Where banana?

Aug 31, 2020
just as an idea in case the dev is reading this. whenever you get around to finishing up combat and combat stats, I feel like given the situation (stuck in a demonified future) there should be monsters... regular Killable monsters aside from just the usual fuckable npc. I like fucking and getting fucked by my defeated opponents but sometimes i just wanna end some sorry monster (or asshole) that crosses me. just a thought


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
just as an idea in case the dev is reading this. whenever you get around to finishing up combat and combat stats, I feel like given the situation (stuck in a demonified future) there should be monsters... regular Killable monsters aside from just the usual fuckable npc. I like fucking and getting fucked by my defeated opponents but sometimes i just wanna end some sorry monster (or asshole) that crosses me. just a thought
Innoxia is vehemently against adding death to the game. The only way it will ever happen is if someone mods it themselves.
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Dec 18, 2018
I mean, if the first time you met me I was a human male, the next time you met me I was a Wolfgirl, then a Harpy, then a Foxgirl, then finally a fucking Succubus ... you'd probably mention it.
I agree with the general sentiment in this thread about "player agency."

But, to be fair to the game concept itself: In a world where anyone can become anything at any time for any reason at any level of extremity, is there any defining, unchangeable factor -- aside from aura/arcane -- that would justify an NPC knowing who you or anyone else would be?

Do you remember the argument I made a long time ago about how basically every character in the game may as well just be a formless amoeba?

So, here's a baseline question: Can you explain why it would make sense for any non-arcane NPC you romance one particular day to somehow be able to recognize you the next day and maintain the cordiality after you've morphed from [Race A with Breast size A, Name A, Skin tone A, Hair length A, Height A, and Cock Size A] to [Race B with Cock Size C, Skin tone D, Name F, Pronoun Z, Body Size R, and no breasts]?

(I say non-arcane, because arcane/aura can be used as an explanation as to why people can identify you and it is mostly used or known by demons and mystical creatures)

Now, that would be an extreme case, for sure, since all aspects have been changed. Minor changes like adding breasts or removing penis probably could be recognized and even pointed out by an NPC you recently met -- assuming their personality even cares. So, then the next question is: How do you establish what changes are worth a reaction?
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Sep 21, 2018
So, then the next question is: How do you establish what changes are worth a reaction?
By presumably using the same metrics used to determine the PC's race. Considering that there is already a means of detecting what type of morph a character is at any moment, if that were to change I would imagine retooling a throwaway line of dialogue for roommates would be possible. Then again, this is Lilith's Throne we're talking about. Probably near impossible to code given the way race detection and NPCs are currently implemented.


New Member
Dec 9, 2017
Is there a list of NPCs that can be enslaved?
I have Bree/Brax only
You can enslave all NPCs by using mods.
It might have glitches. There is no special dialog with unique NPCs using the mod.
Well, There's not much special dialogs in the original game to begin with.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
But, to be fair to the game concept itself: In a world where anyone can become anything at any time for any reason at any level of extremity, is there any defining, unchangeable factor -- aside from aura/arcane -- that would justify an NPC knowing who you or anyone else would be?

Do you remember the argument I made a long time ago about how basically every character in the game may as well just be a formless amoeba?
What a weird question lol

Yes. There's a very simple and very obvious reason that would justify an NPC knowing who you are or what you would be.

NPCs should know if they've met you (and they technically already do)

Like, it's really that simple. If an NPC knows you, and you were a human, then they know that you're a human. If you show up and you're no longer a human, its natural that they'd comment on it. Even in your whole "the PC is a formless amoeba" example, that doesn't mean that people won't comment on you changing. Because they knew you were one thing, and now you're another thing. People in real life comment on superficial stuff like appearance all the time.

Both things can be true at the same time.

So, here's a baseline question: Can you explain why it would make sense for any non-arcane NPC you romance one particular day to somehow be able to recognize you the next day and maintain the cordiality after you've morphed from [Race A with Breast size A, Name A, Skin tone A, Hair length A, Height A, and Cock Size A] to [Race B with Cock Size C, Skin tone D, Name F, Pronoun Z, Body Size R, and no breasts]?

(I say non-arcane, because arcane/aura can be used as an explanation as to why people can identify you and it is mostly used or known by demons and mystical creatures)
I mean, yes? I can explain it in two very specific questions...

1) Are you completely incapable of recognizing someone you've only met a couple of times in real life? Like, enough to remember that you've seen them before?

2) If you meet someone who you should know, but don't recognize, do they not introduce themselves? And if they look wildly different, say, if they lost a lot of weight, would you not comment on it?

Again, unless you change your appearance and don't make your identity known, people will be able to remember who you are. But I do agree, if you wildly change your appearance, randos on the street shouldn't remember who you are. That'd be a good bit of immersion, wouldn't it? Like, it'd be pretty dope if you could trick people in that way. I'm totally not writing this down for later while working on my own project, because that could make for an awesome quest idea lol

But again, both of these things can be true. You can change your appearance and still have people know who you are. Or maybe they won't. It's really up to the player. And to make that immersive, the options and reactions you provide to the player matter. More options and more reactions is better for immersion.

Now, that would be an extreme case, for sure, since all aspects have been changed. Minor changes like adding breasts or removing penis probably could be recognized and even pointed out by an NPC you recently met -- assuming their personality even cares. So, then the next question is: How do you establish what changes are worth a reaction?
To start with, you work from the most meaningful reaction first and then go backwards as time permits. Assuming you have a content framework that isn't shit, which is obviously a problem for LT, you should be able to add this stuff in a modular way. So start with species changes. Then look at named NPCs who'd have an obvious preference, Scarlett is someone who has a thing for harpies so if the player turns into a harpy (or away form a harpy) let her comment on it. A really good one would be an NPC commenting if they thought you were female, and now you're male. Because that has obvious times when it comes up and is easy to add in. They already comment on your appearance as soon as they can see you.

Then, personally, I'd play of the existing NPC preferences. NPC's already have preferences, that's why they're consistent when transforming the player. I'd look at those NPCs and give them dialog if you transform away from whatever they transformed you to. Or dialog if you transform into what they prefer. This could just be a passing line about how much they love how you look in the greeting dialog/event or at the start of a sex encounter.

But it's mostly down to time VS impact.

And you can really take it as far as you want. If my coworker showed up at work tomorrow missing a finger, people would comment.

I showed up after getting a haircut, and people commented.

People comment on this shit all the time in real life, it doesn't make any sense why the NPCs ignore it.
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Dec 18, 2018
I showed up after getting a haircut, and people commented.
1) Depends on the amount of passed time and if they stuck out to me in any significant way.

2) They'd have to prove they're the person I should remember. Documentation, history, and specific information -- ID cards, for example. Like, celebrities are constantly meeting people who claim to be people they should know. "Hi, I'm your cousin from [x] family. You don't remember me? Well, let me show you things about me that only you could know, that differentiate me from other people who also claim to be your cousin from [x] family!"


So, when you got your haircut, did you also change your name, your skin tone, your (presumed) masculinity, and your height?

When you establish a relationship with someone, you notice and register unique and unchangeable things about them, correct? These are things that differentiate them from other people, so that minor things like a haircut don't completely alienate them from your mental registry of who they are, right?

-Sandy, the Asian female coworker with blonde hair and likes to drink milkshakes.
-Nathan, the homeless Indian guy with the club foot that wanders into the coffee shop from time to time, talking nonsense about aliens.

If Sandy showed up one day as a Caucasian male named "Tyler" with brown hair, different eye color, half-harpy limbs and a height similar to a dwarf's, would you even know that was Sandy until she told you she used to be Sandy? Even if she told you she were Sandy, how could you verify on the spot? Anyone else at any time can also rename themselves as "Sandy" to maliciously impersonate your coworker, right?

What if Sandy and Nathan swapped identities for the giggles of it and transformed into each other (there's even a mod designed specifically for this), adopting name, appearance, and even personality ticks? If everything can become anything at any time, what defines a character or person from everything else that can become the exact same thing at any point in time on a whim?

(This concept is actually consistently used in entertainment series/films, like in Squid Games where a detective adopted the suit of one of the Staff members to help him infiltrate the organization. Nobody knew he wasn't the impersonated Staff member, until some definable characteristics began to reveal themselves and only then did people get suspicious.)

Where I'm going with this is that the game does wrestle with some obviously illogical concepts, but if we're going to go with recognition of changes to characters, we need to first set a ground rule as to how people even recognize each other in the first place in a world where nothing is immutable. The levels of changes scale from minor to drastic and there needs to be a system that measures the change and concludes whether or not an NPC can still recognize a character. The game lore itself even utilizes aura/arcane to help you recognize your own children, otherwise how the heck else would you even know it's your child when anything else can look exactly like them -- or you -- at any time?

I'd suggest implementing something like an aura scanner, that would work like our real life ID system, because we apparently can't change the inherent characteristics of aura. That'd be a good place to start with this whole idea.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
1) Depends on the amount of passed time and if they stuck out to me in any significant way.

2) They'd have to prove they're the person I should remember. Documentation, history, and specific information -- ID cards, for example. Like, celebrities are constantly meeting people who claim to be people they should know. "Hi, I'm your cousin from [x] family. You don't remember me? Well, let me show you things about me that only you could know, that differentiate me from other people who also claim to be your cousin from [x] family!"


So, when you got your haircut, did you also change your name, your skin tone, your (presumed) masculinity, and your height?

When you establish a relationship with someone, you notice and register unique and unchangeable things about them, correct? These are things that differentiate them from other people, so that minor things like a haircut don't completely alienate them from your mental registry of who they are, right?

-Sandy, the Asian female coworker with blonde hair and likes to drink milkshakes.
-Nathan, the homeless Indian guy with the club foot that wanders into the coffee shop from time to time, talking nonsense about aliens.

If Sandy showed up one day as a Caucasian male named "Tyler" with brown hair, different eye color, half-harpy limbs and a height similar to a dwarf's, would you even know that was Sandy until she told you she used to be Sandy? Even if she told you she were Sandy, how could you verify on the spot? Anyone else at any time can also rename themselves as "Sandy" to maliciously impersonate your coworker, right?

What if Sandy and Nathan swapped identities for the giggles of it and transformed into each other (there's even a mod designed specifically for this), adopting name, appearance, and even personality ticks? If everything can become anything at any time, what defines a character or person from everything else that can become the exact same thing at any point in time on a whim?

(This concept is actually consistently used in entertainment series/films, like in Squid Games where a detective adopted the suit of one of the Staff members to help him infiltrate the organization. Nobody knew he wasn't the impersonated Staff member, until some definable characteristics began to reveal themselves and only then did people get suspicious.)

Where I'm going with this is that the game does wrestle with some obviously illogical concepts, but if we're going to go with recognition of changes to characters, we need to first set a ground rule as to how people even recognize each other in the first place in a world where nothing is immutable. The levels of changes scale from minor to drastic and there needs to be a system that measures the change and concludes whether or not an NPC can still recognize a character. The game lore itself even utilizes aura/arcane to help you recognize your own children, otherwise how the heck else would you even know it's your child when anything else can look exactly like them -- or you -- at any time?

I'd suggest implementing something like an aura scanner, that would work like our real life ID system, because we apparently can't change the inherent characteristics of aura. That'd be a good place to start with this whole idea.
I do agree that it would take work to make sense. Unless you're explicitly planning on playing into this as a plot point, you'd need a way for people to trust/recognize each other. But honestly, everything in LT is so contrived anyways that we could just make some shit up. We have magic maps that somehow are able to track our children for us, fuck it, magical IDs.

But yeah, like the other's have said, it's not worth the dev time. Inno is so god damn slow when it comes to writing that this would take a few years to get even the basics working.


Jan 26, 2020
My two cents; I'd much rather see Inno focus on completing the main story than get bogged down with minor QoL improvements like this.
yeah i gotta agree with you here. even though this game is definitely lacking in the quality of anything department, it could be something equal to - or even greater than - CoC someday...all Inno needs to do is focus on the main storyline and stop giving us fucking sex positions.


Jun 15, 2018
I honestly think it would be an amazing engine for making games if it was optimized. It's sad to see that much messy code and the lack of development through the last 3 years. Someone should make a similar and better engine, make a game with it and ask for support - Like Innoxia but actually working and knowing what they are doing.


Jun 3, 2018
When trying to play the game in Linux under Wine, I get the following: -- See Screen Shot --

When I try to run the Jar file, I get the following:
Error: Could not find or load main class com.lilithsthrone.main.Main
Anyone have any ideas?


New Member
Jun 19, 2018
Gotta agree with you guys there.

While I really do like stuff like skyrim npcs commenting on your skills, adding reactions to LT really won't work out well.
I'm pretty sure that with all the body parts and sizes and variations, there's a lot that can go wrong.
And I can already see the players complain that their modded up Lynx-Dragon-Klingon-Pokemon was wrongly adressed.

So lots of work for a chance to make the players invested in the topic more unhappy.

On a side note, the #mods channel got a lot cleaner as soon as I blocked all the posts that added tons of species and/or weapons.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
When trying to play the game in Linux under Wine, I get the following: -- See Screen Shot --

When I try to run the Jar file, I get the following:
Error: Could not find or load main class com.lilithsthrone.main.Main
Anyone have any ideas?
It depends on which distribution you're using. If you're using Arch, install the java8-openjdk and java8-openjfx packages. If you're using Ubuntu, install the openjdk-8-jre and openjfx packages. Later versions of OpenJDK might work as long as OpenJFX is also installed, but JRE 8 is the developer recommended version.

I wouldn't bother with Wine. Aside from having pretty specific requirements the game works very well under Linux (as well as Lilith's Throne can run, anyway ;)).


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
Good news! We will be getting more performance patches, including one that will (apparently) help offset the lag caused by having a large amount of kids.

Hello again,

This is just a small post to let you all know how things are progressing towards v0.4.2.5's release. Since the last post (and the release of v0.4.2.3), I've mainly been working on getting a large pull request merged (PR#1622 from AceXP) that should significantly improve performance and save file sizes in games where you have a large number of unmet offspring. I've also been fixing some bugs and getting some other minor things addressed.

Starting tomorrow, I'm going to move on to adding the content for the other shops in Elis's shopping precinct. I'd also like to get a few more bugs and other minor issues sorted out, so while I initially was aiming for a release around the middle of this week, it's highly likely that v0.4.2.5 will now be out at the earliest on the evening of this Saturday, 27th (as a preview release over on SubscribeStar). If it's looking like there's going to be a delay, I'll try to let you know a day or two in advance.

My next post will likely be the release (or delay...) post of v0.4.2.5, so I'll see you again then.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Good news! We will be getting more performance patches, including one that will (apparently) help offset the lag caused by having a large amount of kids.
I read that and had a laugh. The couple people insisting performance was way better in the current version because Inno said there would be an update from Ace, when it wasn't in the patch notes at all.

Turns out it wasn't in this version at all.

That explains why it still plays like shit lol
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
That just might change my opinion about where this game's going if that actually happens. Lag is one of the main killers for me right now, that and how shallow virtually everything is in the game.


Jul 21, 2017
Gotta agree with you guys there...
It shouldn't be taxing or difficult.
Its dialogue tags flagged for specific triggers.
Money, Quest Completion, Slave#, Spa, Kid#, Sub/Dom#, Corrupt#... ect.

Or at least it SHOULD be simple.
This is the kind of flavor filler busywork that modders and contributors should easily slip in.
Its one of the systems that SHOULD be simple and easily expandable.

IIRC the game ALREADY tries to do it as the guard dialogue treats you like shit until you have inhuman traits, but does not seem to be expanded beyond such basics.

It just highlights the severity of the coding issue.

Note: This is NOT the "Meaningful" conditional options during events, just NPC flavor text.
(Though the majority of those are already just "oh yeah... walls vs wings.")
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