The problem is that the predicament he happened to state above is not only contradictory but completely subjective in nature.
He claims that CoC has a lackadaisical customization (mostly from clothing articles, which mind you for the type of game CoC is, is a tertiary matter and not the primary focus of the game, as the game sells itself on its mutations.), as well as an rng based mutation. And a few sentences in he clearly contradicts himself by stating that CDDA also has its own implementation on random mutations. Unless his gripe is the fact you cannot choose which part of the body you mutate, then that is something that is counteractable in LT, given that the slime route gives you this option.
I see how that could be hypocritical. Dark Days Ahead is essentially a mod of Cataclysm, of which you're expected to place more mods to suit you. One such mod lets you target specific mutations, negating any rng factor of taking the required drugs. There's no way to know that without specifically searching for it. Meanwhile I refered to the vanilla versions of CoC and LT. In this aspect I'll admit to being unfair.
The clothing point also does not take into account that cdda is a rpg game, where equipment plays a vital role in protection against zombie bites and etc., for example project zomboid (I strongly recommend this game). From the cursory glance i took of the game, it is a zombie apocalypse themed game, in which case clothing layers is more probably than not influential in how easy it is for you to be infected.
A fellow PZ enjoyer, I see. Funny enough the CDDA challange is how I discovered both games. Even used a mod that made zombies naked and covered in cum.
Another point is that cdda is not an adult game, its adult theme from what he stated comes from a mod, in which case cdda isn't even the best or a contender when it comes to character customization, as now we can consider the likes of CK3, rimworld, and various other top shelf games with adult implementations through mods.
This however confuses me. The topic was text based customization, no?
KaiSakurai you gave CoC as an example specifically targeting the customization aspect, right? You can't even tell most of what you have on in cdda without going to a dedicated tab and viewing a list, same as CoC. Why is fact that CDDA is not a hentai game relavant in that matter? On a side note, one look at Lover's Lab and I could CDDA's hentai mod pales in comparison.
Now for the part where all of what he stated as negatives is completely subjective in nature. Some people prefer the randomness of mutations, while others prefer a more static system for mutations, and i for one prefer a mix between both worlds, as i appreciate the work that would have to be put to make that possible (which LT does). How hard it is to acquire something may break a game for some, and make a game for others (for example ck3's atrocious rng), which is why i believe what he stated on the randomness of mutations as a subjective matter.
I've been going off a definition similar to the one American Heritage definitions, which are all variants of "To alter to suit individual requirements or specifications." My argument hinged on the fact this is much quicker and easier to achieve in CDDA and LT and to a much more granular degree. Compare that to save scumming to get a favorable result. While the stance that "quicker+easier = better" is a subjective, the fact that LT and CDDA 's cutomization are quicker and easier is not. That said, I used to play CoC specifically because of the unholy abominations that I'd lead to victory. Did I imply that was a bad thing?
Another point is that LT is a text-based game, so if they were to implement your system of extensive layoring, it would prove a cumbersome task to add that to the game besides being used as flavor text, which would be ridiculous, as the removing of those articles of clothing during the more lewd scenes would be preposterous and even humourical. CDDA though does not suffer from this point, as i doubt there are many mentions of the process of removing your clothing in the base game itself...
...[edit: Also given LT's mod support, and open source nature, if someone were actually that perturbed by the matter of a lack of clothing layors, they could mod that feature in just like how the adult theme in cdda was modded in.]
Agreed. Hell, just getting the urine stain symbol to render properly in Keldon's mod has been a pain. It could be possible to have a tabs system simular to how tatoos are implimented, but that can lead to the senario where the player forgets about it until it takes 20 turns to reach their lover's genitals. Meanwhile in CDDA you often get jank like having 4 layers of armour only to get your bra ripped off first or being unable to wear a dress because you lack legs.
He seems to be in the wrong place, as what he wants is not a text-based adventure adult game, but an rpg or life simulation game not focused on the adult theme.
... Have you seen my sig? Sides that, I never said I wanted LT to be CDDA. I just wanted a more generic system for mutated parts until a certain threshhold is reached, the same way CoC handles it. When I feel like being cybernetic alarune terrorising the world on my solar powered custom deathmoble, I'll boot up CDDA. If I want cosplay as the avatar of carnal lust and slaughter, I'll play CoC or LT.