You ignored the part where stores sell transformation potions.
You can just walk into the mall and it is full of transformation potions.
The local guard captain bought a custom transformation potion that turns the drinker into a wolf bitch. (changing gender and apparent race).
The local tattoo parlor can give you or your slaves magical tattoos that cause transformations
Multiple shop sell clothes enchanted to transform the wearer...
1) There's only one store in the mall sells actual TF potions and it's called Arcane Secrets, owned by Vicky. Said potions are weak, limited in scope and the results are too random to be worth the price. They are somewhat expensive too, especially for a new player.
2) No, the mall is not "full of transformation potions". Just because an item provides a (temporary) buff doesn't mean it's enchanted. Ralph (general store) sells racial food that when
enchanted becomes transformative but are otherwise completely ordinary food-snacks that only give you temporary bonuses.
3) Brax is a corrupt high-ranking officer so chances are he has the money to splurge on TF potions. Random NPCs carry TF potions because otherwise it would invalidate the fetish that revolves around forced transformations. The lore was made slightly inconsistence here to facilitate things for the player who wants said content.
4) The beauty/tattoo salon in the mall is owned and operated by a demon. Demons have the power to enchant items and use magic to do stuff.
5) Nyan only sells enchanted clothes after doing her quest, where it explains why she could not sell them before (her suppliers were driven out by force and the remaining two weren't sharing their goods...)
It looks to me you do not understand the difference between a common item from an enchanted one, least of all how they are made. Enchanted items and potions are somewhat rare and expensive because the only ones capable of making them (demons and witches) are rare in this world (even though it doesn't feel like it given how often demons spawn in darker alley, which is another slight inconsistence...). The limited supply pushes the price up and because of the economical crisis going on, not every Jane and Joe can afford them. I never said those items were "impossible" to find. Demons and witches sell them because it's a good source of money for them, hence why you can find them in certain shops.
Also, don't you find it strange that Arcane Secrets (shop that sells books, scrolls, weapons and potions) happens to be the most expensive one in the entire mall? Most weapons are enchanted, book and scrolls are about magic (rare ability) and essences are used for magical stuff. You can enchant items and make custom TF potions yourself ("Yer a wizard Harry!") but in order to do so you need essences, which are gathered from sex (more specifically, orgasms). The more complex the potion the more essences it requires. Unless you're willing to grind up those numbers, chances are you're going to buy those in bottles instead. Per bottle, they are not that expensive, but a single TF potion can easily require 50-80 essences if you're going for a more complex look. You buy bottled essences by the dozens and suddendly it becomes an expensive endeavor. (Which, admittedly, can be mitigated by cheesing or abusing the game's broken economy due to lack of balance patches... but that's a topic for another time.)
It might be killing your buzz, but your demands are not reasonable. You want NPCs to be surprised and shocked at your transformation but this is totally unrealistic for a world where transformation are so utterly casual and trivial.
It is easier to transform yourself in the world of this game than it is to get a hair dye in the real world.
When was the last time everyone acted shocked at you for dying your hair a different color? Hair dyejob takes several hours to do, while a potion that turns you into a female wolf furry takes seconds to drink and can be bought in the mall
(Actually, people can indeed be surprised by it if it's uncharacteristic for you. Yes, dying your hair in real time takes a while. Meanwhile, in this game, you can shoot fireballs from your hands, unicorns are a thing and time halts unless the main character moves or does something. Tell me, was that comparison really wise? Typically, games don't use real-time progression anyway... everything is sped up for the purpose of engaging gameplay. Tell me, would you play a game where your character is made inert for the duration of their transformation, all while they are in excruciating pain as bones pop out of their sockets and re-shape themselves, teeth fall and regrow, sharper and deadlier than before, and new hair sprouts all over their bodies, and they scream bloody murder for 3 real days until the transformation is done? /rhetorical)
Transformations are far from casual and trivial in this world. First off, you're looking at this from the perspective of a character who has the (rare) ability to create enchanted items/potions almost from the get go, which trivializes them a bit for -us- but not for most citizens in this world. Just because a shop sells a magical potion or piece of enchanted clothing doesn't mean it's super common or even affordable for most people. Also, I'm not talking about trivial things like changing your hair or dying it a different color, I'm talking about altering your body and race often enough for it to be noted. THAT is not ordinary, unless you're a race with morphing abilities (which there are only two at the moment; demons and slimes) or rich enough to afford a lot of potions.
At the very least, the game should recognize when you become a demon because they are considered a powerful elite in this world and not everyone can become one, least of all over night. This is neither niche nor a fetish, it's common sense and matches the lore of the world for what they are supposed to be. It's also called adding depth to one of the primary mechanics of this game, which LT is in dire need of. Besides, I don't think Innoxia cares about how "niche" something is given she just added arm-pit sex a few updates back... so you're going to need a better argument than "it's too niche to do".
To further give you a little context but without going too deep into spoiler territory - LT is situated in London (modern times) and it is somewhat based in our real world. Something happened that made all these furries and mythological creatures spring into existence (they weren't there before so it's not a natural occurrence, except for demons). The rest of the world has no idea what is happening because the forces that be are trying to hide and contain it. Everywhere else, demons, magic and furries are just fantasy and myths. So just because something appears ordinary and trivial, doesn't mean it is...
My point is, we know what we're talking about and backed it up with lore reasons. You'd know these things too, had you paid attention to the game's story. Instead, you come in here and instantly start dismissing everything we say with "AcTuAllY, ME knOw BEtteR, MY opInIon MorE ImPORtant", which is just absolutely stupid and doesn't contribute to any healthy discussion whatsoever. More over, you're glazing over or outright ignoring what we're trying to tell you, twisting our words, reading things out of context or just plain out cherry-picking at our arguments.
Please, just stop. Play the game and pay attention or at least make an effort to actually read what we're trying to say... otherwise this is just a waste of everyone's time. Yours included.