My goodness a person who built this project over the course of 6 years (and that's only the years that have been documented) - many of those years being unpaid/underpaid - has to give up control of her entire game and intellectual property because they aren't updating fast enough? Dang son.
I mean Inno doesn't HAVE to do diddly squat, but it should be clear it's not just about not updating fast enough, that's actually the least of the problems. It's that each update feels like less and less is actually being accomplished I can't remember the last time we got a real meaningful story update, so many systems are in desperate need of an overhaul and somehow this god dan text porn game chews and spits up high end PC's, clearly something in rotten in denmark. Admitting you need help is giving up control nor does allowing mods= reliqinishing your IP if you're smart about it.
But it should be said Inno doesn't only get flak for updating slowly she gets flak for making promises she can't keep, making constant excuses and then delivering basically nothing once the jig is up. Even if we got ONE update a year and nothing else, people would probably be more forgiving as long as those updates were substantial and she was honest about progress. Most importantly, can't have it both ways, if this is your pet project, you magnum opus,your oh-so important creation that you hold near and dear but still intend to share with the world then the brunt of all criticism falls on you.
Inno wants full control for LT, cool then she can handle any criticism that comes with that decision
PS. People can claim this game has been "in development" 6+ years or whatever, but nobody can convince me what we have consists of 6 years of honest efforts, and if it truly does...well that may actually be more damning than simple laziness.