If I had a job that included this much verbal abuse, I'd quit in a second.Tough shit. If she had a real job and took that attitude she'd be fired in a second.
If I had a job that included this much verbal abuse, I'd quit in a second.Tough shit. If she had a real job and took that attitude she'd be fired in a second.
I'll take your for that. The only channel I frequent on her discord is Mod Sharing.We know she does. More than once she's edited blog posts to address shit we bring up that isn't mentioned in discord. And more than once she's sat around bitching about us on discord.
You've clearly never worked any kind of retail or customer service lmaoIf I had a job that included this much verbal abuse, I'd quit in a second.
As someone who once worked in a call center as well as in retail, you'd be surprised how much verbal abuse you can put up with when there's a steady paycheck involved. Not to mention since Inno disabled comments on her blog and her discord permabans anyone who doesn't kiss her ass, literally the only time she ever has to experience said "verbal abuse" is by choosing to read threads like these.If I had a job that included this much verbal abuse, I'd quit in a second.
Yeah I've never quite gotten the shame excuse as someone who has battled those types of negaitve feelings and thoughts I feel like she would have already given up if that were purely the case, either release she needs helps or simply can't do it and abandon ship.Also, the reason why I'm not completely buying that Inno is just ashamed of their misgivings is because there's still no full mod support for the game. You see, if developers can't deliver - fans can. It's a fact. LT looks like a very moddable game and it should be, yet it's not the case.
This IMO is right on the money, Inno wants to control LT and the reap the benefits of being it's creator without putting in the full amount of effort. Not only is reputation at stake but what happens when patrons realize nearly all/majority of the best content is mod added, is it worth giving money to someone every month for a game you're gonna have to heavily mod after, espically when in many cases you can just support the modder directly?Inno wants the whole control over the game to themselves. They don't want to be outshined by nobodies who are that much more hardworking or talented, because it'd hurt their own reputation,
Modding LT was a side effect of Inno streamlining the code for her own ease of access.LT looks like a very moddable game and it should be, yet it's not the case.
The first slime you encounter should update the quest. They have to be in Submission, though, not in the Bat Caverns. You don't need to do anything special to interrogate them, their greeting dialogue is what updates the quest. Deal with the slime in any way you want, then head back to Claire.What am I doing wrong for the Troublesome Slime quest? I've done it before and was skipping dialogue I'd seen in past updates, but I can't find any slimes who I can interrogate.
I'm pretty sure you have to beat them in combat, actually.The first slime you encounter should update the quest. They have to be in Submission, though, not in the Bat Caverns. You don't need to do anything special to interrogate them, their greeting dialogue is what updates the quest. Deal with the slime in any way you want, then head back to Claire.
you only need to see the dialogue of their first greeting, and then you're presented with the fight, money, or surrender options, except the surrender option also comes with you being slimed. i haven't downloaded the newest update because fuck that worthless noise, but i didn't see the quest dialogue getting changed in the patch notes and no one's mentioned it so...I'm pretty sure you have to beat them in combat, actually.
There's a certain kind of person that is both completely devastated by stress, but actively seeks it out so they have a reason to feel as bad as they do.She should get off the high horse of not wanting help add a milestone on subscribe star that says "Hires a fulltime coder" so she can focus on polishing and adding content to the game and leave the coding to someone else, might even help her with the stress if that's eating her
There's Helena, which is complete and not awful, but also has a bunch of jank involved in it. And Nyan, which isn't complete, but is pretty okay despite some pretty garbage writing.How many romance quests are in the game right now? Who for?
How else is Inno supposed to fuel the flames of passion for her white knights in discord or start 'earning' the pity she so desperately craves? There's no way she's so thin skinned as to actually be offended by criticism because she would have bailed years ago if that were the case. Even if she was, earning a livable wage for maybe a couple hours work per day, if that, and doing more or less jack shit for the majority of the week sounds like a pretty damn good life and worth whatever rage is thrown at you from outside your echo chamber.Tough shit. If she had a real job and took that attitude she'd be fired in a second. And for every one of us making fun of the constant delays and horrible output there's 10 people licking her ass on her discord. The only reason she even sees this thread is because she likes to hate read before bitching on discord.
We need a complete combat overhaul before that'll even matter...We need more large group encounters like with the imps under the starter city!
This game gets content updates about as often as the CoC mods do. Which is really, really funny now that I just realized how true that is.Just discovered this. Been looking for something similar to CoC. Though, from skimming the thread's comments, this seems to be heading down the same path?