
Jan 26, 2020
1. you do realize you are arguing on the internet right now

2. you are making assumptions on my goals here.

3. seriously. saying I simp for the author is ridiculous... its like... imagine this:
doug: The nazies used time machines to kill people
jack: The nazies did not have time machines
doug: Did you just defend nazies? This makes you a nazi! everyone jack is a nazi!

I said a person is wrong on a specific thing. This does not mean I disagree with him on everything ever and are a member of the" opposition party". It just means I disagree with him on that thing. nothing more, nothing less.

I actually agree with him on other things. For example, I agree with him that inno needs to cut out a bunch of useless variables, that her code is a disaster, and that she barely made any substantive progress in years because she is spreading herself too thing.
perhaps you should have started with 'i agree with you on x, y, and z, but...' because that would have made you seem less of a pretentious not-simp. and, uh, this entire thing would have not happened were that the case? yaknow, just thinking ahead.

i'd also like to say i just hopped into this argument for the lol factor, so...take form that what you will.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
ah well, the thread has gotten like this again
Well.. Imagine an ideal update where there's adequate stuffs being added to an update and everyone become too busy playing that they have no time to argue with strangers on the internet

Now imagine the exact opposite of that, everyone here is having pre-nut clarity


Active Member
Oct 26, 2017
Τhing is, regardless of your choice, when it comes to customization of your own character, nothing really changes. Actually, most things you choose doesn't affect anything, they are just there for flavour, inconsequential flavour.
They maybe are some really specific checks based on your gender rating but overall, the game lacks that immersion and player agency factor.
That is just my opinion on it. l have fond memories of Vampire the masquerade bloodlines,Alpha Protocol for player agency and immersion. Even Artificial Academy 2 hits me with that immersion a bit(even though l know it has its flaws) and l adore that game.

Though, even if it is my opinion on all of this, l set the bar too high so l should silence my mouth, hands and mind about this subject and be done with it. Actually, l will do just that.

Peace be with you all.
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Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
Is there a way to make girl willingly become my slave? Without forcing collar upon her.
Willingly no.

But if you're against collars in general, the enslavement is actually a type of enchantment, so u can just enchant a golden ring with enslavement seal and.. uhh... propose someone to be ur slave
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
You ignored the part where stores sell transformation potions.
You can just walk into the mall and it is full of transformation potions.
The local guard captain bought a custom transformation potion that turns the drinker into a wolf bitch. (changing gender and apparent race).
The local tattoo parlor can give you or your slaves magical tattoos that cause transformations
Multiple shop sell clothes enchanted to transform the wearer...
1) There's only one store in the mall sells actual TF potions and it's called Arcane Secrets, owned by Vicky. Said potions are weak, limited in scope and the results are too random to be worth the price. They are somewhat expensive too, especially for a new player.

2) No, the mall is not "full of transformation potions". Just because an item provides a (temporary) buff doesn't mean it's enchanted. Ralph (general store) sells racial food that when enchanted becomes transformative but are otherwise completely ordinary food-snacks that only give you temporary bonuses.

3) Brax is a corrupt high-ranking officer so chances are he has the money to splurge on TF potions. Random NPCs carry TF potions because otherwise it would invalidate the fetish that revolves around forced transformations. The lore was made slightly inconsistence here to facilitate things for the player who wants said content.

4) The beauty/tattoo salon in the mall is owned and operated by a demon. Demons have the power to enchant items and use magic to do stuff.

5) Nyan only sells enchanted clothes after doing her quest, where it explains why she could not sell them before (her suppliers were driven out by force and the remaining two weren't sharing their goods...)

It looks to me you do not understand the difference between a common item from an enchanted one, least of all how they are made. Enchanted items and potions are somewhat rare and expensive because the only ones capable of making them (demons and witches) are rare in this world (even though it doesn't feel like it given how often demons spawn in darker alley, which is another slight inconsistence...). The limited supply pushes the price up and because of the economical crisis going on, not every Jane and Joe can afford them. I never said those items were "impossible" to find. Demons and witches sell them because it's a good source of money for them, hence why you can find them in certain shops.

Also, don't you find it strange that Arcane Secrets (shop that sells books, scrolls, weapons and potions) happens to be the most expensive one in the entire mall? Most weapons are enchanted, book and scrolls are about magic (rare ability) and essences are used for magical stuff. You can enchant items and make custom TF potions yourself ("Yer a wizard Harry!") but in order to do so you need essences, which are gathered from sex (more specifically, orgasms). The more complex the potion the more essences it requires. Unless you're willing to grind up those numbers, chances are you're going to buy those in bottles instead. Per bottle, they are not that expensive, but a single TF potion can easily require 50-80 essences if you're going for a more complex look. You buy bottled essences by the dozens and suddendly it becomes an expensive endeavor. (Which, admittedly, can be mitigated by cheesing or abusing the game's broken economy due to lack of balance patches... but that's a topic for another time.)

It might be killing your buzz, but your demands are not reasonable. You want NPCs to be surprised and shocked at your transformation but this is totally unrealistic for a world where transformation are so utterly casual and trivial.
It is easier to transform yourself in the world of this game than it is to get a hair dye in the real world.

When was the last time everyone acted shocked at you for dying your hair a different color? Hair dyejob takes several hours to do, while a potion that turns you into a female wolf furry takes seconds to drink and can be bought in the mall
(Actually, people can indeed be surprised by it if it's uncharacteristic for you. Yes, dying your hair in real time takes a while. Meanwhile, in this game, you can shoot fireballs from your hands, unicorns are a thing and time halts unless the main character moves or does something. Tell me, was that comparison really wise? Typically, games don't use real-time progression anyway... everything is sped up for the purpose of engaging gameplay. Tell me, would you play a game where your character is made inert for the duration of their transformation, all while they are in excruciating pain as bones pop out of their sockets and re-shape themselves, teeth fall and regrow, sharper and deadlier than before, and new hair sprouts all over their bodies, and they scream bloody murder for 3 real days until the transformation is done? /rhetorical)

Transformations are far from casual and trivial in this world. First off, you're looking at this from the perspective of a character who has the (rare) ability to create enchanted items/potions almost from the get go, which trivializes them a bit for -us- but not for most citizens in this world. Just because a shop sells a magical potion or piece of enchanted clothing doesn't mean it's super common or even affordable for most people. Also, I'm not talking about trivial things like changing your hair or dying it a different color, I'm talking about altering your body and race often enough for it to be noted. THAT is not ordinary, unless you're a race with morphing abilities (which there are only two at the moment; demons and slimes) or rich enough to afford a lot of potions.

At the very least, the game should recognize when you become a demon because they are considered a powerful elite in this world and not everyone can become one, least of all over night. This is neither niche nor a fetish, it's common sense and matches the lore of the world for what they are supposed to be. It's also called adding depth to one of the primary mechanics of this game, which LT is in dire need of. Besides, I don't think Innoxia cares about how "niche" something is given she just added arm-pit sex a few updates back... so you're going to need a better argument than "it's too niche to do".

To further give you a little context but without going too deep into spoiler territory - LT is situated in London (modern times) and it is somewhat based in our real world. Something happened that made all these furries and mythological creatures spring into existence (they weren't there before so it's not a natural occurrence, except for demons). The rest of the world has no idea what is happening because the forces that be are trying to hide and contain it. Everywhere else, demons, magic and furries are just fantasy and myths. So just because something appears ordinary and trivial, doesn't mean it is...

My point is, we know what we're talking about and backed it up with lore reasons. You'd know these things too, had you paid attention to the game's story. Instead, you come in here and instantly start dismissing everything we say with "AcTuAllY, ME knOw BEtteR, MY opInIon MorE ImPORtant", which is just absolutely stupid and doesn't contribute to any healthy discussion whatsoever. More over, you're glazing over or outright ignoring what we're trying to tell you, twisting our words, reading things out of context or just plain out cherry-picking at our arguments.

Please, just stop. Play the game and pay attention or at least make an effort to actually read what we're trying to say... otherwise this is just a waste of everyone's time. Yours included.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
holy shit dude you didn't need to fucking murder him.



you did.
I really dislike aggressive stupidity, specially when it's entirely based on cherry picking what I wrote. I'm more than happy to take the same tone other people want to use.

And that user is the prime example of aggressive stupidity. 99% of what they've written over the last few days has been wrong, or just misunderstanding basic concepts like "player agency" or "open source". Likely because they're not looking at these things from a programming or game development standpoint and what that actually means.

Even since my post, most of what they're writing is just aggressively wrong.

Is there a way to make girl willingly become my slave? Without forcing collar upon her.

That would be nice, wouldn't it. You have homeless people who are in love with you and think you love them, and you can't even offer that as a way out. It's such an easy option to add, both programmatically and story-wise that it's surprising that it hasn't already.

But then you'd lead into all sorts of other fun stuff. What if you could employee people? Or a dozen other options.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2017
I really dislike aggressive stupidity, specially when it's entirely based on cherry picking what I wrote. I'm more than happy to take the same tone other people want to use.

And that user is the prime example of aggressive stupidity. 99% of what they've written over the last few days has been wrong, or just misunderstanding basic concepts like "player agency" or "open source". Likely because they're not looking at these things from a programming or game development standpoint and what that actually means.

Even since my post, most of what they're writing is just aggressively wrong.


That would be nice, wouldn't it. You have homeless people who are in love with you and think you love them, and you can't even offer that as a way out. It's such an easy option to add, both programmatically and story-wise that it's surprising that it hasn't already.

But then you'd lead into all sorts of other fun stuff. What if you could employee people? Or a dozen other options.
Please explain to me what player agency means. It is not to prove you're wrong. l agree with your statements. Just being curious and wanting to learn more about game development, l see that you have experience.


Jan 18, 2018
I vaguely remember Inno promising to make willing slaves a thing. I don't remember if that was supposed to be a part of the eventual apology slave expansion for dropping companion support, or if it was from something before, though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Please explain to me what player agency means. It is not to prove you're wrong. l agree with your statements. Just being curious and wanting to learn more about game development, l see that you have experience.
From the designer prospective, or the player perspective? Because they're very different.

Player agency is all about making the player FEEL like they have control over their own characters actions and choices, while also making them FEEL like those actions and choices matter within the world.

From the design perspective, this mostly involves cleverly lying to players lol

Player agency is NOT simply having options for the player to choose between. Just look at the terrible Mass Effect ending for a good example. To really sell player agency, you need to overtly react to the player's choices or actions in a noticable, but not obviously railroaded way.

Once again, I'll point back to Nyan's quest, specifically the early interactions with her mom. Because it really was the best example of player agency done *all wrong*. It was the perfect opportunity for the game to acknowledge your actions and achievements while having literally no consequences within the actual story/writing. And it's also the perfect example of why giving a player a choice doesn't actually increase player agency.

When you meet her, instead of having her demand that you tell her why you're worthy to date her daughter by allowing you to pick from a series of choices that are only unlocked by doing specific things, skip the fucking choice and have her mom react to what you've already achieved. She's a major business player in the city. She should at least already know about the NPC if they managed to make 100m+ dollars in a week. It would be so incredibly easy to simply have her be like "I've heard of you. You're that nobody who showed up out of no where and is living with Lilaya now, aren't you? You've been making some real waves recently. Is it true you've kept 20 slaves in that manor? That's impressive, but I'm still not convinced that you're good enough for my daughter..." or "I've heard you're well connect; that you've even done some favors for Lyssieth. Well I'm not impressed yet."

There. You've kept her as a condescending asshole who looks down on you while also having your actions, which in-universe are supposed to be impressive, matter. And with the business related options, it doesn't make her character look like a fucking moron. And hell, if you've not accomplished anything, maybe she can just straight up reject you and not allow you to continue until you've gotten further in the story.

"But then you've taken away the players ability to make choices!" I hear that one aggressively dumb person shouting at me...

Nope. That's where the quiz comes in.

First, don't railroad the player into going through all of the quiz answers with Nyan before you're even allowed to reach this point. Because that's not agency. Make it so the player has to choose to learn those things.

Second, allow the player to fail. Don't force them to succeed in the exact way you want them to. Because that's also not player agency. That entire sequence reads like a D&D DM who's pissy that the party isn't following their script correctly.

Instead of forcing the player to succeed on the second try, it would have been so much more satisfying if she booted you out saying you'd never date her daughter. Take away the opportunity, at least immediately, to date both of them. Maybe disable the date option for a little while forcing you to maintain your relationship in secret. All it would take is a couple extra lines added to the walk event to really sell it. Maybe have Nyan be worried about going for walks with you because her mom might catch you. And then have her catch you. Add a scene where her mom accepts that she can't stop you and then have her fuck off. Then move to the part of the dating sequence where she's gone and you're dating only Nyan. This would be a good option if you haven't achieved anything that would impress her mom as well.

Would it take more work to do that? Yes. Yes it would.

But not by much. I've already written more words in this post than you'd need to sell those additions. So a competent writer could pull it off reasonably easily.

These shits shows are part of the reason I stick around.
Yup, me too. Like, there's only been two meaningful content additions in a year. If it wasn't for this thread being entertaining this game wouldn't provide any entertainment lol


Active Member
May 22, 2020
I think you are mixing up terms. Player agency is the ability of the player to make decisions and for them to change things.
We're on the same page here. Player makes decisions, those decisions have consequences neccesitating more decisions. A unique story emerges out of this process.

It might be killing your buzz, but your demands are not reasonable. You want NPCs to be surprised and shocked at your transformation but this is totally unrealistic for a world where transformation are so utterly casual and trivial.
It is easier to transform yourself in the world of this game than it is to get a hair dye in the real world.

When was the last time everyone acted shocked at you for dying your hair a different color? Hair dyejob takes several hours to do, while a potion that turns you into a female wolf furry takes seconds to drink and can be bought in the mall
I don't want NPCs to be "surprised and shocked", I just want them to acknowledge the decision I've made.

Despite transformation potions being a thing, people in this world seem to pick an identity and stick with it. It's not like Ralph is a Horse-boy one day and something else the next. He stays a Horse-boy.

You use the analogy of dying your hair. Only done that once in my life, but I seem to remember people noticing and commenting on the change. So ... pretty much exactly what I want. People in this world know that transformation is possible. They're not shocked by it, but it's still not something that everyone does every day.

Some of the transformations should make it unlikely for NPCs to even recognise the MC. If the first time you meet Finch you're a Human male and the next time you meet him you're a full Wolf-morph female, why would he just greet you with the same old, "If it isn't my favourite customer."? Why can't there be a moment where he doesn't recognise you, then compliments your new form?

And then when we consider the MC becoming a Demon, that's explicitly and clearly stated as being a really unusual thing to happen. The MC going from the lowest rung of the racial hierarchy to the highest in the space of a fortnight or so. This is definitely something that NPCs should notice and comment on.

The reason why this is a player agency issue is that without things like this, the player's decisions regarding transformation have no consequences apart from mechanical bonuses. As a result, the decisions don't affect the story: they aren't meaningful.


Nov 4, 2019
While it would be possible to quickly add a vague, throwaway "nice new form" line (that can be ambiguously used for whatever change you've undergone) for certain NPCs that gets triggered to appear whenever the MC drastically changes parts of, or all of their body, and then have them go back to normal NPC behavior...

… Anything more detailed than that would just exponentially increase the amount of work done for each NPC and each transformation variable, since you'd have to program and write new lines for every single dang transformation type, for every current and future NPC, and that could multiply the workload by a lot (and potentially discourage the addition of future transformations and NPCs ), so unless you wrote a script to change the line on the fly (which would probably add a ton of new bugs and problems), I'd say the first option here is more viable.

I think it's important to think about why transformation mechanics were added in the first place, and why people are interested in using them. I kind of see it mainly fulfilling a few purposes:

First, people can be interested in the transformation system just for player customization, changing their appearance for their own personal aesthetic tastes. That sort of thing can be really really popular with furries and the like, who like to roleplay as their fursonas, or for people who want to recreate their OCs or whatever.

Meanwhile, the customizable transformation potions, the detailed transformation descriptions and the forced transformation content can also let the transformation system cater to people who have transformation kinks, and like to imagine themselves or others being transformed.
I don't share this kink, so I can't say what is people like about it, but the fact that there's text actively describing detailed transformations probably helps those folks get their jollies, giving the transformation system another hook to interest some people.

Also, some of the transformations, like the taur stuff, can maybe let people build their perfect partner for whatever they want to do with them, or to fulfill whatever kink or fetish they want to indulge in. I mean, there's also a whole buncha different clothing items, which pretty much are almost all purely cosmetic in difference. If someone wants to fuck their ideal dragon-leopard-taur waifu with 3 pairs of huge tits, 2 cocks, 5 vaginas, and dressed in a half schoolgirl outfit, half latex BDSM outfit, then they'll probably look to the transformation system to change one of their ally NPCs into that, since the game is unlikely to spawn anything like that randomly.

Finally, certain transformations do confer actual gameplay-related bonuses or changes, like wings or tails or taur legs letting you do different things in combat and changing up what equipment you use and whatnot. That lets the transformation system give players the opportunity to change their character build to suit their gameplay style and gives them interesting options in that regard, if that's what they're interested in.

If you look at it this way, then the fact that some of the game's NPCs don't react to your transformations isn't all that important, since that's not what the transformation system is really included in the game for, and that's not really what most people who are interested in the transformation system in the first place would consider important. Would you spend time and resources on something with a fairly low priority that most people don't care about, just for a one-off line that gives a minor feeling of immersion that many people won't even notice?

Though I can certainly agree with you that some important story choices, like being changed into a demon, would be improved a fair bit by giving certain NPCs a quick line of dialog... even without it, it doesn't matter too much, especially since a lot of them are just like, store vendors and the like.
I believe Lilaya and maybe some other NPCs already react if you get changed into a demon? I mean, it wouldn't take too long if simple events were added to some other important NPCs, but as I said earlier, it's probably not a very high priority at the moment.

Anyways, thank you for listening to my ted talk about story immersion and transformation fetishes in a porn game about horny magic demons.
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Sep 21, 2018
Is there a way to make girl willingly become my slave? Without forcing collar upon her.
It feels like the bondage fetish 'perks' were meant to do this but, like most nice things in Lilith's Throne, were never implemented this way and abandoned for something completely different.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
While it would be possible to quickly add a vague, throwaway "nice new form" line (that can be ambiguously used for whatever change you've undergone) for certain NPCs that gets triggered to appear whenever the MC drastically changes parts of, or all of their body, and then have them go back to normal NPC behavior...

… Anything more detailed than that would just exponentially increase the amount of work done for each NPC and each transformation variable, since you'd have to program and write new lines for every single dang transformation type, for every current and future NPC, and that could multiply the workload by a lot (and potentially discourage the addition of future transformations and NPCs ), so unless you wrote a script to change the line on the fly (which would probably add a ton of new bugs and problems), I'd say the first option here is more viable.
Huh. I did not even consider a generic "nice new form", that one could work.
I figured any response has to be of the 2nd method where each specific change has specific dialog. Which as you mentioned would require exponential amount of dialog
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
Is there a list of NPCs that can be enslaved?
I have Bree/Brax only
You can have Scarlet as a slave.
She is the Harpy you talk to, in Slavers Alley, after your encounter with Brax. You pay 10,000 flames to Helena, to talk to her and you have an option to keep her or release her.
Just a note, if you romance Helena and kept Scarlet, you will have to give Scarlet back, so it is a choice of keeping Scarlet or romancing Helena.

Other than Scarlet and Brax, I don't think there are any other NPCs you can enslave, other than the generic alley attackers and the ones you can buy in Slavers Alley.
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