Shows promise but it has two issues for me personally:
1) You can only play as a male. (Sometimes I don't mind this but these sort of games I like to RP as a female char if possible).
2) Last time I tried it, the combat was a bit difficult.
That aside, it's a good contender for the text game genre and I second everything you've said. The fetish list is a bit narrower (seems to be big into pregnancies) but it already has a decent amount of content for a game that has been in development for a year.
Another game in a similar vein but with a female protag would be
Lustful Desires (made on RenPy). It's mostly straight oriented with some beastiality thrown in occasionally, but it also has a decent amount of content. I don't like that I have to grind mats to make potions though (you're an alchemist so it's your job). Boring grind is boring.