Sorry, I wasn't questioning why you were using Fire. I was commenting on the fact that Fire damage is the exact same as Physical damage.
I could be deluded, but I seem to recall a time where there was a difference in the damage for each element. Physical damage did the most, then fire was second, then Ice damage was 3rd, and poison damage was in last place.
If it was always like that, then it is just me not paying attention to it before now.
Chalk this up as a genuine facepalming DERP moment!
I rolled my character back from being feral to 'normal' and I still had those melee debuffs. When I sat for a moment and walked back and forth between a couple tiles 'the lightbulb came on' ...
I was fighting in the sewers.
The game automatically places you in 'dark' mode in the alley sewer tiles, even if it is the middle of the day. I moved my character up to Dominion proper and picked a fight with something and the penalties were 'magically' gone.
My characters never seemed to miss and I was still one shotting everything, so I never paid attention to the darkness debuff or what it did.