shot. And those potions are super cheap.


Jun 4, 2020
I found this game since it's similar to CoC, etc. I like it, in some parts even more than CoC. It has nice ideas, and interesting characters, writing is good too, etc.

However... sigh. 4 years and the main story seems to be in the very beginning? Like, I reached the "end" of the main story content and was like. That's it? I dunno if there's a lot of stuff to do, because I was interested in the main story, not enslaving, breeding. Besides, the "sex" is easily the weakest part of this game in my opinion. Although I like most characters, the repetition and the guessing positions and stuff in that minigame are so boring after a time that I just decided to not have sex with anyone whenever I can have such choice and just ignore it.
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Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
I dunno if there's a lot of stuff to do, because I was interested in the main story, not enslaving, breeding.
If you were interested in some of the other stuff then you could probably scavenge something to keep yourself entertained with this game a bit more... but if it's the story that hooked you well... Oof, u hit a jackpot there
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