Way too many quests. There's just way too much to do. I thought after the first day when I attended a lecture at Lilith U, listened to the Liliths Throne radio, grew some vegetables, watched a movie, brushed my teeth, went skydiving, drove a car off a cliff, went mini-golfing, designed a aqua purification system, hosted a seance, and knitted a couple afghans that the fun would be over. Boy was I wrong! Dev has literally poured their entire life into this game, by which I mean not just dev's entire life history, but his
full family tree as well in an "uncredited update?" Who knew the story of a simple fishwoman with a laundrette in the back of her nomadic Greenland cottage in the 1600's could have me on the floor bawling and in a hair's breadth, busting my sides with laughter! A ton of research went into this game to make it as memorable as it is. This is a magical place full of novelty, and
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. The only disappointment you'll be facing when playing this game is your own disappointment at your own life and your own failings! Two and a half stars out of five!