Agreed, good luck but not going to be interested until you get beyond a barely functional "very work-in-progress-ish" pre0.1 and can show the dedication to constantly update regularly.
I've seen far too many 'passion projects' that fizzle out when they're dashed against the rocks of reality when they realise making a game is hard and not all that rewarding most of the time.
Valid arguments. There's nothing more that I hate than " alpha release! See you guys never again."I am interested as well to see what kind of stuff people can accomplish.
I'm merely tossing a bone that I'm working on something. I'm fed up with shitty developers, so I'll try doing better by learning from their mistakes. The end result is what matters, and when I have something to deliver to you guys, I'll do it. Won't be wasting people's time with "patch notes -added a print ("Hello world") line! thanks for the support."
That out of the way, don't confuse this with a passion project, it's more like a frustration project because I think we deserve better than getting grifted constantly on all fronts.